Classroom Rules and Procedures: “What to expect this year!” 6th Grade U.S. History Mr. Masters Mr. Andrew Masters 8th Block Google classroom code: 4735y5 Classroom Rules and Procedures: “What to expect this year!” All methods of instruction will focus on student acquisition of the following skills: Learning Environment This course is an introduction to pre 1865 U.S. History. You are expected to be actively involved in the class and to stay caught up with your reading, videos, and other assignments Show proper respect and courtesy for YOURSELF, CLASSMATES, AND TEACHER. Be on time, have your supplies and be in your seat working on the daily warm-up when the bell rings Ask questions and share your ideas with the class—we can all learn from each other! 3 bathroom passes per quarter, use them wisely! Overview Textbook: The American Republic to 1877 Want a textbook: Just Ask! Other resources: We will frequently be using Google Classroom both in class and for homework. All assignments, PowerPoints, and reviews will be available on our Google classroom and accessible for students and parents! Google Classroom code is listed above. Necessary Classroom Materials: One, 2 inch ring BINDER with pockets, and 5 dividers and paper. Students must maintain an orderly notebook. Failure to do so will result in poor success as notes and materials are necessary for tests and other assignments. Notebooks will be kept for a table of contents during 3rd quarter. Pocket folder (for team) Packets of markers, colored pencils, and 3 glue sticks Ear buds for devices Preferred: We will frequently use a device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, or ipad) in class Extra credit: Tissues Knowledge of U.S. Geography Knowledge of pre 1865 U.S. History Increased note taking skills Reading and analyzing material Becoming comfortable with primary source documents Knowing how to research Developing critical thinking skills Participating in discussions Developing a “sense of history” Learning the basics of essay writing Thinking and learning chronologically Learning the logic of cause and effect Learning to read and follow directions Taking timed tests and writing word-limited essays
Grading and Assessment HOMEWORK: All homework is assigned to enhance the lesson. All work must be handed in ON TIME!!! PROJECTS: All project assignments are to be turned in on the specified date. TESTS: Are to be graded based on 100 points. Question format will be announced prior to each test. A review sheet will be assigned and reviewed to help with test preparation. Quarter Grade: Summative Category: Tests, Essays, projects Formative Category: Homework, Classwork, Warm ups, Did I Learn It Quizzes 100-90=4, 89-80=3, 79-70=2, 70 and below=1 Reinforcement of Concepts: Prior to Summative testing, the classroom teacher frequently checks for student understanding with several formative assessments. Students who attain below a 70% on a Summative test, will be aided by the teacher during resource or after school. A revised test will be given for the student. The maximum grade on a retest is 90%. DISCIPLINE: Negative Behavior: Yellow card=Warning, Red card=Parent phone call and email. Cell Phones: Cell phones are expected to be away and off unless the classroom teacher instructs students to use them on instructional materials. Participating in discussions Tardy: 1st tardy=warning 2nd tardy=detention (lunch or after school) 3rd tardy=sent to Dean Positive behavior: Students will receive a raffle ticket for positive behaviors that can be traded in for individual AND class-wide rewards. Examples of positive behaviors: Participating in class, Using technology appropriately, Helping other students, Helping the teacher, etc. Need Help? I am available by email ( Monday-Friday from 8 am-6pm and am available after school on Tuesdays and Thursday by appointment. If you need anything reach out and I will make sure that I can be there for you! I need a note or email from a parent giving you permission to stay after school. IF AT ANYTIME YOU NEED HELP JUST ASK! I AM HERE TO HELP YOU! GOOD LUCK AND REMEMBER, EFFORT ASSURES SUCCESS!