Article 19 - independent living model supports for people with psychosocial disabilities Tina Minkowitz COSP 2017
Characteristics Independent living / Peer support Doing it for ourselves Self-definition of needs, tasks, desirability of support, choice of supporters Development of community knowledge Self-determination Instructing and directing supporters Social model not medical model Descriptive not diagnostic Wide-ranging, creative, inventive (e.g. yoga, pub, shamanism, 12 steps for people of conscience) Different kind of skill and training Nonprofessional or professionals who set aside training
Rights-based mainstreamed Article 19 legislation US Disability Integration Act, S.910 Project on model law of inclusion for 3 jurisdictions: Korea, Japan, Taiwan DIA features of interest: Enforceable individual right to choose community-based long-term support services, instead of institutionalization Includes ‘emergent and intermittent needs’ Mainstreams needs and assistance typical for people with psychosocial disabilities, among others Community-based is defined to be free from coercion and restriction Obligation on public entities to ensure supply of affordable housing delinked from services
DIA continued DIA limitations Not an explicit repeal of coercive powers in mental health legislation Access to services depends on ‘eligibility’ for institutionalization Some medical model features in description of needs and tasks Depends on implementing regulations and court interpretation (opportunity/uncertainty)
Relationship with mental health services? Are support needs in psychosocial disability the same as mental health needs? How do we define mental health? Is mental health objective and subject to professional evaluation? Is mental health or psychosocial well-being an dimension of life or a field circumscribed by professional disciplines? What should the relationship of mental health services be to Article 19? How can we simultaneously Transform mental health services to comply with CRPD and take in insights from IL/PS/social model, and Open space for creative, wide-ranging, self-defined supports designed by people with psychosocial disabilities?