A) B) Supplementary figures 1a and 1b
A) B) hCMV HLA Polyclonal IgG Cells/well Supplementary figures 2a and 2b Cells/well 4.5x105 2.25x105 1.12x105 5.6x104 3.6x104 1.8x104 9x103 4.5x103 2.25x103
Supplementary figure 2c HLA Antigen Total IgG-spots HLA-spots HLAsp / IgG poly ratio Patient #1 A11:01 124 33 0.265 A2:01 47 0.382 A24:02 42 0.337 A03:01 (self) 2 0.016 A11:01* 4 0.032 Patient #2 209 92 0.440 37 0.179 120 0.574 B35:01 0.009 A68:01* Supplementary figure 2c
MFI Supplementary figure 3 MFI
MFI Supplementary figure 3 MFI
Asymptotic 95% Confidence interval Coordinates of the Curve Area Std. Errora Asymptotic Sig.b Asymptotic 95% Confidence interval Lower Bound Upper Bound ,893 ,088 ,011 ,721 1,000 Coordinates of the Curve Positive if Greater Than or Equal Toa Sensitivity 1- Specificity ,0000 ,0550 ,0950 ,1250 ,1600 ,2200 ,2850 ,3500 1,0000 ,857 1,000 ,875 ,750 ,625 ,500 ,375 ,250 ,4250 ,4850 ,5850 ,6750 ,8300 ,714 ,571 ,429 ,286 ,143 ,000 ,125 Supplementary figure 4