Understanding Nutrition Class 11 Diet and Health Hypertension Stroke Diabetes+ R. Noble all rights reserved
Main Causes: Heart Disease Cancer Stroke Diet Related: Heart Disease Cancer Stroke Diabetes
Influences: lifestyle exercise genetics diet
Foods Can Protect
Phytochemical or Functional Foods
Vitamins for Heart Health Vitamins A & C Vitamin E
Minerals for Heart Health Calcium & Vitamin D Magnesium Google Images
The Dash Eating Plan
Lifestyle & Blood Pressure
Potassium and Magnesium foods Google Images
Influences on heart health +B6 B12 Folate Vitamin C (- Sugar Omega 6 oils) Olive oil Fish Whole grains Fruit sweets
Vegetable Fiber Whole grain Fiber Fish oil Vitamin E Decrease Stroke
HDL transports cholesterol & circulates it toward the liver Vitamin A Foods Smoking/nicotene contricts capillaries and stresses the heart Adequate Vitamin A helps lungs to be flexible to excrete chemicals Cholesterol can clog arteries HDL transports cholesterol & circulates it toward the liver
Antioxidants keep lipids fresh and flowing Fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, high-fiber cereal decrease cholesterol production Vitamin E Vitamin A and C
Google Images
Diabetes a growing problem that increases heart disease The same foods help both hyperglycemia pre-diabetes diabetes
Vitamins A, B & C and Fiber
Cancer Cells Divide
Prevention Google Images
Antioxidant foods - Cancer Prevention Cengage Learning 2013
Help Control Growth Google Images
Control: cruciferous vegetables Google Images
Anti - AIDS Well done meats Google Images Mushroom extracts
Anti-Aids Brown rice Google Images Legume beans
Exercise Muscle building exercise can help retain nutrients to fight the AIDS virus
Familiar Herbs
Herb and Drug Interactions
Accurate Information from Reliable Sources Vitamins and Minerals are factors in many illnesses. Herbs and Supplements can sometimes be helpful Google Images
Reference Whitney, E., Rolfes, S., (2013) Understanding Nutrition, 13th edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.