All Things Are Possible… Your 11th grade year!!! Paul
Your School Counselors Paul Brigman (Last names A-K) Bethany Chamberlain (Last names L-Z) Paul
Today’s Agenda Looking Ahead High School Timeline Important Tests Exploring Your Interests, Strengths, and Goals Post High-School Pathways Next Steps Paul
Possibilities Workforce 4 year College Technical School Military Gap Year Community College Other… Paul
High School Timeline You Are Here PSAT SAT/ACT Keystones College Visits Summer 2017 Select Top Schools Apply to Programs Choose Program Finish High School strong Prepare for life after high school Graduate Paul
PSAT Saturday, October 15th @ 7:45 am – Registration online through SCASD Community Ed Prepares you for the SAT PSAT-NMSQT Qualifies students for National Merit Scholarships Semifinalists announced fall of Senior year – application process Use results as a gauge for preparing for the SAT Bethany
SAT/ACT Which test do I take? When/where are they offered? Either or both. Most schools accept either. When/where are they offered? Monthly (most at State High) deadlines How many times should I take SAT/ACT? It’s up to you. The average is 2 attempts. How do I register? Bethany
SAT/ACT How do I send results to schools/NCAA? 4 free score reports per test (within 9 days of test) You will need the school code to enter at College Board NCAA code is 9999 How much do the tests cost? SAT- $43 ($54.50 with Essay) ACT- $39.50 ($56.50 with Essay) Fee Waivers are available (students eligible for free or reduced lunch) Bethany
SAT Preparation Free Resources:
SAT Preparation For Pay Resources: Kaplan 814-238-1423 PSU Know How 814-867-1777 Huntingdon Learning Center 1-800-226- 5327
SAT Subject Tests Some (competitive) schools require up to 3 SAT Subject tests of-colleges-that-require-sat-subject-tests Cost is $26 to register for one date - (up to 3 tests can be completed on a single test date. Each test then costs $20 (Language tests with a listening component are $26).
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Useful for all students – not just those pursuing military pathways. Offered in December – announcement will be made. Bethany
Career Cruising Interest Inventories Occupation Searches Post-High School Education/Training Searches Detailed Job Descriptions & Interviews Scholarship Search Engines Portfolio Management Paul
User ID & Password User ID: SCAHS Password: LIONS Paul
Pathways College Trade Schools Military Bethany
College – Where to Start? Begin researching types of schools Size Location Competitiveness Extracurriculars Majors Cost Culture/Environment Start generating a list of possible schools Bethany
College Visits Visit a variety of schools (different sizes, locations, cultures, etc.) You may be surprised by what you discover! Have questions ready to ask your guide. Spend time exploring on your own. Talk to students See the dorms Get a feel for the town Take notes and compare your experiences at different schools. Bethany
College Visits at State High Dozens of Admissions Officers from far and wide come to State High every year to give presentations during the school day to current high school students. Attend as many of these presentations as you can! Dates and times of visits can be found at: Bethany
Financial Aid All college-bound students should complete the FAFSA October of 2017 (at the same time you begin applying to colleges). Other forms of financial aid and tuition packages will be offered through the colleges to which you apply. Expensive and private schools tend to offer higher financial aid packages, thus making them more accessible than you might think. Paul
Scholarships Many State High scholarships will be available to graduating seniors during your 12th grade year. Colleges and Universities offer their own scholarships, which involves a separate application process. Be sure to ask questions to the colleges about their scholarship programs. Begin researching local and national scholarships this year. It is work that will pay off. Paul
Scholarships Paul
Trade Schools Penn College South Hills (Business School) CPI WyoTech South Hills (Business School) CPI WyoTech Keystone Technical Institute Bethany
Military U.S. Air Force Academy U.S. Military Academy U.S. Naval Academy U.S. Coast Guard Academy U.S. Merchant Marine Academy ROTC Programs Bethany
Military Direct Enlistment Army Navy Marines Air Force You must have a high school diploma or GED to join the U.S. Military. Local offices in State College can advise you appropriately. More information is available in the North Counseling office. Bethany
Next Steps… Talk with parents/guardians about possibilities beyond high school Create an account on College Board Begin researching post-high school opportunities that align with your interests and goals. Register for appropriate tests (SAT, ACT, ASVAB) Make an appointment with your School Counselor!!! Bethany