Soldier for Life Overview LTC Adam Grim Employment Director US Army Soldier for Life Program Unclassified
Background FY19 Program of Record MAR 2015 Career Skills Policy (Army Directive 2015-12) "We have the most skilled, trained and selfless Army in our Nation's history. America's Soldiers, our Soldiers for life, epitomize courage, commitment and character, and they and their Families who support them are the crown jewels of our Nation. Whether they serve for three years or 30, they are Soldiers for life, and we must always love them, protect them and keep faith with them, in and out of the uniform.“ 39th Army Chief of Staff, GEN Mark Milley J DEC 2014 Army Transition Regulation JUN 2014 Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program JUL 2014 Transition Campaign Plan JAN 2014 Army Campaign Plan JUL 2012 SFL Inception NOV 2011 VOW (Veterans Opportunity to Work) to Hire Heroes Act 2011 NOV 2010 VCSA Sends APR 2010 Army ACAP/Transition USMA Study Group Unclassified
Soldier for Life Campaign Mission Soldier for Life connects Army, governmental, and community efforts to build relationships that facilitate successful reintegration of our Soldiers, Retired Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families in order to keep them Army Strong and instill their values, ethos, and leadership within communities. Remain Strong Start Strong Reintegrate Strong Serve Strong Army Government Community Information Army Imperative: Sustain the Premier All-Volunteer Army Employment Education Health Endstate Soldiers, Veterans, and Families leave military service “career ready” and find an established network of enablers connecting them with the employment, education, and healthcare required to successfully reintegrate into civilian society. Unclassified
SFL in the Transition Space Army Chief of Staff IMCOM Prepare/Connect/Execute 74 Installations Worldwide Garrison Commanders Trans. Service Managers (TSM) Manage facilities Connection Transition Connect Strategic Outreach Interagency collaboration Fusion cell National/Regional Focus Public/private partnerships Employers Academic Institutions VSOs/MSOs SFL-TAP VOW Act Requirements 12-18 months out Career Readiness Standards Mandatory 5 day workshop Resume prep Counseling Assistance HRC Prepare/Execute Transition policy Program funding Data analysis SFL-TAP Counselors
SFL Regions/Functions Northeast US and Europe LTC Roy Walker: (703) 545-6872 MSG Lorena Wilson: (703)-545-6859 Director – COL Adam Rocke(703) 545-6855 Deputy Director – LTC (p) Roy Walker SGM William Wilder (703) 545-6857 AK Western US and Pacific LTC Derwin Brown: (703) 545-9343 MSG Tony Turman: (703)-545-2648 Southeast US, USVI, and PR LTC Jerry Wood: (703) 545-6858 MSG Shane Perret: (703)-545-9344 Central Region LTC Jon Sowards: (703) 545-8666 MSG Stephen Canonico: (703)-545-8689 HI Updated 11 AUG 2016 Employment LTC Adam Grim (703) 545-2635 Strategic Initiatives Ms. Gabi Tyler (703) 695-5429 Social Media Darrelynne Strother (703) 571-729 FUNCTIONS Education MAJ George Coleman 703-545-2642 Retirement Services Mr. Mark Overberg (703) 571-7230 Health LTC Ronna Trent (703)-545-2658 OTSG Liaison LTC Jacqueline Clements (703) 545-8687 National Programs MAJ(p) Katresha Bailey (703) 545-2647 Strategic Outreach LTC Crystal Boring (703) 545-2657
Army Retirement Services . . . Part of the Soldier Life Cycle Since 1955 Pre-retirement policy that supports 1.04M Soldiers 117 Retirement Services Officers Career Status Bonus Counseling Pre-retirement Counseling Survivor Benefit Plan Counseling MyArmyBenefits website Soldier for Life website 39,895 Soldiers retired in FY15 Post-retirement policy that supports 1.2M Retired Soldiers & surviving spouses Lifetime benefits advice & support Survivor Benefit Plan counseling and assistance Army Echoes Newsletter & Blog CSA & Installation Retired Soldier Councils Retiree Appreciation Days AR 600-8-7: Retirement Services Program
Soldier for Life MINDSET Title of “Soldier” is earned Complete IET, serve honorably Once earned, maintained forever Soldier for Life is about: Serving – during and after the Army Values, Ethos Pride of service Continuing to make our communities, states, and Nation better Ambassadors, coach/teach, volunteer, civic leaders Recruit the next generation Tell your Army story Always a part of the Soldier brotherhood Starts with leaders… All-Volunteer Army Unclassified
Service Member Transition Summits Purpose: To educate businesses on best practices in hiring and retaining military employees, while also supporting transitioning Service Members and Military Spouses as they enter the civilian workforce. Metrics to date (CY14-present) 31 Transition Summits 23K+ Service Members & Family attendees 2K+ Employers 13K+ Interviews (at Summit) 1,800+ Firm Offers (at Summit) Day One – Employer Focus Interactive Panels & Forums National Perspective Local Perspective Best Practices in Hiring Networking reception Summits upcoming 12-14 OCT (JBLM) 18-19 OCT (Hawaii) *20 scheduled for CY16 Day Two – Service Member Focus Town Hall-Style Panels Employment Workshops Comprehensive Presentations One-on-One Resume Review Hiring Our Heroes Job Fair Updated 8 AUG 2016 w/ IMCOM summit data from COP Summits upcoming – updated 8 AUG 2016 w/ HoH Calendar as of June 2016
Over 2250 graduates since FY14 Over 300 Soldiers currently enrolled Local CSP Programs Over 2250 graduates since FY14 Fort Carson, CO Welding Solar Piping CDL HoH Fellowship Fort Riley, KS CDL Fort Leonard Wood, MO Realty Fort Campbell, KY IT (MSFT) Piping Siemens HoH Fellowship JBLM, WA Piping Welding HVAC CDL Painters IT/Software Airstreams Hospitality HoH Fellowship Fort Drum, NY CDL OSHA Solar Ready Vets Over 300 Soldiers currently enrolled 41 addition cohorts in FY16 Fort Belvoir, VA HoH Fellowship Fort Sill, OK CDL Auto Mechanics Piping Fort Eustis, VA CDL Fort Lee, VA Machining Skills Fort Irwin, CA Airstreams Fort Bragg, NC CDL Law Enforcement Fort Huachuca, AZ HoH Fellowship Fort Gordon, GA Firefighters IT/Software CSP Talking Points: 16 courses at 7 installations 251 Soldiers currently enrolled 13 job offers already 30 more courses at 7 installations slated to begin after the new year with 51 Soldiers enrolled CSPs SFL is facilitating: Fort Hamilton: JPMorgan Chase Internship; FDM IT Software solutions Fort Dix/ Detrick: FirstData Internship Fort Drum: Solar Ready Vets (moving from Pilot at FT Carson to full program at FT Drum) (Dept of Energy sponsor) O2O expansion from JBLM to Colorado, Texas, NY, VA, FL, specific installations haven’t been identified yet Presidio/Monterey: Concrete Preservation Institute Internship (National Parks Service sponsor) on Alcatraz Fort Bliss, TX Airstreams HoH Fellowship Fort Stewart, GA WARTAC Construction Fort Hood, TX Sheet metal Piping Shifting Gears/GM Welding HoH Fellowship Over 93% job placement Hawaii Concrete Preservation Fort Polk, LA Welding Fort Rucker, AL Firefighters Fort Benning, GA CDL DODI 1322.29 (JTEST-AI) AD 2015-12 (Career Skills Program) Unclassified As of 2 Aug 2016
SFL (Known) Community Action Teams Beyond the Yellow Ribbon MN +212 cities Illinois Joining Forces State Wide Nashville Serving Vets Nashville, TN NY Serves New York City, NY Boston Collaborative Boston, MA Rally Point 6 Lakewood, WA Veterans of America Bill Daniels Veterans Service Center Denver, CO PA Serves Pittsburgh, PA Delaware Valley Vet Consortium Philadelphia, PA LA Veterans Collaborative Los Angeles, CA Serving Together Washington, DC NC Serves Charlotte, NC San Diego Veterans Coalition San Diego, CA VETLanta Atlanta, GA Veterans Village of San Diego San Diego, CA America’s Warrior Partnership Augusta, GA Home Base Iowa State Wide Combined Arms Houston, TX Alabama Executive Veteran Network (AlaVetNet) Alabama United Way of Broward County Mission United) Fort Lauderdale, FL Regions Northeast Southeast Central West Disclaimer: "This is not an exhaustive list of Community Action Teams (CATs). The dissemination of information about the non-Federal entities listed is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Army or this office of any of the listed organizations." Legend Fully funded and operational Lacking minor resources Lacking major resources
How YOU can help Current challenges Your Call to Action One generation away from the Draft Smallest Army since WWII Significant Civil-Military Divide Shrinking population of qualified applicants/low propensity to serve Your Call to Action “Hire & Inspire” Help sustain the All-Volunteer Force Community engagement
Once a Soldier Always a Soldier A Soldier for Life!
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