C O N N E C Reset colours S N O I T Set board Start Click to start
Choose the board size that you wish to use: Welcome to ‘Connections’. You are about to presented with a grid of key words or phrases that you have covered. Your task is to connect 4 of those words/phrases in a meaningful sentence. Choose the board size that you wish to use: Play ‘Connections’ with 36 words/phrases Play ‘Connections’ with 30 words/phrases Play ‘Connections’ with 24 words/phrases Play ‘Connections’ with 20 words/phrases Play ‘Connections’ with 16 words/phrases Note: To set the words/phrases for the ‘Connections Learning Grid’ in a random order you must click this button.
You are using: 36 37 words Capacity utilisation Adding Value 35 Unit costs 2 Labour productivity 18 Maslow 11 Demand 10 Profit 4 PED 19 Innovation 36 Differentiate 7 Empowerment 30 Stakeholders 8 Lean production 25 Ansoff 16 Just-in-time 33 Franchise 3 USP 20 Budgets 12 Labour turnover 24 Absenteeism 14 Inventory 31 Marketing Mix 27 Overdraft 37 Market Cap 5 Current Ratio 9 Economies of scale 34 Market share 26 Adding Value 22 Risk 6 Price 32 Business cycle 17 Share Price 28 Sole trader 23 Opportunity Cost 29 Kaizen 15 Objectives 1 Capacity utilisation 21 Market research Capacity utilisation Adding Value Labour productivity Overdraft USP Sole trader PED Kaizen Current Ratio Stakeholders Price Marketing Mix Empowerment GDP Lean production Franchise Economies of scale Market share Profit Unit costs Demand Differentiate Labour turnover Market Cap Cash flow Inventory Objectives Just-in-time Share Price Maslow Innovation Budgets Market research Risk Opportunity Cost Absenteeism Ansoff You are using: 36 37 words (Click the number above to see how many words you have in the table)
5 Innovation Overdraft Labour turnover Just-in-time Opportunity Cost Sole trader Absenteeism Unit costs Capacity utilisation Total quality management Price elasticity of demand Kaizen Reset colours Budgets Business Planning Labour productivity Maslow Profit Market research Set board Profit centres Franchise USP Lean production Partnership Economies of scale Start Demand Business cycle Objectives Differentiate Price Cash flow
1 Demand Total quality management Absenteeism Cash flow Economies of scale Budgets Price elasticity of demand Price Labour productivity Stock Lean production Autocratic Reset colours Set board Business planning Venture capital Sole trader Partnership Adding Value Objectives Start Empowerment Just-in-time Risk Innovation Unit costs Ansoff
Price elasticity of demand Promotion Economies of scale Capacity utilisation Market research Stakeholders 1 Business planning Capital Adding Value Training Price elasticity of demand Reset colours Set board Lean production Objectives Partnership Just-in-time Innovation Start Demand Profit Shareholders Unit costs Kaizen
Price elasticity of demand 1 Opportunity Cost Maslow Adding Value Risk Partnership Price elasticity of demand Profit Market share Reset colours Set board Lean production Demand Stakeholders Absenteeism Start Market research USP Finance Budgets
4 Reset colours Set board Start Sole trader Opportunity Cost Kaizen Objectives Capacity utilisation Market research 4 Unit costs PED Lean production Budgets Overdraft Adding Value Labour productivity Innovation Ansoff Labour turnover Market Cap Risk Reset colours Set board Maslow Differentiate Just-in-time Absenteeism Current Ratio Price Start Demand Empowerment Franchise Inventory Economies of scale Business cycle Profit Stakeholders USP Marketing Mix Market share Share Price
6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Budgets USP Kaizen Absenteeism Demand Objectives 6 Labour turnover Capacity utilisation Ansoff Lean production Business cycle Price elasticity of demand 5 Market research Overdraft Empowerment Sole trader Labour productivity Market share 4 Stock Risk Profit Cash flow Adding Value Differentiate 3 Innovation Profit centres Price Just-in-time Partnership Maslow 2 Franchise Economies of scale Business Planning Unit costs Opportunity Cost Total quality management 1 1 2 3 4 5 6