Greek Mythology Do Now Read the two myths on the front desk (front and back). Be prepared to discuss your myth with the class.
What is a Myth? Myths are stories that were created to explain mysteries of the Universe Explain the meaning of the Universe Explain how people acquire specific things: speech, fire, grain, fire, oil, honey, agriculture, metal work and other skills and arts Attempts to explain things such as certain parts of human society Stories about certain characters (heroes) In ancient myths the gods are immortal
Where did the Greek Gods Live? Mount Olympus Not clear whether it was a real place on earth or in the heavens Greeks named the tallest mountain peak Mt. Olympus
The Olympians 12 Olympians Met at Mount Olympus for meetings Lived on Mt. Olympus Had human feelings and emotions (made mistakes, lied, trickery etc) Never Aged Apollo Artemis Hermes Aphrodite Hephaestus Dionysus Hera Zeus Demeter Poseidon Athena Ares
Hera (Juno) Zeus (Jupiter) King of the Gods Lord of the Sky Fond of beautiful women Weapon – Thunderbolt Justice – strike thunderbolt for order Olympics held in his honor Shared power with siblings Married to Zeus Guardian of Marriage Lifts veil from face Takes care of married women Zeus tricked her into marriage Jealous
Demeter (Ceres) Poseidon (Neptune) God of Ocean and Earthquakes #2 only to Zeus Carries fisherman trident Shake the earth and shatter objects Competed with Athena to be patron god of Athens Greedy Moody and Violent Goddess of grain and agriculture Zeus sister Showed humans how to plant Bond between heaven and earth Autumn festival to honor her Persephone's Mother
Athena (Minerva) Apollo (Apollo) Goddess of wisdom and war Daughter of Zeus Nike – constant companion Born from Zeus brain when he had a headache Zeus favorite – only child allowed to use his weapons Protectress of Athens God of poetry, medicine, and truth Son of Zeus – twin of Artemis Associated with the sun Drives sun across sky Connected with music Shot weapons of punishment and sickness to humans
Artemis (Diana) Aphrodite (Venus) Goddess of love and beauty Son is cupid Compels anyone she wishes to desire her Made sure human race reproduced Beauty cause of Trojan War Married to Hephaestus Goddess of hunting and wild things Apollo’s twin sister Associated with the moon and childbirth Quick to anger and deadly in punishment for those who hurt her Wanted to remain young-never marry Artemis loved Orion (Apollo jealous)
Ares (Mars) Hephaestus (Vulcan) Terrible god of war Blacksmith god of fire Son of Zeus and Hera Married to Aphrodite Only god to be physically ugly Most skillful of gods Zeus threw him off Mt. Olympus when he was born Workshops underneath volcanoes Made 12 thrones Helpers were the Cyclops Terrible god of war Son of Zeus and Hera Disliked by both parents Murderous and bloodstained Unpopular Affair with Aphrodite Tall and handsome but vain and mean Didn’t like pain?
Hermes (Mercury) Dionysus (Bacchus) Messenger of the gods God of science and invention Fastest of the gods Merriest of all gods Winged sandals and hat Guide for the dead to the underworld Friendly towards humans Stole brother Apollo’s cow God of wine, dancing and drama Son of Zeus and a mortal Most important god to humans
Other Gods/Goddesses & Mythological Figures Atlas: fought against Olympic gods / punishment condemned to hold world on his shoulder Helios: Greek sun God Cupid:/Eros Son of Aphrodite Nike: winged goddess of victory Rhea: goddess of motherhood (Zeus mom)
Other Gods/Goddesses & Mythological Figures Midas: made one wish that everything he touched turned to gold Perses: God of destruction Narcissus: youth who fell in love with own reflection Hades: god of underworld Grim and gloomy figure Has helmet that makes him invisible Hercules: son of Zeus (greatest of Greek heroes) Achilles: Greek hero of Trojan War
Greek Mythology In Pop Culture
Apollo and Oracle at Delphi Apple and Love of Discord Fun Facts and Myths Pandora’s Box Zeus sent her to earth to punish humans for using fire. Modeled in clay from Aphrodite by Hephaestus Zeus gave Pandora a box and told her not to open it greed, vanity, slander and envy all cam out of box unknown to humans before this Minotaur Half-man / half-god Lived in center of huge maize Theseus only mortal to survive Apollo and Oracle at Delphi Apollo’s chariot brought sun Apollo could see the future People brought gifts to Apollo – got tired so had an oracle help him King Midas Wished everything he touched turned to gold Golden touch made him richest man on earth but almost starved to death and turned daughter into gold Apple and Love of Discord Paris handsome prince who Aphrodite fell in love with Zeus told Paris he could choose the most beautiful of all goddesses (Hera promised him Asia, Athena-wisdom and Aphrodite – beautiful woman) Starts the Trojan War when he chooses Helen Hercules Son of Zeus and a mortal Zeus sent him to live with mortals for protection from jealous Hera Too big and strong to live on earth 12 labors of Hercules Narcissus and Echo Very handsome son of a god Many women fell in love with him (only loved self) Echo loved him but he refused her Left to live in a cave until nothing left but her voice Put spell on him fall in love with own reflection Perseus and Medusa Demi-god who killed Medusa Athena and Hermes help Kept Medusa’s head Athena’s breastplate has Medusa head
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