Interviewing Vulnerable Populations Protecting participants AND yourself
Interviewing Vulnerable Populations Objectives Keeping participants safe Keeping yourself safe (and sane) Protecting the integrity of the research
Power They may look tough…. Marginalised populations, stigma High costs of participation Sensitive data
The basics Confidentiality vs. Anonymity Transcribing Data storage Consent forms? Audio recordings Transcribing Data cleansing Data storage
Setting up the interview Know your participants and/or gate keeper Safe location Ensure one contact knows your location and timing (while maintaining confidentiality)
Sensitive data Criminality ACIC coercive powers Information letter Declaration at the start of the interview Controlling the interview Legal obligations! Crimes against children Victim or perpetrator Acts of terrorism Imminent threat ACIC coercive powers
Scenario 1% motorcycle clubs Drug trafficking, recruitment, violence and intimidation Perfect intelligence asset….
Remaining impartial Respect! Play naïve, but be prepared Your job is to collect data, not pass judgement Play naïve, but be prepared
Trauma First, do no harm! Reliving painful events Uncovering new, painful realisations PTSD Victims of assault Witnesses to crime Psychological trauma
Scenario Participant unaware that her ‘sexual abuse’ was illegal Sense of powerlessness
Scenario Defence mechanisms Military Special Operational Forces PTSD as a sign of weakness
When to interject…? Be patient Let the participant direct the interview Remind them they can stop anytime, or do not have to answer
The ending Debrief Ensure they are aware of support services Discuss non-research topics Ensure they know you appreciate their investment, don’t cut and run.
Researcher safety Collecting data is essential for the thesis – but at what cost? Establish boundaries Participant, client or friend? Debrief Don’t take it home with you…
Scenario Potential participant gets attached…. to the researcher… Suggests going to dinner to discuss research Doesn’t take no for an answer and pursues with romantic intentions…
Scenario People get wind of your study, start asking questions… Post private photos and contact details on a public forum
Research findings Its juicy, but is it ethical to share? Data cleansing Statute of limitations Journal articles and conference papers Thesis embargo
Summary Protecting the participants and data Protecting yourself