Year 4 Curriculum Information Mrs D. Young Mrs C. O’Kane Parents can play a constructive and positive role in their child’s education.
NI Curriculum Numeracy Literacy The World Around Us Creative and Expressive PDMU (PATHS)
Using Mathematics The Numeracy Curriculum is divided into the following: Number Shape and Space Data Handling Measures Mental Maths
Number Learn quick recall of number facts to 20. 2, 3,4,5,10 times tables recall. Develop mental arithmetic e.g. 32 + 14 = 30 + 10 + 2 + 4. Place value – addition and subtraction of Tens and Units Fractions – 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5. Estimation – give approximate answers to questions.
Shape and Space Sort 2D and 3D shapes and examine faces, edges and corners. Lines of Symmetry in 2D shapes. Repeating patterns. Right angles. Direction – left, right, forward and back.
Data Handling Tally Charts, Bar Charts and Pictograms. Tree, Venn and Carroll Diagrams Reading Timetables.
Measures Begin to use rulers, tape measures and metre sticks to measure length, width and height. Weight – using a balance and scales. Volume/Capacity - Introduce litres and half litres. Time – Hours, half hours and quarter hours using analogue and digital format. Area – Counting squares.
Language & Literacy Reading Writing Talking and Listening
Reading Build up an enjoyment of reading. Read with a degree of concentration independence and understanding. Read aloud with fluency and expression. Further develop phonic skills. Develop dictionary and information retrieval skills. Become involved in the Paired Reading Project.
Writing Include greater detail and develop range of vocabulary used. Write for a variety of different purposes, audiences and formats. Express thoughts, opinions and ideas on factual and creative writing. Edit writing for spelling and grammatical errors.
Talking and Listening Achieve greater accuracy in talking and listening. Listen selectively and relate the main points of discussion.
The World Around Us Transport Trees/Autumn Food Birds World War II
Homework Homework should be supervised where possible. Written work should be signed in the homework books.
Spellings Spellings are given on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Daily Tests and final tests on Friday. Use LOOK, COVER, WRITE and CHECK method.
Number Facts Learn the number facts or tables nightly. Ask your child these at random to improve quick recall. 0 + 11 = 11 1 + 10 = 11 2 + 9 = 11 3 + 8 = 11 4 + 7 = 11 5 + 6 = 11 6 + 5 = 11 7 + 4 = 11 8 + 3 = 11 9 + 2 = 11 10 + 1 = 11 11 + 0 = 11
Reading Should be heard every night and the reading record signed. Tick checklists nightly for word recognition. Discuss story to enhance comprehension skills.
Written Homework Monday – Thursday. Numeracy or Literacy. New Waves Mental Maths. Spellings. Number facts/Times tables.
What can you do?
Helping with English. Encourage your child to read a variety of books and discuss what they have read. Encourage your child to use neat handwriting and present their work neatly. Become involved in the local library and make your child available of the books available there. Involve your child in writing for a variety of purposes e.g. shopping lists, letters and party invitations. Remind your child to use capital letters and full stops in sentences.
Helping with Maths When shopping allow your child to purchase an item which requires that change is given or to count out the money needed for a purchase. Make them aware of the value of money and the cost of certain items. Encourage them to feel the weight of items as you unpack shopping. Let your child help in the kitchen and use language such as half a cup, full cup or cut the bread into quarters. Help your child to learn quick addition subtraction and multiplication facts by giving number quizzes.