What do you think? Question b asks for your opinion on the issues that we have covered in this course. Use this presentation to work through all the possible issues. Alternatively test your current understanding by pressing the ‘Test me’ button, randomly selecting a question you can attempt. The question, usually a past examination question Year(s) the question was set The topic Suggested answers should you need help The opportunity to test yourself by randomly selecting a question to answer Greater challenge to help you write a better response. A writing frame should you need it
Test me Summer 2011/ 2014 Do you think a religious upbringing makes children believe in God? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Science proves God did not create the world Children trust their religious parents and friends and will believe what they say. Parents take their children to church, making friends with other children who believe. However … Children develop their own ideas as they grow up e.g. by going to school. Events in a child’s life may make them question their believe in God, e.g. a relative dying. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think a religious upbringing makes/ does not make children believe in God because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think… because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Refer to the specific characteristics of a religious upbringing, e.g. attending a faith school.
Test me Do you think children should follow the same religion as their parents? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Children should Parents and children will spend more time together as a family, e.g. going to Church. There will be less conflict between parents and children, e.g. share the same moral values. However … Children develop their own ideas regardless as they grow up e.g. by going to school. No-one should be forced to believe in religion; children cannot be made to love God. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think children should/ should not follow the same religion as their parents because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think . because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Be critical, do not assume a religious upbringing will mean a child will remain religious.
Test me Summer 2011 Do you think science proves God did not create the world? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Science proves God did not create the world The Big Bang theory explains how the universe began as a singularity without God. Evolution explains how life began on earth through a process of adaptation and selection. However … The Big Bang and Evolution are only scientific theories supported by current facts. God could have created the world through the processes of the Big Bang and Evolution. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think science proves God did not create the world/ does not disprove God created the world because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think… because …(if you are making a contrasting point) The Big Bang Theory is how the universe began, whereas the Theory of Evolution is how life began on earth.
Test me Summer 2016 Do you think all religious people should agree with the scientific explanation of the origins of the world? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Religious people should agree God could have created the world through the processes of the Big Bang and Evolution. The creation story is not meant to be a factual account of creation, but teaches God is creator. However … The creation story is a literal account of what happened, making the world in six days. God is omnipotent and is able to create the world from nothing as described in the Bible. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think religious people should/ should not agree with the scientific explanation because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think… because …(if you are making a contrasting point) All Christians believe the Bible is God’s Word. Fundamental and Liberal Christians disagree on how these words have been written down.
Test me Summer 2016 Do you think the causation argument proves God exists? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) The causation argument proves God exists If everything is caused by something else, then logically there must be a first cause, God. Only God is eternal, so only God can exist before the Big Bang and therefore cause it to begin. However … It is a contradiction to claim that everything has a cause, except for the first cause. The causation argument is only an argument based upon reason rather than any known facts. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think the causation argument proves/ does not prove God exists because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think… because …(if you are making a contrasting point) The causation argument claims everything in the universe is caused by something else, therefore the universe must have a cause.
Test me Summer 2010/ 2014 Do you think the universe is designed?/ Do you think God designed the world Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) The universe is designed The universe appears to have patterns or rules, e.g. natural laws; the speed of light. The universe is so complex, in which particles combine to make larger bodies. However … Scientists can explain how the universe came about using the Big Bang theory. The universe seems poorly designed with only relatively few planets able to sustain life. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think the universe is/ is not designed because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think… because …(if you are making a contrasting point) The design argument claims the universe is designed – it seems purposeful, made up of complex parts -- and therefore has a designer.
Test me Summer 2012 Do you think religious experiences prove that God exist? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Religious experiences prove God exists If someone prays to God and it is answered, then God must be there to hear the person’s prayer. Only God can perform miracles as God is meant to be omnipotent. However … Drugs can create similar experiences as religious experience, e.g. the numinous. A miracle could have a natural explanation that science is yet to discovered. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think religious experiences prove/ does not prove God exists because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think… because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Make reference to specific religious experiences - conversion, miracles, numinous and prayer.
Test me Summer 2013 Do you think unanswered prayers prove God does not exist? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Unanswered prayers prove God does not exist God is meant to be omnibenevolent and an omnibenevolent God would answer prayers. God is meant to be omnipotent and an omnipotent God could answer prayers. However … People could be making a selfish prayer that they think is good for them, but is not or hurts others. God may answer someone’s prayer, but not in the way they expect. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think unanswered prayers prove God does not exist/ do not disprove God’s existence because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think… because …(if you are making a contrasting point) God is meant to be omnibenelovent and WOULD answer prayers and omnipotent and COULD answer them.
Test me Do you think God allows us to suffer? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) God allows us to suffer Suffering can encourage people to develop empathy and help others, e.g. by giving to charity. Suffering enables the human race to learn from its past mistakes and make progress. However … God is meant to be omnibenevolent and would not hurt innocent people. Christians believe that they are children of God and no parent would want their child to suffer. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think God allows/ does not allow us to suffer because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) God is meant to be omnibenelovent and WOULD not want us to suffer and omnipotent and COULD stop us suffering.
Test me Summer 2012 Do you think television or radio programmes or films can affect a person’s attitude to belief in God? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) It can affect a person’s attitude A programme/ film can make a person lose faith in God if presented as a comical figure. A programme/ film can encourage belief in God if presented as an omnibenevolent figure. However … People watch programmes/ films for entertainment purposes. Personal events in someone’s life is more likely to affect a person’s attitude, e.g. a dying relative. Click for help Click for help Believing in God Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think programmes/ films can/ cannot affect a person’s attitude to belief in God because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think… because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Think about specific programmes/ films. What is the genre? How are religious characters or content presented?
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2013 Do you think life after death is impossible? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Life after death is impossible We need a body to live and we know that our physical bodies decompose when we die. Non-religious evidence may be falsified, e.g. pictures of ghosts photo-shopped However … A creator and omnipotent (all-powerful) God would be able to restore life he had original made. There is evidence of life after death, e.g. Jesus’ resurrection and past life accounts. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think life after death is impossible/ possible because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Remember to consider the non-religious evidence: ghosts, mediums, near-death experiences and reincarnation accounts.
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2016 Do you think non-religious people should believe in life after death? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Non-religious people should believe It makes sense that good people are rewarded when they die (and bad people punished). Dawkins says we continue in people’s memories and through the genes passed on to our children. However … Non-religious evidence for life after death can be explained, e.g. drugs given during an operation. Non-religious evidence can be falsified, e.g. mediums tricking people in a sad situation. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think non-religious people should/ should not believe in life after death because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Remember the non- religious evidence must prove that a person who is dead is still existing somehow after death.
Matters of Life and Death Test me Do you think Christians are right to believe in life after death? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Christians are right The Bible includes many references to heaven and hell, e.g. the Parable of the Sheep and Goats. This life is not fair, so it is only fair that good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell. However … There is no physical evidence that there is a heaven or hell. We need a body to live and we know that our physical bodies decompose when we die. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think Christians are right/ wrong to believe in life after death because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Use the Parable of the Sheep and Goats because it is a story Jesus told about what happens on Judgement Day.
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2013 Do you think belief in life after death should affect the way Christians live their lives? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) It should affect the way Christians live Heaven and Hell are eternal states and Christians will want to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. Christians believe they will be judged on Judgement Day by how they have lived this life. However … Christians should simply follow Jesus’ teachings and example, e.g. the Golden Rule. Christians should be altruistic, helping others because they need it, not so they can go to heaven. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think belief in life after death should/ should not affect the way Christians live their lives because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Think about Christian beliefs about Heaven and Hell and how this might affect the way someone might live.
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2010 Should everyone agree with abortion? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Everyone should agree Pro-choice means the rights of a woman to decide what happens to her body should take priority. An abortion may be the lesser of two evils, especially if the pregnancy is a result of rape. However … Pro-life means that the rights of the unborn baby is more important, including its right to life. Adoption is always an option. A child can be always given up to a loving family. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think everyone should/ should not agree with abortion because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Abortion usually divides people into pro-choice – the woman should decide – and pro-life, protecting the rights of the unborn baby.
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2015 Do you think all religious people should be against abortion? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Religious people should be against abortion Only God/ Allah can take life. It is a sin/ haram for doctors to perform abortions and play God. Sanctity of life means life is precious and belongs to God. Abortion is ending a precious life. However … The majority of abortions happen early in a woman’s pregnancy when the foetus is not alive. An abortion may be the lesser of two evils, especially if the pregnancy is a result of rape. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think religious people should/ should not be against abortion because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) When life begins is really important. Roman Catholics say life begins at conception. Muslims say at ensoulment, 90 days into the pregnancy.
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2014 Do you think Christians should agree with abortion? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Christians should agree with abortion An abortion could be the most loving thing to do, especially if the mother or foetus might suffer. An abortion may be the lesser of two evils, especially if the pregnancy is a result of rape. However … If an abortion happens after life begins this is murder. ‘Do not commit murder’ Exodus 20:13. Sanctity of life means all life is precious (and belongs to God). We should protect life not end it. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think Christians should/ should not agree with abortion because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) There are strong Christian opinions on either side. The Roman Catholic Church is pro- life. Other Christians are pro-choice.
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2016/ Summer 2011 Do you think euthanasia should be allowed in the UK?/ Do you think that euthanasia should be legal in the UK? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Possible answers It means someone dying from a terrible illness suffers less, e.g. motor neurone disease. Euthanasia means ‘good death’, e.g. a painful, dignified death that does not destress your family. However … Health professionals are meant to care for their patients, not kill them, e.g. the Hippocratic Oath. It might make older people more vulnerable as relatives may encourage them to die sooner. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think euthanasia should/ should not be allowed in the UK because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Euthanasia is illegal in the UK. Sometimes hospitals withdraw treatment from patients, allowing them to die from their condition.
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2014 Do you think Christians should agree with euthanasia? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Christians should agree with euthanasia Euthanasia could be the most loving thing, helping a person to die in a dignified manner. It could be the lesser of the two evils, preventing someone suffering and with no hope of a cure. However … Sanctity of life means all life is precious and belongs to God regards of a person’s quality of life. There are always hospices with special facilities to give someone the best possible care until they die. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think Christians should/ should not agree with euthanasia because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) There is an intense debate between Sanctity of Life (someone has life) versus Quality of Life (someone has a life, but it is of poor quality).
Matters of Life and Death Test me Summer 2015/ Summer 2011 Do you think the media should be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of life and death? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) The media should be allowed to criticise The media has the right of free speech enabling important issues to be discussed and debated. The media can educate and inform people about religious ideas and attitudes. However … Criticism in the media can create conflict, particularly if it misrepresents religious views. The media have be biased unfavourably against religion generally and certain religions specifically. Click for help Click for help Matters of Life and Death Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think the media should/ should not be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of life and death because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) The question is about matters of life and death: life after death, abortion and euthanasia.
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2015/ Summer 2011 Do you think sex outside of marriage is acceptable? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Sex outside of marriage is acceptable Many people have sex before they get married, especially as people are getting married later. If someone is in a loveless marriage it is understandable if they have an affair. However … Sex before marriage can mean someone has an unwanted pregnancy and possible abortion. Having an affair can cause a family breakup, divorce and unhappiness for everyone. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think sex outside of marriage is/ is not acceptable because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Sex outside of marriage can refer to pre-marital sex (sex before marriage) or adultery, when someone cheats on their partner.
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2014 Do you think all Christians should accept sex outside marriage? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Christians should accept sex outside marriage It is acceptable if a couple are cohabitating and waiting to get married. It is a matter for the conscience of individual Christians to decide. However … One of the Ten Commandments given by God is ‘Do not commit adultery’, Exodus 20:14. St Paul taught that your body is a temple to the Holy Spirit and should be valued and respected. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think Christians should/ should not accept sex outside marriage because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Sex outside of marriage can refer to pre-marital sex (sex before marriage) or adultery, when someone cheats on their partner.
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2012 Do you think faithfulness within marriage is important? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Faithfulness within marriage is important At a Christian wedding, the bride and groom promise to stay together until ‘death do us part’. Parents staying together brings stability to a family, knowing that the parents are always there. However … It is more important that the parents and the children are happy than unhappy together. People marry because they are in love, but if they no longer love each other they should divorce. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think faithfulness within marriage is/ is not important because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Faithfulness in marriage means more than not having an affair, but developing a deep trusting relationship between two people.
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2010 Do you think family life is important? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Family life is important It is the place where we learn to love, enabling us to form positive relationships with other people. Families teach you right from wrong, often teaching us moral principles by which we live. However … Sadly not all families are good families, but individuals can still be successful in society. Families are sometimes less important as we grow up, making friends and going to school. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think family is/ is not important because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) How do families benefit society? What is that families do that makes a positive contribution to our society.
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2016 Do you think attitudes to family life have changed in the UK? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Attitudes to family life are less traditional There are now many different and diverse families in the UK, including single-parent, same-sex. Divorce is more common and also re-marriages resulting in a number of re-constituted families. However … Religions teach traditional ideas about families, such as marriage between a man and a woman. Couples will often delay having children until they are married. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think attitudes to family life are less traditional/ remain traditional because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) A family comprises parent(s) and child(ren). Think about the diversity of families (nuclear, same-sex, single-parent, re-constituted families).
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2016 Do you think attitudes to divorce have changed in the UK? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Attitudes to divorce are more accepting Spouses, particularly women, are not prepared to stay in unhappy marriages and rather divorce. Spouses, particularly women, have greater financial independent to afford a divorce. However … Religions teach men and women to remain faithful, promising to stay married until ‘death do us part’. Divorce breaks up families and therefore husband and wives often try to resolve their problems. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think attitudes to divorce are/ are not more accepting because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) In 1995, 33% of marriages had ended by the 15th wedding anniversary. For those marrying since 2000 this is likely to have fallen.
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2011 Do you think all religious people should accept divorce? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) All religious people should accept divorce Divorce could be the lesser of the two evils, better than if people stayed in unhappy marriages. Divorce is legal and St Paul taught ‘no authority exists without God’s permission’, Romans 13:1 However … Divorce causes families to break-up, causing children to suffer. In a Christian wedding promises are made in front of God to stay together until ‘death do us part’. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think all religious people should/ should not accept divorce because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Marriage in Christianity is a divine institution, the way God intended people to live. In Islam, marriage is a legal and social contract.
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2015/ Summer 2010 Do you think attitudes towards homosexuality have changed? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Attitudes are more accepting Same-sex couples now have the right to marry, e.g. Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. There are many homosexual celebrities, openly gay and campaigning, e.g. Tyler Oakley However … On average there are 20 homophobic hate crimes a day in the UK. Religions teach traditional ideas about families, such as marriage between a man and a woman. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think attitudes are/ are not more accepting because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) When answering this type of question it is often easier to phrase how attitudes may have changed vis-à-vis traditional ideas.
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2013 Do you think all religious people should accept homosexuality? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) All religious people should accept homosexuality Science identifies genetic factors for homosexuality, so it is partly how we are made. Accepting Homosexuality is the most loving thing to do, allowing someone to love and be loved. However … We should follow the natural law in God’s creation. Same-sex couples cannot naturally reproduce. The Christian Bible and the Qur’an, God’s words, condemns homosexuality as a sin/ haram. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think all religious people should/ should not accept homosexuality because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) “God created human beings … He created them male and female”, Genesis 1:27. Did God make us heterosexual or simply make everyone?
Marriage and the family Test me Summer 2012 Do you think all religious people should accept the use of contraception? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Religious people should accept its use Contraception can help a couple plan how many and when they have their children. Sex is also unitive, a physical, emotional act bringing a couple together, strengthening them. However … God/ Allah intended sex to be procreative; for the creation of children. Contraception can encourage pre-marital sex and adultery, against Christian and Islamic teaching. Click for help Click for help Marriage and the family Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think religious people should/ should not accept the use of contraception because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Think about the relationship in which contraception may be used as well as the possible abortive effects of some contraceptives.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2012/ Summer 2010 Do you think attitudes to the roles of men and women have changed in the UK? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Attitudes to gender roles are less traditional Women enjoy the same access to education as men, including university education. Women are encouraged to have a career, competing for the same jobs as men. However … Women still do most of the housework and are usually the primary child carer. Religions teach traditional ideas about gender, encouraging men to lead, e.g. male priests/ imams. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think attitudes to the roles of men and women are less traditional in the UK because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) When answering this type of question it is often easier to phrase how attitudes may have changed vis-à-vis traditional ideas.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2015/ Summer 2014/ Summer 2011 Do you think men and women should have equal rights in religion? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Men and women should have equal rights Women are considered equal in other aspects of society, e.g. voting rights. Men and women are all God’s creation, deserving the same respect and dignity, Genesis 1:27. However … Women are made differently to men with different roles, such as in Islam keeping a halal home. Only men can lead religion, e.g. Jesus only choose men to be his disciples and then his apostles. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think men and women should/ should not have equal rights in religion because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Remember this question is focusing upon equality in religion. The answer must therefore address the way religion treats men and women.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2014 Do you think problems are caused because society is multi-ethnic? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Problems are caused Different ethnicities may experience prejudice and discrimination, e.g. when applying for jobs. Different ethnicities and their diverse cultures may cause offense, e.g. women’s rights However … Different ethnicities living together means better understanding and tolerance. Different ethnicities and their diverse cultures enriches society, e.g. food, festival, fashion. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think problems are/ are not caused because society is multi-ethnic because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Another word for ethnic for race or nationality. You can refer to culture and religion, but you must make the link between ethnicity, culture and religion first.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2015/ Summer 2012 Do you think living in a multi-ethnic society helps to reduce racism? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Living in a multi-ethnic society reduces racism The UK is a multi-ethnic society and racism is a problem; people are still racist towards others. The indigenous population may feel threatened by immigration, e.g. wanting jobs for British people. However … Children particularly growing up with different ethnicities will learn to treat everyone with respect. Different ethnicities following different religions all teach equality between races. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think living in a multi-ethnic society helps/ does not help to reduce racism because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Another word for ethnic for race. You can refer to religion, but you must make the link between ethnicity and religion first.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2016 Do you think Christians should help to promote racial harmony? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Christians should help promote racial harmony We are all God’s creation, deserving the same respect and dignity, Genesis 1:27. Christians should follow Jesus’ example, e.g. talking as an equal to a Samaritan woman, John 4. However … Governments are more effective at promoting equality, e.g. Race Relations Amendment Act 2000. Promoting racial harmony may be misinterpreted as an attempt to convert people causing conflict. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Think about the religious motivations Christians might have to promote racial harmony and duties that might mean this is not a priority. Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think Christians should/ should not help to promote racial harmony because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point)
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2013/ Summer 2011 Do you think multi-faith societies cause problems for religious families/ people? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Multi-faith societies do cause problems Children will grow up with other children who believe in different religions causing confusion. Some religions may try to convert someone, e.g. Christians, believing only their religion is true. However … There are many issues that religions agree on, especially how we should treat one another. Families are often the strong role models for their children, especially in their younger years. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think multi-faith societies do/ do not cause problems for religious families because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Another word for faith is religion. You can refer to racism, but you must make the link between religion, ethnicity and culture first.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2013 Do you think religious people should try to convert other people to their religion? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) Religious people should try to convert others A religion might believe that it only has the truth, revealed in its holy text, e.g. the Christian Bible. Some religions believe in Heaven/ Paradise and Hell, believing in this life decides where you go. However … Religious freedom is a human right, article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. No-one should be forced to believe in religion, e.g. Qur’an 2:256 “there is no compulsion in religion”. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think religious people should/ should not try to convert other people to their religion because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Conversion is a possible conflict of living in a multi-faith society. Conversion can be from having no faith and it is an act of persuasion.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2010 Do you think there are benefits to living in a multi-faith society? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) There are benefits to living in a multi-faith society A multi-faith society can be more tolerant as religions teach that all people are equal. A multi-faith society offers greater religious freedom for individuals to choose what to believe. However … Religions often teach traditional ideas about sex and gender discriminating against some groups. Religious differences can contribute to conflicts between racial groups, resulting in racism. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think there are/ are not benefits to living in a multi-faith society because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Another word for faith is religion. You can refer to racism, but you must make the link between religion, ethnicity and culture first.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Summer 2016 Do you think the government can help community cohesion? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) The government can help community cohesion The government has the powers to create laws to protect communities, e.g. from racism. The government can work through schools to challenge prejudice and encourage inclusion. However … Children can learn to be prejudice from their parents before they go to school. The government should spend its money on other more important issues, such as public protection. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think the government can/ cannot help community cohesion because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Think about the role of Government and therefore how Governments are able to influence our society.
Religion and community cohesion Test me Do you think the media present religious people fairly? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks) The media does present religious people fairly Religious people can complain if they feel unfairly represented, even taking the media to court. There is often content written by religious people in the media, e.g. in newspapers. However … Religion can often be a sort of ridicule in the entertainment media, e.g. The Book of Mormon. Religion can often be seen negatively as a barrier in the media, e.g. ‘Bend it like Beckham’. Click for help Click for help Religion and community cohesion Click for help Click for help Suggested Writing Frame Write two developed paragraphs, using the sentence starters below to help you. I think the media does/ does not present religious people fairly because … [Then write at least two more sentences developing your reason.] In addition, I think … because … (if you are developing a second point of the same opinion) However, I think … because …(if you are making a contrasting point) Think about specific programmes/ films. What is the genre? How are religious characters or content presented?