Living as God’s Child 360 Degrees Session Two The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Stewardship Ministry
A Look Back The purpose of Faith Aflame: 360 Degrees is to provide an adaptive change process that seeks to impact the stewardship culture of the congregation.
Culture Change Technical, Adaptive or both? Technical changes are the kinds of changes we make on the outside. They are intended to “fix” something quickly. Adaptive changes are the internal changes in our attitudes, beliefs, and feelings.
Goal of Stewardship To help God’s people grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as they manage the gifts God has entrusted to them.
Living as God’s Child Grace Ephesians 2:8-9 Gift 1 Peter 4:10 Gratitude Colossians 3:15 Generosity 2 Corinthians 8:7 Growth 2 Peter 3:18
Who am I? More? Male Female Son Daughter Husband Wife Answers: Male Female Son Daughter Husband Wife Employer Employee More?
Digging Deeper Christian – one who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Disciple – one who follows Christ and learns from Him. Steward – one who manages the gifts God graciously gives.
A Review Christian stewards understand that God is the Owner of all that we are and have. Psalm 24:1 1 Chronicles 29:14
A Review Christian stewards understand that we belong to God by virtue of our creation, preservation, redemption, and sanctification and have as our chief purpose to glorify Him. Romans 14:7,8 1 Corinthians 10:31
A Review Christian stewards understand that all talents and endowments of every kind are temporarily placed in our charge. Luke 12:20 Luke 16:2
A Review Christian stewards understand that we must render to God an account of the use of the talents and endowments temporarily placed in our charge. 2 Corinthians 5:10
Bible Study Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
Question One Who do I serve? First Article Second Article Third Article
Question Two What do I manage? Myself The Gospel Possessions
The Gospel Guard (Jude 3) Share (Acts 1:8) Reflect (John 15:8) Hold and defend the doctrines When assailed from without When assailed from within Share (Acts 1:8) Personal Missionaries In the Community Throughout the World Reflect (John 15:8) Glorify God Bear Fruit Model
Relationships To God To Others To Myself To The Gifts God Gives
Relationships James 1:19 gives three keys to success in every relationship: Quick to listen Slow to speak Remain calm
Relationships Stewards are in relationship with the Owner of all. This relationship is not “ours.” We did not initiate it, we do not sustain it, empower it or bring it to fruition. Yet we do have a responsibility to steward this relationship.
Relationships God calls us to serve in four situations: Home Stewards are in relationship with those for whom the resources are meant. God calls us to serve in four situations: Home Occupation Society (Formal/Informal) Congregation This comes from “Speaking the Gospel Today” by Robert Kolb
Relationships Cautions here… Needs And Wants Temptations (Genesis 3) Stewards are in relationship with their own needs. Cautions here… Needs And Wants Temptations (Genesis 3) To question God’s provision To believe the “big lie” To be the lord of the resources God gives This comes from “Speaking the Gospel Today” by Robert Kolb
Relationships Stewards are in relationship with the resources themselves. The sense of temporary ownership is very hard to maintain. Creation is seen for its ability to supply our needs and fulfill our desires. This comes from “Speaking the Gospel Today” by Robert Kolb
Luther Quote “Therefore we must use all these things upon earth in no other way than as a guest who travels through the land and comes to a hotel where he must lodge overnight. He takes only food and lodging from the host, and he says not that the property of the host belongs to him. Just so should we also treat our temporal possessions, as if they were not ours, and enjoy only so much of them as we need to nourish the body and then help our neighbors with the balance. Thus the life of the Christian is only a lodging for the night, since we have here no continuing city, but must journey on to heaven, where the Father is.”
Case Studies St. John Lutheran Church Trinity Lutheran Church 360 Degrees Session Two The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Stewardship Ministry