12hour and 24hour time Can you convert the times? Time Quiz 12hour and 24hour time Can you convert the times?
What is the time? 14:45 2:45 pm
What is the time? 08:20 8:20 am
What is the time? 23:00 11:00 pm
What is the time? 14:15 2:15 pm
What is the time? 12:30 pm 12:30
What is the time? 1:40 pm 13:40
What is the time? 6:10 am 06:10
What is the time? 03:25 3:25 am
What is the time? 9:18 pm 21:18
What is the time? 10:45 pm 22:45
(30 minutes past midnight) What is the time? 00:30 (30 minutes past midnight) 12:30 am
What time is it? 22:43 11:43 pm
What time is it? 19:35 7:35 pm
What time is it? 07:35 7:35 am
What time is it? I woke up at 06:30 and had a shower. Twenty minutes later I had breakfast and 15 minutes after that I left for school. I arrived at school at 07:45. What time did I have breakfast? What time did I leave for school? How long did I take to get to school?
What time is it? The London train was due at 13:45. It was 1 hour and 30 minutes late! What time did it arrive? If the journey takes 3h and 15min what time will it arrive in London?