Lecturer: MSc Sanda Katavić-Čaušić ENGLISH COURSE Business English 3 2nd year Graduate programme Academic year 2016/17 Winter semester Lecturer: MSc Sanda Katavić-Čaušić
“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” - Malcolm X - NEVER STOP LEARNING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDfew0YcDTo&feature=youtu.be
IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS ENGLISH ‘lingua franca’ 90% of websites in English 80% of data stored on computers in English 40% of internet users communicate in English Global business speaks English (Google) https://hbr.org/2012/05/global-business-speaks-english 1.75 billion people worldwide speak English at a useful level business, business people and customers GLOBAL STRATEGY requires LANGUAGE STRATEGY companies must determine and implement the strategy a new skill advancing personal and professional developmet everyone involved in developing linguistic capacity of a company trigger for increasing the self-esteem of a person
COURSE SPECIFICATIONS COURSE TITLE: BUSINESS ENGLISH PROFICIENCY LEVEL: Upper-intermediate (CEFR B2) NUMBER OF ECTS CREDITS: 5 TARGET GROUP: 5th year students – graduate programme DURATION: 1 semester NUMBER OF LESSONS WEEKLY: 1 lecture and 2 practical exercises TOTAL IN SEMESTER: 45 LOCATION: Lecture room 10 TIME: Tuesday 17.30 – 19.55 TUTORIAL: Monday 10.00-10.45 & Tuesday 16.30-17.15
OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE preparing students for effective communication in international business environment, improving fluency and boosting confidence increase the knowledge of key business concepts while learning English pre-preparation for international business english exams such as BEC and BULATS BY THE END OF THE COURSE STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: read and understand business-related texts and pieces of academic writing listen to and understand business conversations speak and discuss opinions fluently write different formats of texts in their field of specialisation ................. pass their final exam
Different reading materials from various sources LITERATURE: Different reading materials from various sources will be provided by the instructor in advance for photocopying or on the instructor’s site on Efos website SUPPLEMENTARY LITERATURE: Robins, Sue (2014): Collins Cobuild Vocabulary in Practice, Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers Hollet, V. (2000): Business Opportunities, Oxford: OUP Other ...
STUDENTS’ OBLIGATIONS Attendance - 70% of total number of lectures and practical exercises (lab sessions) Quizzes – will be announced in advance Homeworks Active participation in lectures FINAL WORK : My Business English Portfolio (home assigment in progress) due: towards the end of the 3rd semester
HOMEWORK FOR NEXT ENGLISH SESSION: watch the video and read the text on Harvard Business Review site: https://hbr.org or just google Global Business Speaks English - from the text select 5-10 new expressions and find their equivalent definitions in a monolingual dictionary - write your HW in your notebook!!! - PHOTOCOPY MATERIALS FOR THE NEXT LECTURE ASSIGMENT 1 FOR YOUR PORTFOLIO My personal motivation for improving business English knowledge – LETTER OF MOTIVATION
CONTACT EMAIL: sanda.katavic-causic@efos.hr sanda@efos.hr OFFICE PHONE: 22 44 45 OFFICE: 65 (new building, 2nd floor) STUDENT TUTOR: Ana Milković