US History I Mr. Matt Mirabito Back to School Night 2016 US History I Mr. Matt Mirabito
Course Description As mentioned in the High School Program of Studies: US History 1 CPA is concerned with United States history from the Confederation Era through the Progressive Era. Students will focus on the individuals as well as the social, political, and economic events that shaped the nation. Special research/analysis projects are required. The fall semester begins with a brief review of major historical antecedents leading to the Constitution and then concentrates on the Constitution itself; the Federalist, Jeffersonian, and Jacksonian eras (major domestic and foreign developments); and the economic progress of the North and the South. Concepts are studied and analyzed through an emphasis on reading and writing skills. The spring semester covers the same course content as outlined for American History 1 Advanced. The emphases of the first semester are continued and reinforced through traditional and alternative assessments. Research skills are especially addressed in this semester.
Course Proficiencies Please click on the link below to find objectives and progress indicators for the following courses of study: American History I
Curriculum Fall 2016 American Revolution Framing the Constitution Branches of Government Bill of Rights Political Philosophies of Hamilton and Jefferson Washington, Adams, Madison, Jefferson, and Jackson Administrations War of 1812
Curriculum Spring 2017 Manifest Destiny Mexican-American War The Civil War The Reconstruction Era Progressive Movement American Labor Movement Immigration
Class Activities Highlights The Americans Textbook - PowerPoint America: The Story of Us - History channel mini-series with accompanying viewing guides. CNN Race for the White House – narrated and produced by Kevin Spacey, captures the drama of how a high-stakes presidential election can turn on a single issue and so much more. CNN Student News - Daily 10 minute web based news broadcast produced specifically for adolescents.
Class Activities Highlights Brown University: Choices Program Watson Institute for International Studies The Choices Program is non-profit organization based at Brown University. The curriculum is based upon current and historical international issues. Choices materials incorporate the latest scholarship from Brown University and beyond to draw connections between historical events and contemporary international issues. In each unit, a central activity challenges students to consider multiple viewpoints on a contested issue. Students examine the historical, cultural, and political background of the issue to prepare a coherent presentation formulating persuasive arguments and expressing their own views. Follow-up discussion demands analysis, and evaluation of conflicting values, interests, and priorities. American Independence The Constitution War of 1812 Westward Expansion Socrative smartphone reading quizzes, review activities, and class discussions.
Class Activities Highlights iCivics web-based digital simulations and study guides designed to teach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in U.S. democracy. Socrative – smart response system utilized for reading quizzes, review activities, and class discussions.
Grading Criteria