Intensive First Year American Sign Language (ASL 134) class Summer 2016 Instructor: Kristi Winter, MA University of Washington Dept. of Linguistics ASL Program
Agenda: Today: Units 4-5 Test Wednesday, July 27th Thursday, July 28th Test format: Fill in blanks, MC, T/F, Matching, and Short Answers Unit 6 “The Gallaudet and Clerc Story” (Sign Production Assignment #2) Unit 6 “Childhood Stories” Wednesday, July 27th Unit 7 “Describing People and Things” Signing Lunch 12:15 – 12:45 Thursday, July 28th *Signing Production Assignment #2 – the due date for SPA #2 is postponed to Monday, August 1st
Unit 5 “Talking about Activities”
Lesson 5:8 Talking about Activities with Others
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Next Wednesday night (Wed, 21st) Who: Boyfriend Describe Activity: will eat at Mexican restaurant Other information: listen to music
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Last Tuesday night (Tues, 6th) Who: students Describe Activity: danced at a club Other information: it was fun
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Last Friday afternoon (Fri, 9th) Who: 2 roommates and her Describe Activity: got on a boat to San Francisco Other information: went sightseeing and went to a dance class; fun
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Next Tuesday night (Tues, 20th) Who: grandparents Describe Activity: 50th wedding anniversary Other information: will go to a park to eat, drink and celebrate; will be enjoyable
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Last week, Monday morning (5th) Who: Iva and her 3 children Describe Activity: bicycled to the beach Other information: children went on rides while Iva sunbathed and read books; that was nice
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Next week, Thursday night (Thurs, 22nd) Who: 7 friends Describe Activity: going camping Other information: will pack food and clothes in car; then go fishing; I’m excited
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Last Wednesday night ( 7th) Who: brother; sister and Priscilla Describe Activity: went to school Other information: watched niece play soccer; then we hosted a birthday party for nephew; it was nice
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Last weekend( 9th, 10th and 11th) Who: mother, father, cousin, wife and Isias Describe Activity: skiing all day Other information: went to bar and played pool while drinking; fun
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Next week, Friday night (23rd) Who: four ASL teachers Describe Activity: will play poker Other information: after they finish playing poker they will watch a movie and eat popcorn
Homework 5:8 (pages 269-271) Tell about Activities When: Last Thursday afternoon (8th) Who: nephew and Tyrone Describe Activity: visited train museum Other information: we visited our aunt and uncle; chatted a while; nice
Unit 5 Questions to Ask ask what the person did last Saturday. ask when the person does laundry. ask if the person exercises everyday. ask what errands the person must do tomorrow. ask the person who s/he lives with and what their household duties are.
Questions to Ask ask the person if s/he minds washing dishes. explain you have not finished your homework, ask the person if s/he has done his/her homework. explain you must go to the post office to mail a package, then to the bank to get some money. Ask the person if s/he wants to come with you. explain you and your roommate are moving to another apartment next Friday. Ask the person if s/he can help you move. explain you and two friends are going to the museum this afternoon. Ask the person to join you.
Review Unit 4 Family Members What’s the Relationship?
Units 4 & 5 Exam
Unit 6 “The Gallaudet and Clerc Story”
The due date for SPA #2 “The Gallaudet and Clerc Story” will be on Monday, August 1st.
Watch video of “The Gallaudet and Clerc Story”
Lesson 6:9 “The Gallaudet and Clerc Story” Understanding the story Review vocabulary: To search for To locate something after a search To set up; to establish; to form a system or institution The first of its kind Arrive There is none, or something doesn’t exist
Thomas Gallaudet Laurent Clerc 6:9, p. 569
Gesture vs Sign M 194 6:9, p. 572
Differences Between Signs and Gestures “not me” “I didn’t see anything” “smells bad” “no, no” “yummy” I’m very tired Where’s the train? I’m hungry Where’s the hotel? Where’s the restroom?
Lesson 6:10 Two-Person Role Shift “ball throwing” and “saying hello and bye” exercises
Lesson 6:10 Two-Person Role Shift Scene: Gallaudet and the Girl Scene: Gallaudet and Clerc
Lesson 6:10 Two-Person Role Shift Two-Person Role Shift in Narratives Gallaudet and the Girl establish Gallaudet to the right of and slightly behind the girl use shift and eye gaze correctly gesture “not understand” by shrugging shoulders Gallaudet and Clerc establish Gallaudet to the left of Clerc Each partner pick one of the scenes above to rehearse and have the other partner give feedback.
Lesson 6:11 Maintaining Spatial Agreement Scene 1: Gallaudet Sails for England locate England in your signing space sign SAIL-TO moving in the direction of England sign ARRIVE-TO agreeing with the location of England
Lesson 6:11 Maintaining Spatial Agreement Practice maintaining spatial agreement when referring to established locations. Scene 1: Gallaudet Sails for England locate England in your signing space sign SAIL-TO moving in the direction of England sign ARRIVE-TO agreeing with the location of England
M 195 6:11, p. 578
Lesson 6:11 Maintaining Spatial Agreement Scene 2: Gallaudet Sails for France locate France south of England on your signing space sign ARRIVE-TO agreeing with the location of France Scene 3: Gallaudet and Clerc Sail for America ASL sign TEACH
M 195 6:11, p. 578
Lesson 6:12 “The Gallaudet and Clerc Story” Story Cohesion Elements to help you tell the story well • transitions: raised brows • engaging the audience • use of signing space
6:13 Childhood Stories: “Wrong Name” Student Workbook, page 338 Watch Video: “Wrong Name”
6:13 Childhood Stories: “Wrong Name” New Vocabulary: Sometime in the past; long time ago One long week enthusiastic, excited with anticipation transition: the following day mirror wrong, not correct to burst into tears wh-word: ask what is the matter to chuckle; to laugh quietly to oneself not in working condition; broken transition: now to realize; to understand
Answer Key: Wrong Name! Where did the parents go for their vacation? For how long? Answer: To Mexico for one week Where did the children stay? Answer: At their grandparents’ place What did the parents bring back f or each child? Answer: Sombreros What did Michelle do to her hat? What did she use? Answer: Painted her name on front of the hat with Mom’s red nail polish
Answer Key: Wrong Name! What happened when she looked in the mirror? Answer: Her name was not spelled right. How did her mother explain the problem? Answer: Her mother said that the mirror was broken. What does Michelle understand now that she didn’t back then? Answer: That her name seems wrong because mirrors reverse your image This story takes place over how many days? Answer: Nine days
Childhood Stories: “If Only I Could Fly” Student Workbook, page 341
Childhood Stories: “If Only I Could Fly” Student Workbook, page 341 New Vocabulary: to do repeatedly in order to become proficient tasty, scrumptious, delicious to remain in anticipation; to wait for to express an apology to feel or experience pain
Childhood Stories: “If Only I Could Fly” (p. 341) What did Priscilla want to do? She wanted to fly like a bird. What did Priscilla’s mom want Priscilla to help her with? Making cookies. After Mom caught Priscilla eating the cookies, where did she put the cookies? Inside the cupboard How was Priscilla able to reach the cookies? She pulled out the drawers and used them as stairs to climb to the counter.
Childhood Stories: “If Only I Could Fly” When she heard her mother coming, what did she do? She tried to fly. What happened to Priscilla? She broke her collarbone and was brought to the hospital. This story takes place over how long a period of time? One afternoon
Work with Partners Signs for Seeing (homework 6:13, p. 345)
Name object Describe action M 202 6:13B, p. 594
Homework for next class day: Study and practice “The Gallaudet and Clerc Story” (pages 329-337) for your SPA #2 (due on Monday, August 1st )
Sources: Smith, C., Lentz, E. & Mikos, K. (1988)Signing Naturally Student Workbook Level 1. DawnSignPress. San Diego, CA Smith, C., Lentz, E., Mikos, K. (2008) Signing Naturally Units 1-6. Dawn Sign Press. San Diego, CA. Zinza, Jason E. (2006) Master ASL! Sign Media, Inc. Burtonsville, MD. Eastman, G. (1989) From Mime to Sign. T.J. Publishers, Inc. Silver Spring, MD. Pictures from Microsoft Clip Arts