Student Career Development YOUR INTERVIEW Student Career Development Shawnee State University ADMIN 036 (740) 351-3027
Learning Outcomes Preparing for the interview During the interview Following up after an interview
Preparing for the interview Your life online Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Conduct extensive research Company and competition Practice, practice, practice Mock Interview Beyond basic website research, ANALYZE the job description – you might find CLUES/KEY WORDS - Might mention the same statement again and again Look for personality statements – “someone that can bring a positive attitude” Use LinkedIn to your advantage, might find someone with your same job at that company – contact them! Also good to see competition Doing the research will also help you DECIDE IF YOU EVEN WANT TO BE THERE Are you able to identify their challenges? If so, you can come up with solutions, and SOLUTIONS TRUMP EXPERIENCE (often times) Practice your stories in front of a mirror/record on your phone so they're fresh in your mind. So you are able to ARTICLUATE them in your interview CONCISELY
The interview Look good and dress for the culture Visit our website for more information on dressing for success Bring your career portfolio Arrive early Don’t bring your cell phone Offer a firm handshake Use proper, comfortable posture Be aware of your body language
Sell yourself Be enthusiastic Explain your qualifications Relate your experience Maintain a positive attitude Make good eye contact Ask questions
Bring 3-5 “Cards” to the Table Should be based on the research you did Think about your unique blend of talents and experience Research & Analysis Senior thesis Research assistantship Planning & Organization Social venture plan competition Founded and led club When I was looking at the job description, I really felt these qualities would be a good fit for this position Of course you have more than three skills, but pick the top three for the job. Hopefully these are the three things that stand out to the interviewer when you leave ** Don’t actually write them down and bring them with you ** 3 CARDS + 2 COMPLEX STORIES you could answer many questions with (~Large project, internship, etc..) With six smaller stories/examples – you could answer 12 questions right there And the planning/org. stories tie into other areas DOING A MOCK INTERVIEW IN CAREER DEV IS A GREAT WAY TO PRACTICE INCORPORATING THESE! Interpersonal Communication Customer service rep Internship performance review/meetings
Common interview Questions Tell me about yourself. What is your greatest weakness? What are your long-term goals? Why do you want to work for us? Why should I hire you? Do you have any questions? Weaknesses – Shows you understand yourself and are humble and are IMPROVING IT Every strength has a weakness – associate them to answer the question Or choose a genuine weakness that won’t shoot you in the foot *Visit the following links for more examples of interview questions: Traditional Interview Questions Behavioral Interview Questions
What Employers Look For Your dependability Your experience Good communication skills Your knowledge of the company and job How well you get along with others If you project a positive image How well you handle challenges
Interview tips Keep your answers brief, but thorough Use examples to illustrate your point Think before you speak Relate your answers to the job Don’t bring up compensation
The closing: Ask questions Have I answered all your questions? When should I expect to hear from you?/What does your timeline look like? Stress that you want the job Ask your interviewer questions! Thank the interviewer Let them know you’re excited An interview is kind of like a professional date – It’s not one sided! If you went on a date and told someone about it, and they were like “oh what did you talk about?” and you said you didn’t ask the other person any questions, they would want to know how you even know if you want a second date. If you don’t ask questions, it will look like you didn’t do your research Asking directed questions also give you something to respond to that YOU SET UP, so you should know the answer = extra brownie points NO MATTER HOW MUCH RESEARCH YOU DO, YOU CAN’T KNOW EVERYTHING Want to avoid asking something that proves you didn’t do your research: Interviewing at a retirement home – “So if I’m understanding correctly you work with an elderly population?” – Extreme example, but you get the point “Tell me about your experience and what you like about working here” “Have you worked anywhere else? What made you leave?” Really this slide should be called “bonus points” because if you hopefully had a good interview, this will just help you score brownie points with your interviewer and make you more memorable HOWEVER, it could also SAVE YOUR INTERVIEW if you feel it did not go well. GET THE JOB BEFORE ASKING ABOUT PAY, SCHEDULES, AND BENEFITS - Because then you know they want you, and they’ll more likely be willing to work with you on things like that. It shows you actually care and are curious and want to learn more. It will also benefit you because by finding out more, you may decide it’s not for you. Then if they bring up a challenge, you can bring up another example of how you have a solution (“you know I mentioned this story earlier, but I forgot this part…”) Let them know you’re excited about the job – if the opportunity came up to work with them, you would be really excited.
Evaluate your interview Did you dress appropriately? Did you understand critical points? Were you warm and friendly? Did you project knowledge of the job? Were you confident? Were you able to handle tough questions? Did you present your qualifications? Did you project the right ‘fit?’ Were you enthusiastic? Did you show you can do the work? Did you show your determination? Did you speak well, and to the point?
Following the interview Send a formal thank-you note Re-iterate your qualifications Stress your enthusiasm Add ideas you may have forgotten Evaluate yourself!
Student Career Development Contact Nikki Karabinis, Director, Student Career Development See more tips for interviewing on our website Student Career Development Shawnee State University ADMIN 036 (740) 351-3027