Strategy and tactics of local government


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Presentation transcript:

Strategy and tactics of local government in the treatment of waste in Kiev

sphere of solid waste in Kyiv Current status in the sphere of solid waste in Kyiv Each year, the city produces 1.1 million tons of municipal solid waste. 700 000 tons of olomestic waste produced in the zone of the houses which are subordinated to the city administration (managing service companies of housing of appropriate Kyiv administrative district) and coordinated by Communal Enterprise «Kyivkomunservice». Rest of municipal solid waste is waste of condominiums, local community service offices, commercial and government organizations and industrial enterprises which is exported without the control of local authorities. 6,4 % - 70 000 tons of municipal solid waste are sorted and recycled. 6,4% 23% - 254 000 tones of municipal solid waste of utilized by plant «Energy». 23% In Kiev 1.1 million tons of municipal solid waste is formed per year 70,6% - 430 000 tones of municipal solid waste are buried at the landfill of municipal solid waste № 5 and the landfill № 6. 374 000 tons of municipal solid waste are buried at other landfills. 70,6% Annual allocation of disposal and recycling waste in Kiev

Scheme existing relationships in the sphere of municipal solid waste transportation in Kyiv The population of the private sector Businesses, public institutions Managing service companies of housing administrative districts of Kyiv Housing communal services condominiums buildings - Businesses, public institutions Housing communal services condominiums buildings - The population of the private sector Managing service companies of housing administrative districts of Kyiv Communal Enterprise «Kyivcomunservice» - Communal Enterprise «Kyivcomunservice» - Official-enterprises waste transporters Official-enterprise waste transporter - Enterprises –carriers of waste that have no approved tariffs No contracts to transport waste Enterprises –carriers of waste that have no approved tariffs No contracts to transport waste

The location of landfills for solid waste 3 Rate recycling of solid waste: The landfill № 5: 66-106 grivnas per ton The landfill № 6: 8,7-40 grivnas per metres3 The plant «Energy» : 87 grivnas per ton Сміттєспалювальний завод Енергия The incineration plant «Energy» Place sorting of solid waste, Vakalenchuka str.,4 The landfill, village Rozhivka Place sorting of solid waste, Pyrohivskyy way, 94А (doesn't work) The landfill №5 The landfill №6 Place sorting of solid waste «Seltik» Place sorting of solid waste «Altvater- Kyiv» 5

in the sphere of solid waste in Kyiv Lack of facilities for recycling waste The actual population of the city is very different from the statistical covered by contracts for waste removal   State of landfill №5 (loaded with 90%; lack of technology, lack of lakes filtrate, poor state of the dam, Gypsies, etc.) State of the landfill №6 (loaded with 80%) Low percentage of payments from population, sustains industry losses (both removal and disposal) The plant «Energy» (the need for modernization and installation of modern cleaning systems) The low level of investment in waste management because of long payback period of investment projects and the lack of guarantees financial obligations Legislative omissions (lack of green tariff for electricity from garbage, lack of responsibility for waste treatment offence, vulnerability of potential investors, the lack of additional (except tariff) funding sources for waste treatment) The vulnerability of local authorities in matters of waste treatment (lack of control over disposal sites, attempts to influence from business companies) Poor condition of dustbins and equipment for the removal of solid waste Unresolved issues of handling of hazardous and liquid wastes Problems in the sphere of solid waste in Kyiv

Strategy and tactics of local government in the treatment of municipal solid waste in Kyiv Strategic directions:   Control of the waste stream in Kyiv Creating sphere of the processing of waste and the conditions for its operation (construction of waste recycling companies)   Modernization of the incineration plant «Energy»   Making decisions about landfills (urban management, safe operation before reclamation and reclamation)   Construction of a new waste incineration plant (s) Tactical types:  Legalization of Communal Enterprise «Kyivkomunservice» as a service provider of the waste removal  Withdrawal of waste removal service (into a separate waste removal service)  Amendments to the legislation  Siting for construction of waste recycling plants  Finding places and creation of alternative landfills  Creation of processing facilities at the site №6 for construction and bulky waste  Creation of packaging waste facilities for temporary storage and in case of emergency  Establishment of Inspection for control over waste treatment  Equip dustcarts with additional equipment for control and accounting of waste

The planned scheme of relations in the sphere of waste removal in Kyiv Commercial and government organizations and enterprises, legal persons Residents of apartment buildings The population of the private sector Communal Enterprise «Kyivcomunservice» Utility «Main Information Technology Center» Municipal Corporation «Centre Communal service» Enterprises carriers of waste selected by tendering The plant «Energy», landfill №5, landfill № 6, perspective processing plants, sorting lines The way of waste and payment The way of waste Payment

Scheme of waste recycling complex Municipal solid waste 100% Alternative processing (RDF, pyrolysis, etc.) 20% 35% Recycled materials Sorting line or Burning balance is not possible to recycle 45% Sales of recycled materials Recycling of organic waste components 28% 7% Production of heat and electricity Sinter (slag) Compost Biogas Production of electricity The perspective used in construction Sales of electricity Sales of electricity according to green tariff Sales of heat

Northeastern direction Northwestern direction village Rozhivka Enterprise of sorting and solid waste recycling, power 150 000 tons per year Northeastern direction Northwestern direction Obolon district 72 000 tons The plant of solid waste thermal utilization, power 500 000 tons per year Enterprise of sorting and solid waste recycling Podil district 47 000 tons Desnyansky district 87 тис. т Eastern direction Svyatoshinsky district 75 000 tons Dniprovskiy district 86 000 tons Shevchenkovskiy district 48 000 tons Enterprise of sorting and solid waste recycling, power 240 000 tons per year Pecherskiy district 36 000 tons Solomenskiy district 49 000 tons Darnytskyi district 58 000 tons Goloseevskiy distrit 47 000 tons Southern direction Enterprise of sorting and solid waste recycling, power 200 000 tons per year The plant "Energy" of solid waste thermal utilization, power 340 000 tons per year (after modernization) The landfill №6 The landfill №5

The results of the urban strategy realization of municipal solid waste treatment in Kyiv Improving the quality of life The only effective urban center of administration and management of the waste treatment Environmental safety in waste treatment sphere according to European standards Reduction of waste disposal on landfills and increasing of recycling Increasing capacity of the plant «Energy» and production of electricity New jobs Reducing dependence on gas in the production of thermal energy

Financing of the urban strategy treatment of municipal solid waste in Kyiv The amount of required funds:   Modernization of the plant "Energy" - 80 millions Euro   Construction of an incinerator plant - 200 millions Euro   Reclamation of the landfill № 5 - 30 millions Euro   Construction of a new landfill - 50 millions Euro   Construction of 5 waste recycling plants - 200 millions Euro   Creating a municipal carrier (7 000 dustbins, 40 dustcarts) - 10 millions Euro   Creating facilities for packaging waste bales - 5 millions Euro   Equipment for weighing waste during loading into a dustcart accounting for and control of each house - 0,7 millions Euro Options for mobilization of investment:            1. City funds   budget programs   credit fund             2. Investments:   investment tender   joint venture or a joint stock company