Fitness Videos in the PE Classroom
Schedule of today’s session Act like a classroom of students to complete a fitness video in a 5 day unit Discuss the planning of this unit Create new video themes and unit ideas Edit the videos we take today Upload to Youtube
5 Day Fitness Video Unit Day 1-view online fitness videos to see different styles and explain GRASPS Day 2-perform a variety of exercises and talk about correct form and muscles Day 3-get into groups to decide and research your exercise, ask your teacher questions and fill in study guide Day 4-final questions and dress rehearsal Day 5-final “one take” video taping
Day 1-Inquiry 15 minutes What I Want Fitness RVIS Drop Everything and Exercise
Day 1-Inquiry …continued… Fitness for Kids Dance X Fitness
Day 2-Inquiry 5 minutes Many exercises with class to get them more experiences and practice. Gear these towards the theme of your video. Brainstorm ideas together about our Theme
Day 3-Creation 5 minutes Decide Theme (in a school setting, theme would already be set) Brainstorm exercises the group likes Decide the exercise and who will do the jobs Ask questions about the exercise Study Guide
Day 4-Creation 10 minutes Practice your exercise and description Do a full dress rehearsal-should be exactly 45 seconds total Final questions for the teacher before filming
Day 5-Performance 5 minutes Video tape your exercise How to organize a full class 2-3 groups at a time while the rest of class in playing a game Whole class in their own location
GRASPS Concept - Why??? Get the kids to buy into the project A performance task requires a total knowledge of the concepts GRASPS document Planning at RVIS Inquiry / Creation / Performance -process -planning
Small Group Work In small groups, brainstorm new Theme ideas and then plan out 6-8 exercises for it Then create your own that you could use in a unit you like to teach now
Credits Wiggins and McTighe-Understanding by Design RVIS Curriculum Department 21st Century Learners Standards (American Association of School Librarians)
Resources—Be Careful ( >Health and Fitness >Fitness > For Kids >Health > Fitness > interactive kids iTunes Store > podcasts > Health and Fitness