Past. Present. Future. Radon Lives Are Real People - Dr. Lane Price, M.D.
CanSAR Founder Liz Hoffmann, Pre-Radon Days Never Smoked, Career Executive with Sandwich Chain Restaurant
Sue Michael, New Castle, PA Co-Founder CanSAR Never Smoked Stage 4 Lung Cancer Joined Liz in Washington, D.C. to Speak Out 6.8 pCi/L radon September 2005
Liz Hoffmann, CanSAR Founder 2003 Diagnosed With Stage 3 Lung Cancer, Liz starts travelling to D.C. to speak out on radon policy. 8.6 pCi/L radon November 6, 2013
Carolyn Koke, Bob and Sue Michael, Liz Hoffmann, Senator Richard Shelby and Dr. Lane Price – 2003
Bob MacEwan, Lake Oswego, OR Never Smoked 55.2 pCi/L radon November 2004
Bob Adams, Decatur, Alabama
Leona Brown, Simi Valley, CA 19.9 pCI/L radon August 2009
Donna Lee Caringella
Ann Cosper, Huntsville, Alabama Never Smoker 11.7 pCi/L radon
Linda Dagnostino, Conestoga, PA 8.7 pCi/L radon August 2013
Steven Dugan, Castle Rock, Colorado 10.1 pCi/L radon April 2009
Dennie Edwards, Elyria, Ohio Realtor Never Smoked 10.0 pCi/L radon June 2008
Debbie Greenman, Lake Loon, Washington Teacher Never Smoked 204 pCi/L radon Survivor & Advocate
Julie Harris, Interville, GA Never Smoked March 2004
Steph Langstaat
Diana Mayer
Susan McCormick, Portland, Oregon 20.4 pCi/L radon March 2010
Barb Neigte, Sherwood, Minnesota 39.9 pCi/L radon August 2010
Gail Orcutt, Pleasant Hill, Iowa Retired Teacher Stage 4 6.9 pCi/L radon Survivor & Advocate
Monica Pryor, Taylor, South Carolina 7.2 pCi/L radon October 2008
Debbie Rebensdorf
Angela Riley, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania Soccer Mom Never Smoked 55.0 pCi/L radon
Barb Sorgatz, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Never Smoked 20.0 pCi/L radon Survivor & Advocate
Sandra Sponcler, Chattaroy, Washington Never Smoked 18.0 pCi/L radon
Lorri Tassin
Glenn Wong, Sherman Oaks, California Never Smoked ~8.0 pCi/L radon
Joe Linnertz, Waterloo, Illinois 11.2 & 17.6 pCi/L radon February 2006 Widow Gloria Linnertz is a Radon Advocate with Citizens for Radioactive Radon Reduction
Gloria Linnertz advocated for Radon Awareness Law in Illinois New State Law – Enhancing Real Property Disclosure Radon Awareness Positive Impacts
Radon Awareness Laws Focus on Requiring State Specific Radon Information Being Provided to the Buyer Early in the Sale Process. Results Have Been Dramatic…
Measurements vs Mitigations
Measurements as a Percent of Sales Corrected for Home Disclosures
Liz Hoffmann, Stage 4 Lung Cancer, Saving State Radon Grants – 2012 Former Executive, Unpaid Volunteer, Spent $1 Million in Medical Bills Over 10 Years
Radon Advocates Saving State Radon Grants 2012
The Future of Radon Advocacy
Sue Michael passed away not being able to watch her grandchildren grow up…
Radon Advocates of the Future… Girl Scouts Scouting for the Cure Event Chapel Hill, NC October 2014
Sue Michael’s Granddaughters Girl Scouts “Scouting for the Cure”, Chapel Hill, NC October 2014
Angel Price with Sue Michael’s Daughter & Family Girl Scout Radon Education Project supported by CanSAR
Photos courtesy of Cancer Survivors Against Radon. None of the original founding board members of Cancer Survivors Against Radon have Survived Thank you all for carrying on the work of Saving Lives… Photos courtesy of Cancer Survivors Against Radon.