In the name of God The compassionate The merciful
Mohammad Mehdi Siamian Gorji Iran‘s rising influence in the petrochemicals industry Mohammad Mehdi Siamian Gorji 7-JULY-2017
Low energy costs due to non-conventional fuels Low energy costs due to non-conventional fuels. The rate of shale gas in the US energy production is expected to grow from current 10% to 36% by 2035. China is the world leader in plastics production and conversion. Low production costs in plastics’ conversion have triggered investments in the plastics industry, including the plastics machinery manufacturing. 67% of the world’s oil reserves and 45% of the world gas reserves are located in the Middle East. Feedstock provides opportunities for the petrochemical industry there. Strong growth in plastics conversion sector (more than 22.000 companies and 4 million employees(. Key drivers are the growing population and the growth of manufacturing sectors such as the automotive sector. q21aw One-third of the bio-plastics are produced in Latin America. Access to bio--based feedstock provides opportunities for the Brazilian bio-plastics industry. Source: based on The European House Ambrosetti study, 2013
Population: population -million
Change in oil demand by sector in the New Policies Scenario, 2015-2040 mb/d 6 3 -3 Power Buildings Passenger Maritime Freight Aviation Petrochemicals generation cars (Feedstock) The global car fleet doubles, but efficiency gains, biofuels & electric cars reduce oil demand for passenger cars; growth elsewhere pushes total demand higher
Change in oil demand by sector in the 2 °C Scenario, 2015-2040 mb/d 5 -5 -10 Power Buildings Passenger Maritime Freight Aviation Petrochemicals generation cars (Feedstock) Stronger climate policies curb demand across sectors, but demand for petrochemicals remains stable © OECD/IEA 2016
Shares of primary energy 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 Nuclear 2025 2035 Oil Coal Gas Hydro Renewables* © BP p.l.c. 2017
103 mt/y Iran’s Petrochemical Complexes Region No. 2016 Region No. Capacity (million/tons per year) Mahshahr 21 25.8 Assaluyeh 15 26.9 Other regions 19 11.4 Total output capacity 55 64.1 103 mt/y Iran’s Petrochemical Under Construction Projects Region No. Capacity (million/tons per year) Mahshahr 7 1.5 Assaluyeh 16 21.4 Other regions 26 Total output capacity 49 39
Mahshahr Assaluyeh Iran is ready to develop the petrochemical industry Petrochemical complexes Petrochemical projects Projects enroute the ethylene pipeline 6th development plan :private sector Special Economic Zone Future petrochemical Hubs Iran is ready to develop the petrochemical industry Mahshahr Assaluyeh Other areas West Ethylene Pipeline Central Ethylene Pipeline The ongoing projects Complexes under operation The future hub for the petrochemical industry Chabahar Parsian Qeshm Jask Mahshahr development Assaluyeh development
Mahshahr 7 1.5 ol PDH ol ol Isocyanates-Phase 2 ol Acrylonitrile Pvc Mahshahr 21 25.8 Mahshahr 7 1.5 Met ol Amo Pvc PDH ol Pvc ol Amo Met Isocyanates-Phase 2 Pvc ol Acrylonitrile Maleic Anhydride Acrylates
Olefin Methanol Ammonia/Urea PDH Styrene Park OL OL OL OL OL Assaluyeh 15 26.9 Olefin Assaluyeh 16 21.4 Methanol Ammonia/Urea Amo Met PDH Met Met Met Styrene Park Met Met Met Met OL OL OL OL Amo Amo Amo OL
The Advantages of Petrochemical Hub Establishment in CFZ Project Capacity k T/Y Total Urea Ammonia 1275 4 Methanol 1650 Methanol Ammonia 990+ 300 1. Chabahar, The southernmost city of Iran: Free Trade & Industrial Zone situated in on the Coast of Oman Sea out of Persian Gulf region. 2. Strategically being located in the cross section of the North and South International Corridors. 3. only port with direct access to Indian Ocean and Oman Sea where the location well qualifies it for Industrial Development, Trade and Transit of Goods..
Chabahar : future petrochemical hub Free Trade-Industrial Zone of Chabahar as the location for Mokran Petrochemical Complex. The main products Product Ton / Year Urea 4,860,000 Ammonia 1,473,000 Methanol 8,910,000 ethylene 270,000 HDPE 600,000 LDPE LLDPE MEG 400,000 DEG 40,000 TEG 2,800 Product Ton / Year P-XYLENE 750,000 O-XYLENE 100,000 Benzene 430,000 Butadiene 1 & 3 116,000 Heavy aromatics 1,980,000 LPG 65,000 Propylene 450,000 Polypropylene 300,000 Crystal Melamine 80,000
* 4/3 Methanol production (capacity) 2015-2025 Ethylene production (capacity) 2015-2025 Propylene production (capacity) 2015-2025 * 4/3 *4/6 49% 44% 80%
HDPE production (capacity) 2015-2025 :mt/y LLDPE production (capacity) PP production (capacity) 2015-2025:mt/y 80% 60% 100% 90% 51%
PETROCHEMICALS & CHEMICALS For producing complicated, high quality, low cost products with special effect, petrochemical products are first choice. Energy Packaging Defense Agriculture Electronic Automobile Aero space Transportation Shoe and wear Food & nutrition Painting and coating Health and medical Building & construction In 2050, nine billion people will live on this planet. Three-quarters of this population will live in cities. The increasing urbanization of the population will require new concepts for housing and construction. PETROCHEMICALS & CHEMICALS
plastics packaging some of the benefits offered by plastics packaging: 1- The lightest packaging material. 2- Food conservation and preservation. 3- Convenient and innovative. 4- Safe and hygienic
Agriculture Applications 1- Greenhouses 2- Tunnels 3- Mulching 4- Plastic reservoirs and irrigation systems 5- Silage 6- Other plastic applications
Dutch company KWS Infra has signed a cooperation agreement with processor Wavin and resin supplier Total to develop roads manufactured from plastics as a sustainable alternative to traditional asphalt roads. The intent is to utilize post-consumer recycled polyolefins (polyethylene and polypropylene) mainly sourced from packaging and industrial applications. Processing techniques will include, but not be limited to, injection molding and extrusion Plastic roads under development Service life is typically extended by a factor of two to three, for example. Construction time, meanwhile, is reduced by 70%, and the structure is four times lighter than a traditional road structure.
Polymer-modified Asphalt Mixtures Polymer-modified asphalt mixtures are used as a wearing course over high performance pavements, having as main purpose to provide greater useful life to pavement, high resistance to traffic and comfort to road users
Marun petrochemical company was established in 1999 first designed Iranian plants in which C2+ (mainly ethane) is separated from natural gas, and reformed to olefin products and then to polymeric and chemical products
Ilam Petrochemical Complex 100% Marun petrochemical complex 1- Ahwaz: Ethane recovery unit 2- Mahshar: Petrochemical Special Economic Zone Olefin Plant 64% Laleh Petrochemical Company 5 1 40% Bushehr Petrochemical Complex 95 km pipe line 4 34% Salman Farsi Petrochemical 6 2 1 7% Ilam Petrochemical Complex 100 Marun supplementary industry 3
Product Total 4,598 1,185 3,413 ETHYLEN 1000 850 150 METHANOL 1650 162 BUPC :South Pars Phase Three parts: Gas Sweetening C2 Recovery & Methanol units C2 Cracker Unit (Olefin)- Poly Ethylene & MEG. Product Total Capacity Internal Use Export ETHYLEN 1000 850 150 METHANOL 1650 162 1488 ACETIC ACID 300 173 127 VAM 250 HDPE/LDPE 450 MEG 500 DEG 50.5 TEG 3.5 SULFOR 125 C3/C4 181 C3+ 88 Total 4,598 1,185 3,413
Products - Holding of Marun Product MPC % Share Company Name 100% Marun petrochemical complex MPC 1 64% Laleh Petrochemical Company LPC 2 40% Bushehr Petrochemical Complex BUPC 3 34% Salman Farsi Petrochemical Company SFPC 4 7% Ilam Petrochemical Complex 5 Products - Holding of Marun Product MPC BUPC ILAM LPC SFPC ETHYLEN 1100 1000 460 PROPYLENE 200 127 450 PP 300 METHANOL 1650 ACETIC ACID VAM 250 PE MEG 400 500 DEG 40 50.5 TEG 3 3.5 SULFOR 125 C3/C4 181 33 C3+ 160 88 PG 90 134
2017 2018 2022 PORTFOLIO NEW PROJECTS TOTAL PRODUCTION 2,160,000 T/Y EXISTING CAPACITY PORTFOLIO NEW PROJECTS TOTAL PRODUCTION 2017 2018 2022 2,160,000 T/Y 3,174,000 T/Y 8,671,000 T/Y % MPC SHARE Capacity (T/Y) Product Name No 100 60,000 Polyolefin Compounds Compounding Unit 1 60 30,000 Marun Pooya Polymer Compounds 2 40,000 E.O EO Plant (purification) 3 72,000 Ethoxylated Products Ethoxylation Plant 4 300,000 LLDPE LLDPE Plant 5 5,000,000 Identified after F.S Petrochemical HUB (Integration) 6
diversification of products MARUN Supplementary Industries Job creation diversification of products Investment Added value Energy Packaging Agriculture Electronic Automobile Food & nutrition Painting and coating Health and medical Building & construction Water treatment Advanced polymer
Challenges Row material Market export financial Price &Market place inadequate Quality quality distribution Market export financial Transaction Investment corporation Integration Joint venturing
Domestic manufacturer Needs Making Corporation & Joint venture Production-oriented managing should be replaced by market-oriented one Investment in the petrochemical and chemical industry Foreign investor Row material supplier Domestic manufacturer Engineering polymer & Chemical should be taken seriously Investment in making EFFICIENT RELATION with neighbors Integration in manufacturing –marketing- studies & finance preparing the ground for face to face talks
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