COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MISY: Database Management for information System Systems Development Life Cycle Instructor Name: Mohammed Rafiq Done by:- 200800688 Fatimah Al-Jomaie Section:- 201 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
What is Systems development life cycle? Systems development life cycle (SDLC) refers to a methodology for developing systems. It provides a consistent framework of tasks and deliverables needed to develop systems Way to build information systems Consists of six phases .The phases are called the life cycle because they cover the entire life of an information system.
Systems Development Life Cycle Stages 1.Planning involves determining what the goal is and how best to accomplish that goal. Planning Analysis Physical Design Implementation Maintenance Logical Design Purpose–preliminary understanding Deliverable–request for study Database activity– enterprise modeling and early conceptual data modeling
Systems Development Life Cycle Stages Analysis is to determine where the problem is in an attempt to fix it. This step involves breaking down the stages in different pieces to analyze the situation, analyzing goals and breaking down what needs to be created Planning Analysis Physical Design Implementation Maintenance Logical Design Purpose–thorough requirements analysis and structuring Deliverable–functional system specifications Database activity–thorough and integrated conceptual data modeling
Systems Development Life Cycle Stages Logical design the design functions and operations are described in detail, including business rules, process diagrams and other documentation. The output of this stage will describe the new system as a collection of modules or subsystems Planning Analysis Physical Design Implementation Maintenance Logical Design Database activity– logical database design (transactions, forms, displays, views, data integrity and security) Purpose–information requirements elicitation and structure Deliverable–detailed design specifications
Systems Development Life Cycle Stages Physical design specifying all the technical detail needed to develop the system. Planning Analysis Physical Design Implementation Maintenance Logical Design Purpose–develop technology and organizational specifications Deliverable–program/data structures, technology purchases, organization redesigns Database activity– physical database design (define database to DBMS, physical data organization, database processing programs)
Systems Development Life Cycle Stages Implementation. During this phase, the new or enhanced system is installed in the production environment, users are trained, data is converted (as needed), and business processes are evaluated. Planning Analysis Physical Design Implementation Maintenance Logical Design Database activity– database implementation, including coded programs, documentation, installation and conversion Purpose–programming, testing, training, installation, documenting Deliverable–operational programs, documentation, training materials
Systems Development Life Cycle Stages Maintenance what happen during the rest of the system: changes, correction ,additions and more. Planning Analysis Physical Design Implementation Maintenance Logical Design Purpose–monitor, repair, enhance Deliverable–periodic audits Database activity– database maintenance, performance analysis and tuning, error corrections
Advantages of Systems Development Life Cycle 1-The Systems Development Life Cycle is the big picture of creating an information system that handles a major task. 2- There are thousands of applications that use an information system created just to help solve a business problem. 3-When business organization facing a keen competition in the market, rapid change of technology and fast internal demand, system development is necessary. system development life cycle (SDLC) which supports the business priorities of the organization, solves the identified problem, and fits within the existing organizational structure.
Conclusion By the end of my presentation we should able to know :- What is Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and the phases such as: planning how it is important to set the goals , analysis fixing problems, design creating modules and so on. Also, benefit of Systems Development Life Cycle such as it helps to solve problem.
Conclusion Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) what it is and about the phases such as: planning and how it is important to set the goals , analysis and fixing problems, design creating modules. Benfit of Systems Development Life Cycle such as help to solve problem