International St. Croix River Watershed Board


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Presentation transcript:

International St. Croix River Watershed Board Advisory Committee of the North Lake Local Service District Public Forum Bill Appleby Canadian Co-chair International St. Croix River Watershed Board 1 April 2017

International Joint Commission The IJC is an international organization created by Canada and the U.S. to serve as an independent and objective advisor to the governments The IJC was created under the Boundary Waters Treaty, signed by Canada and the U.S. in 1909 The treaty provides general principals for preventing and resolving disputes over waters shared between the two countries. Specific application of these principles is decided on a case- by-case basis. .

International Joint Commission There are six IJC Commissioners. Canada and the U.S. each appoint three Commissioners, including one chair for each country. Commissioners are appointed by the highest level of government in each country. Once appointed they do not represent the national governments; they operate at arm's length. Canadian Section United States Section Gordon Walker, Q.C. Canadian Chair Lana Pollock US Chair Hon. Benoit Bouchard Rich Moy Richard A. Morgan

International Joint Commission The IJC has two main responsibilities: Regulating shared waters uses Investigating transboundary issues and recommending solutions The IJC also alerts the governments to emerging issues along the boundary that may give rise to bilateral disputes

International Joint Commission Regulating shared water uses The IJC makes decisions on applications for projects that affect the natural level and flow of waters across the Canada-U.S. boundary If the IJC approves a project, it may require conditions (Orders of Approval) for project design or operation to protect interests on either side of the boundary. Investigating transboundary issues and recommending solutions (not binding) Usually based on a Reference (a request from the Canada and US governments) Have focused mostly on water and air quality

IJC – International St. Croix River Watershed Board IJC has operated International Boards in the St. Croix watershed since 1915 Members serve as volunteer experts and do not represent their agencies Originally 2 Boards: International Board of Control (e.g. water levels, flow) International Advisory Board on Pollution Control (e.g. water quality) The two Boards were combined in 2000 and the International St. Croix River Watershed Board was established in 2007 as the IJC’s first international watershed board

International St. Croix River Watershed Board Board membership includes 5 Canadian and 5 U.S. members with a diversity of expertise and interests Canada United States Bill Appleby, Co-Chair Director, Prediction Services Operations East Environment and Climate Change Canada Colonel Christopher Barron, Co-Chair U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District Jesse Davies Saint Andrews, New Brunswick Susanne Miller Regional Director, Eastern Maine Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection Geoff Mercer Regional Director General, Atlantic & Quebec Region Robert M. Lent, Ph. D. Maine District Chief U.S. Geological Survey Don Fox NB Provincial Water Quality Specialist NB Dept of the Environment &Local Government Ralph Abele Instream Flow Coordinator U.S. EPA New England Region Robert Stephenson, Ph. D. Director, visiting Professor UNB & Research Scientist St. Andrews Biological Station (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) Vacant

International St. Croix River Watershed Board Mandate: Monitors compliance with the IJC's Orders of Approval for structures in the St. Croix River. Monitors the ecological health of the St. Croix River boundary waters aquatic ecosystem Proactively assists the IJC in identifying, preventing and resolving disputes regarding the boundary waters of the St. Croix River

International St. Croix River Watershed Board Takes an integrated ecosystem approach to identifying and resolving transboundary issues Seeks to facilitate communication among stakeholders to improve understanding of the issues and to facilitate resolution of issues at the local level. Seeks to facilitate or support scientific studies to understand conditions and trends that threaten ecosystem health or sustainability of the watershed Seeks to provide information and tools to allow for wise management of the ecosystem.

International St. Croix River Watershed Board Compliance with IJC Orders of Approval 4 structures on the St. Croix under IJC Orders: Milltown (1934) Grand Falls (1915 and 1931) Vanceboro (1965) Forest City (1965) Forest City Order of Approval Discharge from East Grand Lake shall not be less than 75 cfs Elevation of East Grand Lake near Forest City, ME, shall not be greater than 434.94 ft mean sea level nor less than 427.94 ft mean sea level There are 4 dams with IJC orders of approval under the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty on the St. Croix River Boundary water – Milltown, Grand Falls, Vanceboro, Forest City IJC Orders were issued in: 1915 and 1931 at Grand Falls Dam 1934 for Milltown Dam 1965 for Vanceboro Dam and Forest City Dam Woodland Dam does not have an IJC order as it was built in 1905 and predates the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty There are hydro-electric generation facilities at Grand Falls, Woodland, and Milltown Dams.

International St. Croix River Watershed Board To monitor and ensure Compliance with IJC Orders, the Board: Works with facility owners and federal agencies to monitor water levels and flows at structures under IJC Orders Meets with owners and conducts annual site visits to structures under IJC Orders Prepares an annual report, hosts an annual public meeting in the basin and briefs the IJC Commissioners

International St. Croix River Watershed Board Monitor ecological health Facilitates or supports studies and research, & provides information and tools such as: Alewife Counts Trophic & Marine Interactions Analysis of Historical Smallmouth Bass Habitat Transboundary Water Quality & Human Health Issues Water Temperature Data Harmonisation & Mapping

International St. Croix River Watershed Board Identifying, preventing & resolving disputes: Engages local stakeholders in identifying and resolving local problems, such as facilitating efforts to re-open portions of the river to alewife Supports efforts to enhance communication and understanding among stakeholders, such as holding annual public meetings to report on Board activities, engage citizens to identify issues and share information on projects Promotes opportunities for local stakeholders and agencies to work together on watershed planning such as supporting and co-hosted St Croix Science Forum 2014

Woodland Pulp Forest City FERC Surrender Application What is the St. Croix Board doing: Discussed the situation with Woodland Pulp Alerted the IJC Alerted relevant government depts in Canada Requested Woodland Pulp to officially notify the IJC of the FERC application Talking with stakeholders and tracking concerns Recommending the IJC seek additional information to better understand the impacts of the proposed changes and the ability to comply with the IJC Orders at Forest City June Public Meeting in McAdam (June 13 TBD) to update and discuss issue

International St. Croix River Watershed Board Questions? Thank You!