Assurance and Advisory Business Services 30 octobre 2017 2, rue Lord Byron 75008 Paris - France Direct line: + 33 1 53 45 97 03 Mobile: + 33 6 74 01 65 71 Fax: + 33 1 40 15 01 08 Email: http://www. Laurence KIFFER Lawyer at the Paris bar PRACTICE Laurence Kiffer joined the firm as partner in September 2007. Before that, she was partner in a top tier French law firm in international arbitration, where she had been in practice since 1988. She has been counsel in numerous arbitration proceedings under the auspices of the principal institutional bodies or in ad hoc tribunals, involving French or foreign companies or States, in particular in disputes concerning construction, sale, agency, finance, insurance and licensing. Laurence Kiffer also has considerable experience both of annulment appeals against arbitration awards and of enforcement proceedings. Finally, she is regularly called into action in numerous commercial lawsuits before the French courts. In addition to her activity as legal counsel, Laurence Kiffer is frequently appointed as arbitrator or Chair of the arbitration tribunal in international arbitration proceedings. She also acts as counsel or neutral third party in mediation proceedings and more generally in various amiable methods of dispute resolution. CAREER HISTORY Teynier Pic, Partner (since 2007) Derains & Associés, Partner (1994-2007) Derains, Gelinas & Associés, Associate (1988-1994) QUALIFICATIONS Legal counsel then attorney at the Paris Court of Appeal DESS (post-master degree) in foreign trade, Tours University Master in private law, Tours University Diploma from the Centre de Droit du Commerce International, Tours Zertifikat Deutsch Certificate of translation and of German legal terminology, Institut de Droit Comparé, Paris II University Training in Mediation at CMAP Paris Registered as arbitrator by ICC France and CMAP Registered as mediator by CMAP LANGUAGES French, English, German, Spanish OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Co-president of the sub-committee on “Arbitrage international et place de Paris” (International arbitration and the French marketplace) at the Paris Bar (2005-2012) Member of the working group on international contracts Member, International Arbitration Institute (IAI) Member, Association Suisse d’Arbitrage (ASA) Member, International Association of Lawyers (UIA - Union Internationale des Avocats) Member, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (CFA) Member of the Editorial Committee of Les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage / Paris Journal of International Arbitration Member, Association Française d’Arbitrage (AFA) Member, International Bar Association (IBA) Member, International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) Numerous lectures in French and foreign universities and frequent speaker at conferences
Assurance and Advisory Business Services 30 octobre 2017 Laurence KIFFER Lawyer at the Paris bar MAIN PUBLICATIONS “Le nouveau Règlement de médiation ICC, vers la globalisation de la résolution des litiges” (The new ICC regulations on mediation – towards the globalization of dispute resolution), No.100, Echanges Internationaux - CCI, June 2014, p. 15 National report on France “International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration” (co-author), Suppl. 74, Kluwer Law International, May 2013, pp. 1-98. “BIT’s, ICSID Convention in Latin America: The Rebirth of Hostile Policies” (co-author), Arbitragem de Investimento, Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, RArb, Ano 9, 32, January-March, 2012, pp.15-30. “Les NTIC et l’arbitrage” (Arbitration and the new information and communication technologies), Laurence Kiffer, Archives de philosophie du droit, Vol. 54, Dalloz, 2011, pp. 55-66. “La formation: un prérequis au succès de la médiation” (Training: a prerequisite for successful mediation), ICC France, Dossier spécial Médiation, Echanges internationaux (Revue du Comité Français de la Chambre de Commerce Internationale), N° 92, 2nd quarter 2011, p. 32. Report on the UIA seminar in Kochi (India) on 19 and 20 February 2011 concerning “Cyberspace Usages – Challenges and Dispute Resolution”, Juriste International (Review of the International Association of Lawyers - UIA), 2011.2, p. 12. National report on France “International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration” (co-author), Suppl. 58, Kluwer Law International, March 2010. Comments regarding the decision of the Paris Appeal Court in SNF v International Chamber of Commerce, Journal of International Arbitration 26(4), August 2009, p. 579 ff. “L’arbitre, l’avocat et le juge” (The arbitrator, the lawyer and the judge), Archives de philosophie du droit, Vol. 52, Dalloz, 2009, p. 181 ff. “Nature et contenu de l’amiable composition” (Nature and content of ‘amiable composition’), RDAI 2008 / 5, p. 625 ff. “Rapport sur le témoin dans l’arbitrage international” (Report concerning the witness in international arbitration), used as fundamental reference in the decision of the Paris Bar Council dated 26 February 2008 (co-author), Bulletin du Barreau de Paris No. 9, 4 March 2008 “Le principe de compétence - compétence et le contentieux de la rupture des pourparlers” (The competence-competence principle and disputes relating to cancellation of negotiations), memo under Court of Cassation, 1st civil chamber, 25 April 2006, Rev. arb., 2008, No. 2, p. 299 “L’amiable composition et l’arbitrage CCI” (Amiable composition and ICC Arbitration), ICC Bulletin 2007, Vol. 18, N° 1, p. 54 Chronique de jurisprudence française (Chronicle of French jurisprudence), Rev. arb., 1998.409. Chronique de jurisprudence française (Chronicle of French jurisprudence), Rev. arb., 1996.527.