Other Duties As Assigned Cindy Mohat University of Texas at Arlington Emergency Management Coordinator
Objectives To identify what you should establish in an emergency management program. To identify how you get an emergency management program off the ground. To identify what will help you be an effective emergency manager.
Overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed. Overview Overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed. Where to start…… Develop a “committee” Develop a NIMS letter Do a hazard, risk, vulnerability, and security assessment Develop a Basic Plan and annexes Exercises Develop a strategic plan (one year/five years) Identify who can help you Training you should consider Secret weapons that may work for you
Short Term Strategic Plans Short Term (Year One) In one year what are your overall plans Identify committee components Create a NIMS letter/policy Do assessments Develop a Basic Plan Participate in training
Long Term Strategic Plan 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year Develop 5 annexes each year Participate in more training/conferences Develop a plan for “first responders” to take ICS classes Participate in local emergency management meetings (REM, TCEM, associations) Develop an exercise schedule
Create A Committee Define the purpose of the committee? Who should you include on your committee? Does personality matter on the committee? How often should you meet? What are the benefits of being on the committee? What will be your role as the emergency manager on the committee? Feed them and they will come…
Develop a NIMS “Letter” What is the purpose of the “letter”/ resolution Is there any liability if I don’t follow it What are the benefits of NIMS Command and Management Preparedness Resource Management Communications and Information Management Supporting Technologies Ongoing Management and Maintenance You can talk, and play with your neighbors MONEY
Develop a NIMS Letter Where can I get a sample of a letter http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/dem/downloadableforms.htm NIMS Court Order sample NIMS City Ordinance sample http://www.fema.gov/emergency/nims/ NIMS Resource Center Supporting Documents Local emergency planning guide Preparedness standards for emergency management in Texas
Assessments Hazard Analysis What do I have, potentials, categories Likelihood of occurrence (Low-1,Moderate-2,High-3) Estimated impact on public health & safety (Limited-1, Moderate-2, Major-3) Estimated Impact on Property (Limited-1, etc.) Total for each column 1-3=low probability with little impact 4-6=moderate probability with moderate impact 7-9=high probability with high impact on life and property
Assessments The process where you: Identify hazards. Risk Assessment The process where you: Identify hazards. Analyze or evaluate the risk associated with that hazard. Determine appropriate ways to eliminate or control the hazard.
Assessments Vulnerability Assessment Considers the potential impact of loss from a successful attack as well as the vulnerability of the facility/location to an attack. Impact of loss is the degree to which the mission of the agency is impaired by a successful attack from the given threat. MGT310-Threat & Risk Assessment
Assessment Security Assessment (buildings, fences, locks, intake systems, etc.) Banking and finance (bursars office) Transportation (bus service on campus) Power (power plants on campus Communications (notification system, E-Mails, phone systems) Hardware on buildings (magnetic, master keys, card swipe) Emergency services (health services on campus) Fire departments Law enforcement agencies Public works (facilities management) Information Technology
Plans Basic Plan State website http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/dem/downloadableforms.htm Elements Authority Purpose Explanation of Terms Situation and Assumptions Concept of Operations Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities Direction and Control Readiness Levels Administration and Support Plan Development and Maintenance
Plans Annexes State website http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/dem/downloadableforms.htm Easy to develop Looks like everyone else's (Emergency Support Functions [ESF] 22 (23) functions A- Warning B- Communication C- Shelter and Mass Care D-Radiological Protection
Plans Pandemic Work with your local health authority County health authority Becoming a corporate vs. community Point of Dispensing (POD) site Buy and maintain your own materials Only take care of your “own” Will get medications Need doctors/nursing staff to assist
Plans Overarching Business Continuity Plan If you are a Business Continuity planner you will have to: Tie all the plans together Exercise groups Foster cooperation and participation Help identify mission critical functions
Training To Consider The Professional Development Series includes 7 Emergency Management Institute (EMI) independent study courses. 120.a 230.b 335.b 240.a 241.a 242.a 244.a http://training.fema.gov/IS/searchIS.asp?keywords=PDS
Training To Consider FEMA Website (new NIMS compliant course guidelines) IS-100.b, FDA, HCb, HE, Fwa, Leb, PWb, SCa IS-200.b (ICS 200), HCa IS-700.a National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction IS-701.a NIMS Multiagency Coordination System (MACS) Course IS-702.a National Incident Management System (NIMS) Public Information Systems IS-703.a NIMS Resource Management Course IS-704 NIMS Communications and Information Management IS-706 NIMS Intrastate Mutual Aid - An Introduction IS-800.b National Response Framework, An Introduction
Exercises Start simple Seminar Workshops Tabletop Game Operations-Based Drills Functional Full-Scale
Who Can Help you State Division of Emergency Management Local emergency management County emergency management District Coordinators Network of individuals in associations International Association of Emergency Managers College Caucus Emergency Management Association of Texas Emergency Management Accreditation Program
Secret Weapons Keep your meetings short (1 hour if possible) Keep a pretty strict agenda Bring food If at a university, have an internal audit. Get to know the auditors-they are your friends (feed them too!) Provided a budget Assistance Accountability
Secret Weapons Sincerely get to know the people you work with Find out what their concerns are and speak to those concerns Be dependable Take the “other duty” and make it a priority a few times a month Ask lots of questions
Once the ball begins to roll It takes on a life of its own More manageable Ask for an intern (University of North Texas, Criminal Justice Department, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), academics) Maybe paid or not Resourceful Eager to help and learn
Questions? Cindy Mohat, CEM®,TEM University of Texas at Arlington Emergency Management Coordinator mohat@uta.edu 817-272-0117