ILC TDR Guidelines for Authors TDR All-Authors meeting, 27 Jan 2012 Maura Barone (Fermilab)
Resources Portal for Authors and Editors of the ILC Technical Design Report: (public page) Reference material for the TDR Baseline Design Up-to-date TDR outline Typesetting guidelines Word/Latex Templates Source files for previous reports Browser view (read-only) of the TDR SVN repository ( access to the document repositories requires login – authors, please register at ) public login required
Typesetting guidelines Please download the document “Author's guide to typesetting the TDR” included in the ‘ILCTDR-template’ zip file, and available from the Forge portal. It describes the general typesetting rules, including guidelines on: Figures: format and quality AUTHORS, PLEASE READ Tables Referencing structural elements Bibliographic references This document gives LaTeX examples. More detailed information and examples for Word users are available inside the Word template file Please consult the list of ‘what to do and not to do’ (Word/LaTeX)
Templates : : : : LaTeX template template Word TDR-LaTeX-template.tex example template of a chapter file. Use this template when writing your content. Use the wrapper (see below) for compiling it with LaTeX TDR-LaTeX-template_wrapper.tex wrapper for building the template. This is the file you will build with LaTeX TDR-LaTeX-template_bib.tex template for the bibliographic entries ILCTDR.cls LaTeX class for the TDR LaTeX template template Word TDR-Word-template.dotx MS Word template. Requires Word >2007
Content and images Content editing Images Word: please use version Word 2007 and above ( “.docx” files ) LaTeX: please use or install a standard TeXLive (2009-2010-2011)n distribution Images Please consult Section 3 of the guidelines document for instructions Make sure that the image is of high quality when printed (minimum 300 dots per inch). If not sure, contact the Technical Support Do not take screen captures, or copy&paste from/into Word/Powerpoint. For drawings/charts/graphics/plots (everything other than photographs) you must provide vector graphics. Do not convert vector graphics to JPEG or PNG. For photographs, you can provide JPEG in most cases, better if original (do not scale it, crop it, or convert it)
Support For technical support concerning templates figures (quality for printing and file format) file naming and structure LaTeX issues and requests (ex. additional packages or abbreviations) bibliography … please contact the TDR Technical Support: Maura Barone ( Benno List (
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