The Greek myths By : Molly Badger.


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Presentation transcript:

The Greek myths By : Molly Badger

Beliefs The Greeks believed in the Gods such as Zeus, but where did it all start? Well it all started many eons ago when Uranus ruled the world. He had one son, Kronos. Kronos wanted to rule so he took his scythe and chopped up his father. Rhea was the wife of Kronos and they had the 3 elder Gods as there children but Kronos did not trust his children so he ate them. Except for Zeus whom Rhea had hid in a cave and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. When Zeus got old enough he gave his father a mixture of mustard and wine so he disgorged his other children who being immortal grew up completely undigested in the titans stomach. Then there was a war and Zeus copped up his father with his fathers scythe and the Gods won.

Gods There are 15 major Gods. Athena= wisdom/Battle strategy Zeus=ruler/sky Poseidon=sea Dionysus=wine Hades=underworld Demeter=harvest Aphrodite=love/beauty Hephaestus=blacksmith/fire Hera= marriage/ ruler Apollo=music Artemis= hunt Aries=war Hestia=hearth Persephone=springtime Hermes=messenger

Monsters/ Creatures The Geek Gods are not the only things the Greeks believed in, they also believed in monsters. Let me name a few.

Monsters/ creatures Minotaur= half man half bull Chimaera=goat/lion/snake Furies=Hades servants/ tortures Nemean lion=lion with impenetrable fur. Medusa=snake hair/ petrifying stare Typhon=huge sea monster Ophotorous= if his entrails sacrificed to fire it will give you the power to destroy the gods Fates=tell the future Oracles=gives prophecies Hydra= 7 headed dragon Centaur=half man half horse Pegasus=horse with wings Cyclops= one eye/ immune to fire

Demigods Gods have god children and demigod children. Demigod children are children of mortals and gods also known as heros.

Hercules Perseus Jason Odysseus Achilles Theseus Calchas Tiresias Demigods Hercules Perseus Jason Odysseus Achilles Theseus Calchas Tiresias

Titans The Titans are the people that came before the Greek gods. There age was called the Golden age. Let me name you some of the Titans.

Atlas Cronus Prometheus Metis Gaea Thea Crius Themis Rhea Uranus Titans Atlas Cronus Prometheus Metis Gaea Thea Crius Themis Rhea Uranus

Olympus Olympus is where the gods live. It is made of mostly made of gold and marble it is very beautiful with all the demigods, nymphs, naiads, and minor gods walking in the garden. All except one gods lives at Olympus, hades.

Underworld The underworld is where Hades lives. It is a world of fire. It is not only inhabited by Hades, but also by spirits.

Greek gods and goddesses Extra fun Greek gods and goddesses

Credits YouTube Google images Google Greek mythology books John Oro Greek mythology. com Thanks for watching