COGNATES AND FALSE COGNATES ¡ AAAAAHHHHH ! Hoy mi teacher me hizo algo que me dejó embarrased... COGNATES AND FALSE COGNATES
COGNATES- lenguaje transfer/word borrowing Cognates are words which are similar in English and Spanish. Their similarity can be in their written form or their pronunciation. Recognizing these words in a text make things easier for the reader. Cognates can be names, dates, and information.
Cognates are words that share: Similar meaning Similar Spelling English and Spanish share about 30 to 40% of the words. Cognates are a bridge to learn Spanish!
Perfect cognates Artificial Popular Chocolate Tropical Usual Animal Cereal Banana Soda Hotel
How many cognates do you know in English/ Spanish? Brainstorm! 2. Complete the following box. Computer Television Bank Bycicle
Spanish words that end in -a, -o or -e very often have an equivalent in English. Simply drop or change the last vowel. Aire causa costo creativo credito dieta
There are many Spanish cognates that end in -cion There are many Spanish cognates that end in -cion. The equivalent English word ends in -tion. Note that all of these words have the stress on the final syllable. Also, all of these words are feminine in gender. Abreviación acción aclamación administración admiración afirmación
Words that in in -dad are quite common in Spanish Words that in in -dad are quite common in Spanish. They usually correspond to an English word that ends in -ty. All of these words are feminine in gender. autoridad (authority) comunidad dificultad necesidad prosperidad publicidad universidad
English words that end in -ic usually have a Spanish cognate that simply add an -o. Atlántico automático democrático didáctico patriótico romántico sarcástico
Like the previous category, English words that end in -ical have a Spanish cognate that ends in -ico. clásico cómico eléctrico físico
English words that end in -ent often have a cognate in Spanish that ends in -ente. These words are usually adjectives. agente cliente diferente equivalente indiferente inteligente patente
Be careful with Spanish words that end in- mente (as opposed to just -ente). They usually have an English cognate that ends in -ly. These are adverbs. afortunadamente (fortunately) correctamente desafortunadamente (unfortunately) especialmente exactamente finalmente
Words that end in -ment in English have equivalents in Spanish that simply add an -o. These words are nouns. argumento monumento sacramento suplemento
Words that end in -al in both English and Spanish are often cognates. animal anual capital central comercial especial general intelectual
English words that end in -ence or -ance often have a Spanish cognate that ends in -encia or -ancia. Abundancia circunstancia conciencia diferencia distancia experiencia
-ant (or sometimes -ent)words in English sometimes end in -ante in Spanish. abundante constante elegante estudiante importante restaurante
Some English words that end in -ous have a Spanish cognate that ends in -oso. ambicioso curioso delicioso famoso glorioso gracioso
English words with the ending -y sometimes have an equivalent in Spanish with the ending -ia or -io. Aristocracia democracia familia historia misterio remedio
English words that end in -or often have a Spanish cognate that is identical. Actor color director doctor
English words that end in -ist often have a Spanish cognate. artista florista pianista turista recepcionista
FALSE COGNATES False cognates are words whose written form or pronunciation is similar in English and Spanish, but can be different in meaning.
False Cognates versus true Cognates Embarazado Mapa Carpeta Chocolate Horno Pan idea Desierto Religión teléfono Dinero
False Cognates versus true Cognates Embarazado Mapa☻ Carpeta Persona ☻ Horno Pan Idea ☻ Desierto Religión ☻ teléfono ☻ Dinero
Answers Embarazado Embarrased
3. Read the following text and underline /copy the cognates or transparent words. 4. Using your ideas, give a title to the text. Hola! Yo me llamo Susana y yo vivo en Madrid España. Yo tengo 12 años y tengo dos mascotas; una tortuga y perico. Cuando voy al colegio, le digo adiós a mi mama, y pongo mis notas, colores y otros útiles escolares en la mochila. En el colegio tengo muchos amigos y amigas. Mis amigos son curiosos, inteligentes y activos. A mis amigos y a mí nos gusta jugar basquetbol y futbol. También nos gusta comer hamburguesas, y tomar jugo de melón. Eso es todo por ahora, un abrazo! Susana.