HOW TO APPLY MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) AUSTRALIAN UNIVERISTY MBA in PNG MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is designed to provide experienced business professionals with flexible study options to enhance their knowledge, skills and career prospects. The MBA has a practical and interdisciplinary focus with the themes of teamwork, sound and ethical decision making, and strategic planning being key features of the program. The MBA culminates in a strategic management capstone project where research skills are consolidated and applied to a strategic business problem. CHOOSE HOW YOU WANT TO STUDY The program is taught on IBBM campus via small class intensive teaching sessions on FRIDAYS. It is also offered fully online or any combination that suits your study needs over the duration of the program. COURSE CODE: MBA_BUAD INTAKE PERIODS: Six times per year, each lasting 6 weeks DURATION: 2 years part-time STUDY TYPE: Face-to-face, Distance (online), Hybrid PNG: On IBBM campus CRICOS COURSE CODE: MBA 086346G HOW TO APPLY COMPLETE AN ONLINE APPLICATION AT You will need certified copies of your academic records from external institutions to complete your application. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS You are eligible to apply for the Master of Business Administration as long as you meet the University’s minimum entry requirements: » An undergraduate degree » English language competency » Non-native English speakers must achieve a TOEFL score of 577 (or a score of 233 in the computer based TOEFL) or IELTS score of 6.5 » Recommended: two years full-time working experience Please contact us about special entry if you do not have an undergraduate degree. To discover the courses on offer at PNG Institute of Banking and Business Management (IBBM) visit
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION POSTGRAD - COURSES IN BUSINESS GRADUATE DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The Graduate Diploma of Business Administration is designed to provide experienced business professionals with flexible study options to enhance their knowledge and skills and also their career prospects. The Graduate Diploma can be on a full-time or part-time basis, within a maximum time period of 6 years. To qualify for the Graduate Diploma of Business Administration, the candidate must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of six core subjects and two elective subjects. COURSE CODE: GD_BUAD INTAKE PERIODS: Six times per year, each lasting 6 weeks DURATION: 12 months part time equivalent STUDY TYPE: Face-to-face, Distance (online), Hybrid COURSE STRUCTURE 6 CORE SUBJECTS Economic Principles and Decision Making Financial Management Dynamic Leadership Influencing and Making Decisions Managing People and Teams Management Perspectives Marketing CHOOSE 2 OPTIONAL SUBJECTS Operations Management Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship* Management Information Systems Organisational Best Practice International Business Strategy Corporate Sustainability Technology Strategy* Business Law and International Contexts Engineering Risk Management Principles of Project Management Advanced Project Management*
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION POSTGRAD COURSES IN BUSINESS GRADUATE CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The Graduate Certificate of Business Administration is designed to provide experienced business professionals with flexible study options to enhance their knowledge , skills and career prospects. The Graduate Certificate can be completed on a full time or part- time basis, within a maximum time period of 3 years. It is also an exit qualification for the Graduate Diploma of Business Administration and the Master of Business Administration. To qualify for the Graduate Certificate of Business Administration, the candidate must complete satisfactorily a program of study consisting of any four of the core subjects. COURSE CODE: GC_BUAD INTAKE PERIODS: Six times per year, each lasting 6 weeks DURATION: 6 months part time STUDY TYPE: Face-to-face, Distance (online), Hybrid MBA COURSE PATHWAY With prior approval, subjects from other Chifley Business School postgraduate courses may be included in the elective component of the degree. With prior approval, candidates may request to substitute up to three core subjects for elective courses if they have completed subjects which have a significant overlap of content and level with the substituted subjects.
FOR MORE INFORMATION HOW TO APPLY COMPLETE AN ONLINE APPLICATION AT POSTGRAD COURSES IN BUSINESS WE ARE AUSTRALIA’S BUSINESS SCHOOL - BY INDUSTRY. FOR INDUSTRY. Chifley Business School is an Australian accredited education institution that specialises in delivering a relevant and accessible MBA for professionals in PNG. With its PNG partner Institute of Banking and Business Management (IBBM). Chifley delivers its high-ranking MBA program based on flexible classroom-based learning, affordable prices, first- study centres and lecturers renowned for their world-class academic credentials, industry experience and subject-matter expertise. Chifley Business School at Torrens University Australia is an accredited Australian Higher Education Provider that specialises in developing and delivering relevant and accessible management education for Professionals. HOW TO APPLY COMPLETE AN ONLINE APPLICATION AT You will need certified copies of your academic records from external institutions to complete your application. FOR MORE INFORMATION To discover the courses on offer at Institute of Banking and Business Management (IBBM) visit PNG INSTITUTE OF BANKING AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (IBBM) ToRobert Centre,Vanama Cresent Lawes Road P.O. Box 1721 Port Moresby National Capital District Telephone: (675) 321 2088, 321 5018 Facsimilie: (675) 321 2960, 321 5017 Email: Torrens University Australia, ABN 99 154 937 005, CRICOS provider number: 03389E. Torrens University Australia is registered as a self-accrediting Australian university by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). TEQSA is Australia’s regulatory and quality agency for higher education with the primary aim to ensure students receive a quality education at Australian higher education providers. Information is correct at date of print. TUAMBACIS11022016. © 2016 Torrens University Australia. All Rights Reserved.