Chapter 7: Interviewing Candidates Lecturer: Human Resource Management, Arab World Edition Gary Dessler, Akram Al Ariss Chapter 7: Interviewing Candidates Lecturer:
After studying this chapter, you should be able to: List the main types of selection interviews. Explain and illustrate at least six factors that affect the usefulness of interviews. Explain and illustrate each guideline for being a more effective interviewer. Effectively interview a job candidate.
Basic Features of Interviews Interview Structure Interview Administration Selection Interviews Interview Content
Types of Interviews Types of Interviews Selection Interview Appraisal Interview Exit Interview Types of Interviews
Interview Formats Interview Formats Unstructured or Non-Directive Interview Interview Formats Structured or Directive Interview
Situational Interview Job-Related Interview Interview Content Situational Interview Stress Interview Behavioral Interview Job-Related Interview Types of Questions
Administering the Interview Unstructured Sequential Interview Structured Sequential Interview Panel Interview Phone and Video Interviews Computerized Interviews Internet-Assisted Interviews Ways in Which Interviews Can Be Conducted
What Can Undermine An Interview’s Usefulness? Non-Verbal Behavior and Impression Management Applicant’s Personal Characteristics Interviewer Behavior Factors Affecting Interviews First Impressions (Snap Judgments) Interviewer’s Misunderstanding of the Job Candidate-Order (Contrast) Error and Pressure to Hire
Designing and Conducting An Effective Interview The Structured Situational Interview Use either situational questions or behavioral questions that yield high criteria-related validities. Step 1: Job Analysis Step 2: Rate the Job’s Main Duties Step 3: Create Interview Questions Step 4: Create Benchmark Answers Step 5: Appoint the Interview Panel and Conduct Interviews
How to Conduct a More Effective Interview Suggestions: 1 2 3 Structure your Interview 4 Prepare for the Interview 5 Establish Rapport 6 Ask Questions Close the Interview Review the Interview
How to Conduct a More Effective Interview: Structuring the Interview Base questions on actual job duties. Use job knowledge, situational or behavioral questions, and objective criteria to evaluate interviewee’s responses. Train interviewers. Use the same questions with all candidates. Use descriptive rating scales (excellent, fair, poor) to rate answers. Use multiple interviewers or panel interviews. Use a standardized interview form. Take control of the interview. Take brief, unobtrusive notes during the interview.
BOX 7-1 Examples of Questions That Provide Structure Situational Questions 1. Suppose a co-worker was not following standard work procedures. The co-worker was more experienced than you and claimed the new procedure was better. Would you use the new procedure? 2. Suppose you were giving a sales presentation and a difficult technical question arose that you could not answer. What would you do? Past Behavior Questions 3. Based on your past work experience, what is the most significant action you have ever taken to help out a co-worker? 4. Can you provide an example of a specific instance where you developed a sales presentation that was highly effective? Background Questions 5. What work experiences, training, or other qualifications do you have for working in a teamwork environment? 6. What experience have you had with direct point-of-purchase sales? Job Knowledge Questions 7. What steps would you follow to conduct a brainstorming session with a group of employees on safety? 8. What factors should you consider when developing a television advertising campaign? Source: Michael Campion, David Palmer, and James Campion, “A Review of Structure in the Selection Interview,” Personnel Psychology, 1997, p. 668. Note: These questions provide structure in so far as they are job-related, and the employer can be consistent in asking them of all candidates. 13
BOX 7-2 Suggested Supplementary Questions for Interviewing Applicants How did you choose this line of work? What did you enjoy most about your last job? What did you like least about your last job? What has been your greatest frustration or disappointment on your present job? Why? What are some of the pluses and minuses of your last job? What were the circumstances surrounding your leaving your last job? Did you give notice? Why should we be hiring you? What do you expect from this employer? What are three things you will not do in your next job? What would your last supervisor say your three weaknesses are? What are your major strengths? How can your supervisor best help you obtain your goals? How did your supervisor rate your job performance? In what ways would you change your last supervisor? What are your career goals during the next 1–3 years? 5–10 years? How will working for this company help you reach those goals? What did you do the last time you received instructions with which you disagreed? What are some of the things about which you and your supervisor disagreed? What did you do? Which do you prefer, working alone or working with groups? What motivated you to do better at your last job? Do you consider your progress in that job representative of your ability? Why? Do you have any questions about the duties of the job for which you have applied? Can you perform the essential functions of the job for which you have applied? Source: Reprinted from, Business and Legal Reports, Inc., 141 Mill Rock Road East, Old Saybrook, CT © 2004. 14
FIGURE 7-1 Interview Evaluation Form Source: Reprinted from, Business and Legal Reports Inc., 141 Mill Rock Road East, Old Saybrook, CT © 2004.
TABLE 7-1 Generic Competencies and Skills for a KAMCO Entry Level Asset Manager Achievement orientation (2) Computer skills (1) Analytical thinking (2) Time management (2) Information seeking (2) Business skills and understanding (2) Project management (2) Source: KAMCO’s Competency/Skills Manual 16
TABLE 7-2 Required Competency Levels and Behaviors for KAMCO Entry Level Asset Manager Required Competencies Definition Achievement orientation (2) Uses own specific methods of measuring outcomes against a standard of excellence not imposed by others May focus on new or more precise ways of meeting goals Analytical thinking (2) Breaks problems down into smaller pieces Links pieces with a single link (i.e. A led to B) Can separate into two parts: pro and con Sorts a list of tasks in order of importance and works through the list on this basis Information seeking (2) Investigates the problem or situation beyond routine questioning Finds those closest to the problem and investigates further, e.g. by asking “What happened?”; this may include personally going to examine the problem Source: KAMCO’s Competency/Skills Manual 17
FIGURE 7-2 HR Scorecard for KAMCO: Interviewing Candidates Source: Prepared by Dr. Dmytro Roman Kulchitsky, Ph.D., the American University of Kuwait. 18
Key Terms behavioral interview candidate-order or contrast error job-related interview mass interview one-on-one interview panel interview situational interview stress interview structured or directive interview structured sequential interview structured situational interview unstructured or non-directive interview unstructured sequential interview