Project Slingshot: Local Funding for Entrepreneurship May 18, 2017 Golden Sierra Workforce Development Board Valley Vision
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Healthy Communities Ensure access to basic needs for all. 21st Century Workforce Improve educational and job training opportunities for all. Food and Agriculture Increase food security, food education, and policies and programs in schools. Clean Economy Improve air quality, and maximize investment in disadvantaged communities. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Build opportunities for entrepreneurial skills available to all. Valley Vision: Formed in 1994 to make our region’s communities the most livable in the nation Valley Vision has driven hundreds of regional change projects that have achieved results garnering statewide and national acclaim. Valley Vision excels in community-based problem-solving, using research and the power of public-private partnerships to drive results. We are among few regional agencies that take a long view, anticipating what the future might bring, and planning for it now. Valley Vision Civic Leadership and Engagement Our purpose is to help our communities become the most livable in the nation.
What is SlingShot? Funded by CWBD, led by SETA as a partnership among four regional WDBs Providing $750,000 in total, in one-time funds to support the success of entrepreneurs in the region Addressing a 9 county region Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, Yuba Disbursed via a competitive RFP process, for work from March 2017- March 2018
SlingShot Outcomes across the State Address a workforce challenge Increase social mobility Contribute to regional job growth Collaborate across regions
The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Business Engagement Storytelling Resources/ Supportive Networks Networked Capital Talent/Workforce Development Pipeline of Ideas
Entrepreneurs: Not One Size Fits All Innovation Led Second Stage Main Street Micro-enterprise
Capital Region Slingshot Goals Strengthen the ecosystem by: Increasing visibility and access to services Increasing resources, especially for underserved communities, including rural, women, and people of color Strengthening network ties throughout the region, especially urban to rural networks Leveraging and working in tandem with other networks and resources to increase impact for all
An Online Resource Hub ($50K) Create an online, open source, interactive resource tool Identify and connect to all support services available to entrepreneurs in the nine- county region Searchable based on type of service, type and stage of entrepreneur Accessible to entrepreneurs and to support organizations Regional scope, and community specificity Adopted, used, and recommended by support organizations as broadly possible Link and support regional initiatives Innovation Hub (iHub), Promise Zone, Urban Jobs Initiative, and more Sacramento iHub State-designated in 2010; improving competitiveness by stimulating partnerships, economic development, and job creation around specific clusters throughout the state Promise Zone HUD-designated in 2015; driving an emphasis on community-based small businesses as a driver of economic growth and local employment Urban Jobs Initiative Addressing concentrated urban poverty in Sacramento, affecting nearly 85,000 residents; partnering with PBIDs, local neighborhood and business associations to bring the online tool to support local entrepreneurs
Makerspaces and Mentoring ($700K) Geographic distribution across region Gather regularly as a cohort Complements the City of Sacramento RAILS grants program – additional local funding for entrepreneurship
Mentoring ($225K) Organization Amount Area Overview Sacramento Metro Chamber $125,000 Whole Capital region SBDC will mentor 1,000 entrepreneurs on how to accelerate their business growth and track economic metrics. CA Capital $100,000 Sacramento California Capital will leverage small business development services to connect mentorship clients with technical assistance, training, and counseling.
Maker Space ($475K) Organization Amount Area Overview Hacker Lab $125,000 Golden Sierra Develop and pilot a new makerspace model that engages nontraditional and underserved populations as makers and entrepreneurs CSUS – University Enterprises $82,498 Sacramento Create new venture incubator service and workspace; provide startup support; and develop educational platforms be open to students and the public Glenn County $100,00 North Central Counties Expand and enhance services available through the current Business Services office and provide Glenn County residents with a fully equipped maker space/incubator Center for Land Based Learning $91,844 Yolo Will expand and grow the California Farm Academy (CFA) farm business incubator program. Agtech Innovation Alliance $75,658 Will fully outfit the Woodland based agtech incubator with appropriate office equipment and assist agtech startups
Measuring Success Increased innovation and growth Indicated by improvement of our Innovative Index score Our collective efforts at improving the ecosystem: Increased access by underserved communities, increased urban/rural connections, increased resources Individual contributions towards the whole: awardee project metrics
Valley Vision’s Slingshot Team Meg Arnold Managing Director Evan Schmidt Director, Strategy & Evaluation 2320 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95818 (916) 325-1630