Emergencies that endanger Tallinn as city of sea Tarmo Sulg Deputy-Head of Tallinn Municiapal Engineering Services Department
About the presentation Overview of Tallinn as city of sea Emergencies related to sea Emergencies related to sea – Tallinn’s risks Tallinn’s risks causing the emergency of „Sea pollution“ Tallinn’s risk causing the emergency of “Ship accident with severe consequences“ Other Tallinn’s risks causing the emergencies Crisis Management units in Tallinn
Overview of Tallinn as city of sea Area of Tallinn – 159,1 km2 Population – 436 576 inhabitants Sea coast – 49 km Number of ports in Tallinn – 19, incl. 3 passenger ports and 4 cargo ports The ports of Tallinn were visited by passenger ships 4883 times - total 9,57 million tourist (2014), The ports of Tallinn were visited by cargo ships 1982 times – total 28,321 million tons of products (2014).
Emergencies defined by Government Estonian Government has defined 27 different emergencies From 27 emergencies there are 5 emergencies related to sea
Emergencies related to sea Very high risks (high probability and very severe consequences): Sea pollution; Ship accident with severe consequences; Coastal pollution. High risks (medium probability and severe consequences): Storm with severe consequences; Flood in high density areas.
Leading boards and participating offices responding to emergencies with very high risk Sea pollution and Ship accident with severe consequences: Leading board: Police and Border Guard Board Participating offices: Rescue Board, Environmental Board, The Environmental Inspectorate, Health Board, Veterinary and Food Board, Maritime Administration, Health Care providers, City of Tallinn and providers of vital services Coastal pollution: Leading board: Rescue Board Participating offices: Police and Border Guard Board, Environmental Board, The Environmental Inspectorate, Veterinary and Food Board, Maritime Administration, City of Tallinn and providers of vital services
Crisis Management documents of Tallinn Tallinn’s risk assessment Tallinn’s crisis response plan Overviews of continuous operation of vital services Risk assessments and plans of continuos operation of the vital services prepared by providers of continuous operation of vital services
Emergency related to sea – Tallinn’s risks (I) Tallinn’s risks causing emergency „Sea pollution“: Accident with tanker or environmental hazardous ship in gulf of Finland High probability and very severe consequences Accident in port’s aquatorium Low probability and very severe consequences
Overview of the Tallinn’s risk „Accident with tanker or environmental hazardous ship in gulf of Finland“ In Gulf of Finland the waterway of passenger’s ships with intensive traffic crossing with the waterway of tankers and cargo ships, may cause the collisions of the ships with the result of extensive pollution of the sea. Tankers, which arrive or leave the ports handling the oil products cause nearby the port area multiple times higher risk compared to other areas of the sea. The biggest hazard areas are Muuga, Tallinn, Paldiski and Kopli bays.
Hazards causing Tallinn’s risk „Accident with tanker or environmental hazardous ship in gulf of Finland“ Hazards causing Tallinn’s risk: Breaking the body of the ship; Pumping to the sea from the ships bilge and ballast water mixed with the oil products; Ship accidents during the ice conditions; Oil spill and spreading of the pollution during the bunkering of the ships at open sea; Oil spill and spreading of pollution from the ships involved in accident.
Preventive measures of Tallinn’s risk „Accident with tanker or environmental hazardous ship in gulf of Finland“ Intensify the supervision of the vessel traffic and technical conditions of the ships. Periodical control and resupply of oil spill control technique of the ports. Cooperation and exchange of information between offices. Usage of sea pollution liquidation technique and equipment. Usage of EMSA satellite pictures. Cooperation with EU and neighbour states for usage of supplementary pollution liquidation technique.
Emergency related to sea – Tallinn’s risk (II) Tallinn’s risk causing emergency „Ship accident with severe consequences“: Accident with the passenger or cargo ship in Gulf of Finland High probability and very severe consequences
Overview of Tallinn’s risk „Accident with passenger or cargo ship in Gulf of Finland“ Ship accident may occur at fixed lines travelling ferries, passenger or cargo ships or tankers at the Gulf of Finland where north-south bound traffic of passenger ships crosses the east-west bound traffic of cargo ships. For the most likely the sea accidents occurs during the bad weather conditions of fall-winter or spring-winter period.
Hazards causing Tallinn’s risk „Accident with passenger or cargo ship in Gulf of Finland“ Human factor (negligence, ignoring the rules or other malicious behaviour); Technical malfunctions; Ice conditions of winter; Rise of the crossing traffic; Environmental risks (geographic conditions etc).
Preventive measures of Tallinn’s risk „Accident with passenger or cargo ship in Gulf of Finland“ Vessel Traffic Service – operating the integrated systems. Gulf of Finland Ship Reporting System (GOFREP) – procedural rules. Technical systems for communicating and monitoring the ships. Police and Border Guard Board’s Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) – 24h preparedness, organising search and rescue operations. Co-operational agreements with neighbour countries (Finland, Sweden and Latvia) for providing air and maritime rescue. Voluntary maritime rescue organisations.
Emergency related to sea – Tallinn’s risks (III) Tallinn’s risks causing emergency „Coastal pollution“: Coastal pollution as the result of sea pollution Medium probability and very severe consequences; Coastal pollution as the result of pollution of port’s aquatorium Low probability and very severe consequences
Emergency related to sea – Tallinn’s risks (IV) Tallinn’s risks causing emergency „Storm with severe consequences“: Storm Medium probability and severe consequences; Strong snowfall Drifting snow (low probability and severe consequences) Extreme icing and glaze (low probability and severe consequences).
Emergency related to sea – Tallinn’s risks (V) Tallinn’s risks causing emergency „Flood on high density areas“: Flood on city roads and streets Medium probability and severe consequences Flood on coastal areas Low probability and severe consequences
Map of floods that endanger Tallinn
30.07.2011 Flood in Tuukri street – Ahtri street area
30.07.2011 Flood in Tuukri street – Ahtri street area
Crisis Management units in Tallinn Crisis Commission Crisis Management Team of Crisis Commission Crisis Commission’s working group for preparing and revising the documents of crisis management Commission for liquidating the consequences of extreme weather conditions in Tallinn city
Thank You for the attention!