– lifting your skills to a higher level Tools for Skills – Integrated Learning of English and Forestry – Teacher Training – lifting your skills to a higher level
Tools for Skills Provides a structure for training – a toolbox - where to find tools for teaching TEACHING MATERIAL EUROPEAN CURRICULA ECVET Learning outcomes NATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM – lifting your skills to a higher level
Tools for Skills defines the skills required of the European forest worker SOCIAL SKILLS communication PRACTICAL SKILLS Chain saw, machine operation GREEN KNOWLEDGE Silviculture, Enviroment consideration – lifting your skills to a higher level
Tools for Skills Provides tools for the European forest worker to develop professional an communication skills MULTI-LINGUAL GLOSSARY PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE – OWN AND OTHERS European mobility INTERACTIVE LEARNING DEVICE Working in Harvesting Teams – lifting your skills to a higher level
Tools for Skills Develops the complete European Forest Worker COMMU-NICATIVE TECHNICAL COMPETENT IN FORESTRY AND NATURE CONSIDERATIONS European funding supports – lifting your skills to a higher level
– lifting your skills to a higher level Teacher Training – lifting your skills to a higher level
PRIORITIES 1 Developing basic and transversal skills using innovative methods 2 Addressing low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods 3 Professional development of VET teachers and trainers – lifting your skills to a higher level
PRIORITIES “Language learning tends not to be the first priority for young forestry students in vocational training. It is necessary to promote increased motivation for language learning through innovative teaching methods and better links to practical use of language skills required by the labour market. These teaching methods must be developed transnationally since the forestry sector in most European countries is small and the market for teaching material in each country is limited This project supports innovative activities that foster the assessment of transversal skills and which promotes the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) by supplying language teachers and VET teachers with a manual and a training opportunity in methods based on interdisciplinary team teaching” – lifting your skills to a higher level
INDICATORS OF SUCCESS – lifting your skills to a higher level 1 Teachers manual finished in all parts and downloaded by at least 500 end users before the end of the project 2 Updated material of the Tools for skills downloaded by at least 1000 end users before the end of the project 3 The textbooks "working in harvesting teams 1 and 2" published as e-books and audio books 4 Plan for Teachers training course produced and used for the training of partner teachers and in multiplier event teachers training 5 Training of partner teachers. Firstly a training conducted in DE for the partner teachers. 6 Multiplier events - Teachers training courses in held 7 countries with totally at least 210 participants 7 Blended mobility learning for at least 52 students of partner institutions performed according to plan 8 The project outcomes has been transferred to at least one more industrial sector 9 The project network has attracted new partners and new ideas for project proposals has been raised – lifting your skills to a higher level
Work environment - Quality - Production
PARTNERSHIP SE Stora Segerstad och Värnamo Naturbruksgymnasium – Contractor BG University of Forestry EL Oikotechnics Institute SK National Forest Centre ES Foramontanos secondary education insititute DE Niedersächsisches Forstlisches Bildungszentrum FIN Jämsä College SUBCONTRACTOR SE Mora in Europe AB – lifting your skills to a higher level
– lifting your skills to a higher level Teacher Training – lifting your skills to a higher level