Follow-Up Meeting! Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation.


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Follow-Up Meeting! Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation

Since the Co-Op Registration meeting you should have . . . 1. Read The Co-Op Handbook 2. Constructed a Co-Op Résumé & brought a hardcopy of the résumé with you today 3. Registered in AUCo-OpLink 4. Uploaded your Co-Op Résumé into AUCo-OpLink If you have not completed these tasks, you are behind schedule. Please complete them as soon as possible in order to be able to move forward.

Handout!! Your signature and date 1st Co-Op Work Semester The equivalent number of school semesters being completed this semester. Final required work semester. Possible to work additional semester(s)? Anticipated graduation semester. Handout!! Your Advisor’s signature & date Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation

Your Academic Advisor should be able to provide you with a similar Plan of Study.

Graduate Students Only Anticipated Graduation – end of Spring Semester 2009 R:\Alternation Schedules\Graduate Student

Non-Engineering Advising All non-engineering students need to see the Academic Advisors associated with their College or School

Engineering Advising Eng. Academic Advisors may allow for students to "walk in" to see them. However, appointments are advised. Co-Op applicants majoring in: pre-Chemical need to see Jennifer Harris (214 Ross Hall) or Laura Kincaid (216 Ross Hall) pre-Computer Science, pre-Software Engineering & pre-Wireless Software Engineering need to see Clint Lovelace (3101-B Shelby Center) pre- Industrial & Systems Engineering need to see MacKenzi Griggers (3320 Shelby Center) pre-Biosystems Engineering need to see Dr. Oladiran Fasina (200 Tom Corley Building)  pre-Aerospace Engineering need to see Rob Kulick (308 Davis Hall: AERO Bldg.)

Engineering Advising Co-Op applicants majoring in: - All other pre-Engineering areas can see the Advisors in Eng. Student Services @ 1210 Shelby Center for advising and signature - Scheduling an appointment is advised Engineering students who have moved out of pre-Engineering need to see their Departmental Advisors for advising and signature.

Mechanical (MECH) Engineering Advising MECH students who have moved out of pre-Mechanical Engineering, need to see: Dr. Sushil H. Bhavnani 1418-C Wiggins Hall 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday An appointment is not necessary

Comp. Science (CSCI), Software Eng Comp. Science (CSCI), Software Eng. (SWEN), & Wireless Software (WIRS) see: Clint Lovelace 3101-B Shelby Center

International Students Before meeting with a Co-Op Coordinator you must first meet with Carol Lovvorn, Suzanne Furrow, or Swati Kukreja   Phone 844-5001 to make an appointment . . . as soon as possible 228 Foy Hall, Office of International Programs

Important Dates In Packet!

If you are trying to go to work as a Co-Op, you should still register for classes for next semester. If you obtain a co-op job this semester, we will instruct you at the Co-Op Final Briefing meeting how to change your academic schedule for next semester to a co-op working schedule.

This document provides supplemental instructions about the sign-up process Handout!!

Click here to connect to AUCo-OpLink

Click Here

Interviews I Qualify For Use Advanced Search to limit your results. Change to Interviews I Qualify For or Jobs I Qualify For

Click on Saved Searches. Name and Save Change preferences to receive emails of job opportunities. Click the title to run an already saved search.

3 Types of Interviews AU-CID: Co-Op Interview Day occurring @ The Hotel at Auburn University & Dixon Conference Center - Thursday, October 5 AU-Mail: Your Co-Op Résumé, Transcript, & Work/School Co-Op Alternation Schedule are emailed to the employer(s). AU-Office: (not used very often) Interviews occurring days immediately following Interview Day. Conducted in the AU Co-Op Program Office @ 104 Ramsay Hall

Indicates type of application. Click here to link to company website. Employer Name: Click here to link to company website.

Review Job Information Here . . . Click to Apply! Notice job details! Screening Criteria

Select your documents from the dropdowns and click Submit.

For AU-CID positions: Choose an Interview Time slot and click Submit. Note: If unsure of schedule, Submit without choosing a time. You can come back later to schedule the interview.

Select My Co-Op Interview Day Interviews to see your Interview Schedule details

AUCo-OpLink Tips Determine if jobs are AU-CID (on-campus interviews) or AU-Mail (applications are emailed to employers) Check back often for new co-op employment opportunities Let us know of any problems

Review this information carefully Handout!! Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation

Co-Op Office Information 104 Ramsay Hall (across from CHILL® Yogurt Café & Zoe's Kitchen on West Magnolia Ave.) 844-5410 Hours: 7:45 AM - 4:45 PM Monday - Friday Sign-up for Co-Op Jobs Read information about jobs and companies as provided in AUCo-OpLink Research companies using company websites Review Interview Tips handout

Use the AU-Mail application process Through email, you can secure: Telephone interviews Plant visits 7 on-site interviews Co-Op Job offers If contacted by phone, be prepared to interview Obtain names and phone numbers when calls come in Make sure your Voice Mail is working . . . & the mailbox is not full Notify your Co-Op Coordinator whenever an employer contacts you

Co-Op Interview Day Interviews Report to Interview Day Registration Table in the AU Dixon Conference Center Pre-Function Lobby Arrive 10 minutes prior to your first interview Interviews On 30 minute intervals (8:30, 9:00, 9:30, etc.) AU Hotel & Dixon Conference Center Dress for a professional interview Proper grooming (haircut, hairstyles, etc.)

Check-in @ the Co-Op Registration Table Employers check-in on this side of the table We don’t know exactly who will attend until the recruiter actually arrives. Check the updated List of Recruiters Students check-in on this side of the table Check-in @ the Co-Op Registration Table (You only need to check-in once)

The Auburn Co-Op Program Staff is happy to assist you.

Restaurant-Style Interviewing during Co-Op Interview Day @ the AU Dixon Conference Center

Be prepared for the questions interviewers might ask.

An announcement will be made to begin each interview session Another announcement will be made 5 minutes before each session ends

Keep All Scheduled Interviews Do not schedule conflicts Should an emergency or conflict occur, phone the AU Co-Op Office immediately! Any absence from interviews can result in cancellations of further interviews! Follow up with your Co-Op Coordinator (Jeff Brackin, Jennifer Hillis, or Kim Durbin) in 2 weeks.

Inform the AU Co-Op Program Office promptly of any co-op job offer Accept or turn down any offer within 3 business days You, other students, and employers can be harmed by delayed responses! When you accept an offer, you are an employed Co-Op Student! Considering other offers is not allowed. If you are uncertain if you have been offered a co-op job, contact your Co-Op Coordinator!

Co-op job openings listed in AUCo-OpLink are updated frequently Check the AUCo-OpLink site weekly to see if openings have been added that may be of interest to you.

Be Informed! Research the Companies AUCo-OpLink for company websites Have questions to ask and ask questions of EVERYONE involved in the company’s interview process Be Informed!

Handout!! Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation

Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation

Final Briefing Meeting (College of Business Building) Attend a Co-Op Program Final Briefing Meeting If you are applying this semester for a co-op job, you must attend the scheduled Final Briefing this semester: Monday – October 23, 2017 5:00 - 6:30 pm 113-A Lowder Hall (College of Business Building)

Where Do We Go From Here? Meet with your Academic Advisor & have her / him sign your Co-Op Alternation Schedule (we also need your signature) Meet with your Co-Op Coordinator (bring your signed work/school Co-Op Alternation Schedule)

Advisor’s indications Your signature and date Your Academic Advisor’s signature & date Your Academic Advisor’s indications of approved plan(s) Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation

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Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation

“You earn a future when you earn a degree!” Auburn Univ. Co-Op Followup PowerPoint Presentation