Remote Access CudaLaunch for Barracuda NextGen Firewall F-Series Version 1.1 | March 2016
Our Cuda Vision Barracuda simplifies IT with cloud-enabled solutions that empower customers to protect their networks, applications, and data, regardless of where they reside. Our mission has evolved over the years but its foundation in simplicity remains. Barracuda simplifies IT with cloud-enabled solutions that empower customers to protect their networks, applications, and data, regardless of where they reside.
Providing secure and reliable access to Our Firewall Vision Providing secure and reliable access to business applications from anywhere.
Providing secure and reliable access to Our CudaLaunch Vision Providing secure and reliable access to business applications from anywhere. via mobile and desktop BYOD devices.
Remote Access Trends – Challenges & Solutions
Challenge – We’re using different devices
Solution – Invest in Developing New Tech 12+ Team Remote Access Team Nottingham, UK
Challenge - End Users Demand More "This is the Martini time of day... Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere.” “Martini Remote Access“ Is there an app for that? End Users hate VPN “Universal Access” (e.g., Gmail) 1980s Martini Rosso’s, which was synonymous at the time with the tagline “Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere”. No matter who you were or where you were, it was always time for a Martini.
Solution - Hide the Complexity blends the ease of use of SSLVPN and a full featured VPN client. Der Schwan Die Ente die Komplexität ausgeblendet „It just works“
Solution – Universal Martini App CudaLaunch: Works anytime, anyplace, anywhere (AAA) It’s an app Hides the complexity of VPN Provides ‘Universal Access’ – same UX across all devices 1980s Martini Rosso’s, which was synonymous at the time with the tagline “Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere”. No matter who you were or where you were, it was always time for a Martini.
Employees use their personal smartphones for work Challenge – BYODs 9 in 10 Employees use their personal smartphones for work Source: Cisco Survey
Challenge - Security & BYODs Are your employees BYODs secure? VPN – used as hammer for every job Mit VPN ist das Gerät Teil des Netzwerks. VPN wird zu oft verwendet.
Solution – Progressive Enhancement Only provide just enough Network access for the task. CudaLaunch chooses the right connection type for the task. Maintain Security Posture via Firewall Web Forwards SSL Tunnels TINA VPN
Challenge - Java in Browsers is Dead Chrome Edge in Win 10
Solution Is there an app for that?
Challenge – Remote Access is Expensive Per user per year licence costs High support costs for manual solutions High admin cost - deploy a new system
Solution - Affordable Remote Access on FW No per user fees = simple and fair pricing Easy to use = lower support costs Configure once, use many = lower admin costs CudaLaunch less than $ 3.65 per user per year Cost starts from just $ 178 extra on F80 F80 recommended for 50 users
CudaLaunch – How it works
How to get CudaLaunch Search App Store or Play Store for “CudaLaunch” Demo mode (see the button)
Private Cloud Access More coming soon…
How it is managed More coming soon…
CudaLaunch Example How we use it in Barracuda
Three types of Remote Access Basic Remote Access Browser (SSL VPN) CudaLaunch (Apps) ‘Classic’ VPN Number of Users Premium Remote Access Free Three types of Remote Access
How to Licence CudaLaunch Basic Remote Access 1 (-vb) = Browser Based Remote Access (SSL VPN) Premium Remote Access 2 (-vp) = App Based Remote Access (CudaLaunch) 1 Replaces “NG SSL VPN & NAC” (-v). 2 Includes Basic Remote Access sub (-vb).
CudaLaunch Key Features iOS Android Access to NG Firewall Web Forwards (reverse proxied internal apps) • IP VPN connections (connect device to network) Standard IPsec TINA VPN Built-in demo setup Central administration via NG Firewall and NG Admin Automatic self-configuration and management of VPN connections Integration with NG Firewall User Authentication Client certificate authentication Sign Sign-On to internal apps Launchpad favorites (apps or VPN connections) User attributes (ability for end users to edit) Dynamic firewall rule control (for system administrators) Custom help or info text for your organization Manually edit and create IP VPN connections Debug log for easy support
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