UCCS: Year in Review Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak May 9, 2012
August UCCS selected for diversity and internationalization initiative College of Business launches online entrepreneurship program CU celebrates best year ever for private support 2010-2011
September White House highlights UCCS as “Champion of Change” Lamar Community College, UCCS celebrate partnership UCCS called “Military Friendly” by G.I. Jobs magazine
September UCCS and Cheyenne Mountain artifact display remembers 9/11 Enrollment is largest ever
September UCCS offering online bachelor’s degree completion Largest freshman class in history U.S. News: UCCS among Best in the West
October Historic Preservation Alliance of Colorado Springs recognizes Heller Center Surprise donation spurs Heller Guest House restoration
October UCCS named “Best Higher Ed for the Money” by Independent newspaper readers
November College of Engineering launches global ventures program College of Business collaboration with Colorado Springs Health Partners, Centura Health, Memorial Health System, and El Paso County Health results in certificate program for new healthcare supervisors
November $4 million gift from Margot Land along with John E. and Margaret L. Lane Foundation for Lane Center for Academic Health Sciences
December UCCS Alum and Corporate VP of Tax for FedEx, Mike Fryt speaks at Fall 2011 commencement ceremony UCCS natural disaster planning efforts recognized by NOAA
January Southern Colorado Higher Education Consortium members combine to reach out to southern Colorado high school students Colorado Springs City Council endorse proposal to lease city-owned Memorial Hospital
February Campus posts 3.4% enrollment growth UCCS will collaborate for technology and management programs in India
February Effort to create uniform CU branding includes UCCS dropping “at” from its full name UCCS hosts CU Regents meeting
March U.S. News rankings include business and engineering programs UCCS hosts Lt. Governor Joe Garcia as well as local business and community leaders to discuss higher education as an economic driver.
March UCCS hosts 900 middle school and high school students in the Colorado Science Olympiad Southern Regional Tournament
April UCCS opens Office of International Affairs Housing expansion ground breaking
April UCCS engineering and business graduate programs earn national ranking UCCS hosts 300 participants in 9th Annual Relay for Life event
May Record number of admission applications for Fall 2012 Mayor Steve Bach presented the Palisades at Broadmoor Park with a Spirit of the Springs Award in recognition of groundbreaking partnership with UCCS The International Dyslexia Association recognizes UCCS reading program as 1 of 9 in the nation meeting their standards outlined in Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading.
FY 2012 -13 Budget Update State economy recovering slowly State support reduction less than planned $281,000 vs. $4 million (est.) Modest tuition increases 5% for resident undergraduate 6% for resident graduate 3% for non-resident students
Regents approve 2014 fee increase to fund expansion of campus recreation center FY 2012-13 all fund budget projection: 170.8 million 10% (17 million) from state support
FY 2012-13 Compensation Regents approve 2% merit pool for faculty and exempt professionals, with limits PERA-covered employees will see return of 2.5% contribution “switch” in July
FY 2012-13 Compensation All employees who enroll in health, life, and dental plans will see CU contribution increase from 90% to 100% of market. Non-base building awards for classified staff not likely to be approved this year