Fundamental Aspects and Frequently Asked Questions The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (= RCIA) Fundamental Aspects and Frequently Asked Questions
What is RCIA? "The rite of Christian designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God's help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation, and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully." (RCIA 1)
What is RCIA's Aim? Invite unbaptized adults to conversion; Reintegrate adults who have been baptized in the Catholic faith, but who have not been catechized, or who have fallen away from the faith; Receive people who have been baptized in other Christian denominations into the full Communion of the Catholic Church; Invite the three groups of people to live a spiritual journey which will help them to mature in their faith.
What are the key points in all of this? It is a journey, not a "course"; The final goal is to become a full member of the parish community; Faith development is more than just knowing faith: it is focuses on the essential formation of the person; The liturgy has a central role in RCIA;
The Catechumenate The restored catechumenate seeks to promote a committed conversion by means of a systematic catechesis which is based on a deeper integration of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, as well as a liturgical catechesis, an appropriate pastoral ministry, and insertion into the parish community.
What Should RCIA Catechesis Be Like? It should draw the catechumen to profess, from the depths of the heart, faith in the Person of Jesus Christ, and to faithfully follow Him and become His disciple. It must invite the person being initiated into a never ending process of learning about their faith. The faith journey is so much more than just catechetical instruction. It must present a complete and systematic faith formation so that the catechumen or candidate may penetrate deeply into the mystery of Christ. It must incorporate the catechumen into the life of the Christian community which professes, celebrates and bears brave witness to faith in Jesus Christ. It must include instruction on the rites of Christian initiation, its symbols and basic forms, as well as the offices and ministries which deal with them.
What is the RCIA Journey? Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate This is the time for inquiry and introduction to gospel values; an opportunity for the beginnings of faith. First Step: Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens This is the liturgical rite, usually celebrated on some annual date or dates, marking the beginning of the catechumenate proper as the candidates express and the Church accepts their intention to respond to God's call to follow the way of Christ. Period of the Catechumenate Its duration is dependent on the growth of the catechumens’ faith and conversion to God. Celebrations of the word and prayers of exorcism and blessing are meant to assist the catechumens in this.
What is the RCIA Journey ? Second Step: Election or Enrollment of Names This is the liturgical rite, usually celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent, by which the Church formally ratifies the catechumens’ readiness for the sacraments of initiation, and the catechumens, now the elect, express the will to receive these sacraments. Period of Purification and Enlightenment This is the time immediately preceding the elects’ initiation. It occurs during the Lenten season preceding the celebration of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. It is a time of reflection, intensely centered on conversion, marked by celebration of the scrutinies and presentations and of the preparation rites on Holy Saturday Third Step: Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation This is the liturgical rite, integrated into the Easter Vigil, by which the elect are initiated through baptism, confirmation, and the Eucharist.
What is the RCIA Journey? Period of Postbaptismal Catechesis or Mystagogy This is the time, after the celebration of initiation, during the Easter Season, when the newly initiated experience being fully a part of the Christian community. The main focus of the RCIA journey of faith becomes participation with all the faithful in the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration.
Who's Who in the RCIA? Candidate A person who was baptized in another Christian denomination and wishes to become Catholic or a Catholic who was baptized but who has never received confirmation and Eucharist and now chooses to. Candidates participate in a special preparation program to bring them into full communion with the church Catechumen An individual who has never been baptized and who wishes to become Catholic. During the catechumenate, he or she is referred to as catechumen. The Elect This is the term designating all of the people who are seeking membership in the Church. Catechumens are named Elect after the Rite of Election in which they publicly express their desire for baptism on the first Sunday of Lent.
Who's Who in the RCIA? Sponsor The person who accompanies and supports the candidate or catechumen. Neophyte The new person - one who has been baptized, confirmed and received Holy Eucharist and enters the ecclesial community. Inquirer An inquirer is someone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. He or she is so-named during RCIA's evangelization or pre-catechumenate stage.
Practical Advice Before beginning the process with a person… Find out about their marital status Find out about their baptismal status Consolidate the RCIA team Distribute responsibilities Attend mass together Get training together Invite the pastor or parochial vicar to regularly participate in the sessions.
Practical Advice Show the diversity of the parish: Ministries Varied life experience Faith experiences Promote a retreat - prayer experience during the process. Invite the parish community to support the catechumens and candidates with prayer experiences, prayer cards, etc. CHALLENGE: How do we integrate the members of the parish?
IN CLOSING LET US LOOK AT THIS PRAYER FROM THE RITE OF ELECTION IN CLOSING LET US LOOK AT THIS PRAYER FROM THE RITE OF ELECTION. IN IT, THE BISHOP PROCLAIMS, THAT THE CHURCH, ACTING IN GOD’S NAME, CHOOSES THE CATECHUMENS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION; “Dear brothers and sisters, these catechumen have asked to be initiated into the sacramental life of the Church during the upcoming Easter Vigil. Those who know them have judged that their desire is sincere. During the time of their preparation they have listened to the word of Christ and have made an effort to live according to His commandments; they have shared in Christian fellowship with their brothers and sisters and have joined them in prayer. And so I announce to all of you here that our community has decided to call them to the sacraments.”
RCIA Resources
RCIA Resources RICA: A Practical Approach to Christian Initiation [in Spanish] Towards a Mature Faith: With the Guidance of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults [in Spanish]
RCIA Resources Lo que debemos saber sobre el RICA La Iniciación Cristiana: Un Recurso Básico
RCIA Resources Christian Initiation: Eleven Catecheses [in Spanish]