Udruženje mladih sa hendikepom Crne Gore Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (AYDM) 30/10/2017 AYDM
UMHCG Meaning of logo: 4 silhouettes with open arms 30/10/2017 AYDM
For youth with disabilities, without barriers! Mission of AYDM UMHCG Vision of AYDM For youth with disabilities, without barriers! Mission of AYDM AYDM promotes equal position of youth with disabilities in society through activities and initiatives for establishing legal, educational, cultural and social frame that enables it. 30/10/2017 AYDM
UMHCG AYDM is a non-governmental organization, registered on October 22, 2001. It gathers youth with all kinds of disabilities (cross-disability approach) as well as people without disabilities willing to participate in activities of the future co-existence and inclusion. 30/10/2017 AYDM
UMHCG It is a non-profit organization, founded firstly to provide psychosocial support, solving numerous and complex problems that youth with disabilities encounter daily, as well as creation of educational conditions for College and University opportunities. 30/10/2017 AYDM
In our work we are guided by a model based on human rights. UMHCG In our work we are guided by a model based on human rights. For us disability is a human right issue. 30/10/2017 AYDM
Activity level - National; UMHCG Service users are youth with all types of disabilities up to 35, however within the Legal program and antidiscrimination the target group are people with all types of disabilities, regardless on age; Activity level - National; Gets funds from: National and International Projects ; 30/10/2017 AYDM
Program for Education; Program for Employment and Human Resources; UMHCG We have 6 programs: Program for Education; Program for Employment and Human Resources; Program for Independent Living of PWDs (Support services: personal empowerment of PWDs, schooling and assigning of guide and assistance dogs); Program for accessibility; Legal program and antidiscrimination; Program for International Cooperation; 30/10/2017 AYDM
Student’s Advisory Office include following activities: UMHCG Program for education includes: Student Service (current Student Advisory Office), Monitoring and proposing legislation, Launching an initiatives for the (physical) adaptation of education institutions, as many other support services to students with disabilities Student’s Advisory Office include following activities: Enrollment at the faculty; Enrollment to principle of affirmative action; Obtaining student accommodation; Release all students from paying tuition fees; Initiate providing of student loans and scholarships; 30/10/2017 AYDM
Providing different types of information; Support when it comes to passing an exams and refering an initiatives to the faculties in order to enable passing in a form that best suits the student (started through project Sinc@he); Support through initiatives to delay an exams for students who cannot pass the same in first passing date (started through project Sinc@he); Providing educational trainings for teaching and non-teaching stuff and students with and without disabilities; Providing different types of information; 30/10/2017 AYDM
Ensuring the literature for the students with visual impairment; The following three kind of support services are providing for several students, based on priorities: Ensuring the literature for the students with visual impairment; Accessible transport - transport from door to door; Personal assistance and assistance in teaching All of these support services are only providing volontary or based on projects 30/10/2017 AYDM
Program for Employment and Human Resources UMHCG Program for Employment and Human Resources Through this Program we provide educational trainings and practice for students with disabilities AYDM has 11 employees: 9 person with disabilities 2 person without disabilities 30/10/2017 AYDM
Program for accessibility UMHCG Program for accessibility We initiate many different activities for adapting buildings, and some of them we adapt with support of donors if someone does not adapt its object or institution at a given time, we are starting lawsuits against discrimination 30/10/2017 AYDM
Program for international cooperation We are member of: World Disability Union; European network on independent living; European guide dog federation; SEE Network of youth and students with disabilities (SRB, MC, MNE); Network of youth and students with disabilities of Serbia and Montenegro; Anna Lind Foundation; European Youth Foundation We are re-accredited within the ERASMUS + Programme 30/10/2017 AYDM
UMHCG In the folowing address you can find our: Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Udruzenje-mladih-sa-hendikepom-Crne-GoreAYDM/103487593019703 Web site: https://www.umhcg.me Twitter: https://twitter.com/umhcg 30/10/2017 AYDM
Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro Contact us: Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro Rista Dragićevića 7 Building ‘Šajo’, entrance IV, I/125 81000 Podgorica Tel/fax: +381 (0)20 265 650 Mobile phone: +381 (0)67 801 761 e-mail: umhcg@t-com.me 30/10/2017 AYDM
“Nothing about us, without us!” UMHCG “Nothing about us, without us!” 30/10/2017 AYDM
UMHCG Interesting facts: We are recipient of award for Social integration of ERSTE Foundation in 2009 and again we are finalists for 2013 We have received plaques for Employer of the Year for 2013 and 2014 We have received in 2014 Zero Project Award for Innovative Practice – Accessible transport within Student Service We have received in 2014 an Award for Human Rights and Civil Activism from Center of Civil Education 30/10/2017 AYDM
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Thanks for attention! 30/10/2017 AYDM