27 Amendments (1-10 Bill of Rights) Amend = to change Preamble—introduction/opening statement hapter 8, Section 1 Article VII Explains that nine states had to ratify the Constitution in order for it to go into effect. Article I Describes the legislative branch. Establishes powers and limits on Congress. Article II Describes the executive branch. Establishes powers and limits of the President. Article III Describes the judicial branch. Establishes powers and limits of the courts. Article IV Explains relations between the states. Requires states to honor one another’s laws. Sets out a system for admitting new states. -State and Federal Relations- Article V Provides a process for amending the Constitution. Article VI Says the Constitution is the “supreme law of the land.” No state law may violate the Constitution. 27 Amendments (1-10 Bill of Rights) Amend = to change
Powers of Congress To make laws To declare war To levy taxes To borrow money To coin money Chapter 8, Section 2
Qualifications for Representatives At least 25 years old Citizen of US for at least 7 years Resident of the state he or she is elected from Hillsdale’s Congressman: Josh Gottheimer
The Legislative Branch: Congress House of Representatives 435 members Number of representatives for a state is based on that state’s population (Census) 2-year terms Presiding officer is the Speaker: Paul Ryan Chapter 8, Section 2
Powers – House Brings the charge of impeachment All revenue (tax bills) must originate
Qualifications for Senators At least 30 years old Citizen of the US for at least 9 years Resident of the state he or she is elected from
Legislative Branch: Congress Senate - 100 members Two senators per state 6-year terms President of the Senate is the Vice President of the United States – Mike Pence. NJ Senators: Cory Booker & Robert Menendez
Powers - Senate Approve or reject treaties President made Approve or reject Presidential appointment – Supreme Court Justices Holds trial for impeached official accused of committing a high crime or misdemeanor
How a Bill Becomes a Law Bill—a proposed law Chapter 8, Section 2
Impeachment To formally accuse/bring serious charges of wrongdoing against for: Treason, Bribery, Other high crimes or misdemeanors House brings the charge of impeachment
Impeachment Senate holds trial for impeached official If President is impeached, Chief Justice presides over the trial 2/3 vote needed for conviction Johnson and Clinton were impeached, but NOT convicted
Executive Branch – Powers of the President Chapter 8, Section 2 To carry out the nation’s laws To make treaties Can appoint Supreme Court Justices, Cabinet officers, ambassadors Can grant pardons
Powers of the President Commander in Chief of the armed forces Can veto (reject) bills passed by Congress President must “from time to time give to Congress information on the State of the Union
Electing the President Chapter 8, Section 2 The President is elected for a 4-year term. The President can only serve for two terms.
Qualifications - President At least 35 years old Natural born citizen of the US Reside in US for at least 14 years
Chapter 8, Section 2
Judicial Branch Supreme Court Justices appointed/nominated by the President Nomination must be confirmed by Senate Chief Justice - John Roberts Hold Office for life Interprets the laws/Constitution Can declare laws unconstitutional
President and Congress One branch checks another branch by doing the following President Congress vetoing, or rejecting, bills Congress has passed overriding, or overruling, the President’s veto by 2/3 majority vote of both houses Senate approving or disapproving Presidential appointments ratify or not ratify treaties the President has negotiated The House can impeach, or bring charges of wrongdoing against, the President. The Senate then conducts a trial. If the President is impeached, the Chief Justice presides over the trial. 2/3 vote needed for conviction. Supreme Court President and Congress declaring laws unconstitutional Chapter 8, Section 2
Checks and Balances