2017 Continuum of Care: New Project Informational session Presented by - CARES, Inc. July 28, 2017
To Provide Information for new CoC Project Applicants Discussion Goal To Provide Information for new CoC Project Applicants This webinar will: Review Important NOFA Dates Review Eligible Project Types Discuss 2017 Policy Priorities Detail available technical assistance This webinar will NOT: Provide a detailed Continuum of Care Overview Detail e-snaps technical submission directions Provide project specific technical assistance or RFP review
Important Nofa Dates The NOFA was released July 14th 2017 The CoC and Project Applications were available in e-snaps on July 19th Detailed Instructions for the applications were made available on July 28, 2017 All CoC Applications must be submitted by September 28th 8:00 pm
2017 Policy Priorities Ending homelessness for all persons Creating a systemic response to homelessness Strategically allocating and using resources. Use a Housing First approach
Available funding for new Project HUD is offering a Permanent Housing Bonus 6 percent of the current CoC award HUD is allowing new projects to be created through the Permanent Housing Bonus and Reallocation
2017 Continuum Funding NY- 501 - Elmira ARD = $1,482,865 Bonus = $88,972 NY- 503 - Albany ARD = $5,006,829 Bonus = $300,410 NY- 507 - Schenectady ARD = $3,862,164 Bonus = $231,730 NY-512 - Rensselaer ARD = $3,198,646 Bonus = $191,919 NY-606 – Rockland ARD = $686,899 Bonus = $93,161 NY- 519 - Columbia/Greene ARD = $437,789 Bonus = $26,267 NY-520 – Franklin/Essex ARD = $78,804 Bonus = $20,940 NY-522 – Jefferson/Lewis/St. Lawrence ARD = $1,260,982 Bonus = $75,659 NY- 523 – Saratoga North Country ARD = $1,534,955 Bonus = $92,097
Eligible Permanent Housing Bonus Projects DedicatedPLUS (FY17 NOFA, page 18) where 100 percent of the beds are dedicated to chronically homeless individuals and families; Rapid Rehousing projects that will serve homeless individuals and families, including youth up to age 24, who meet the following criteria: residing in a place not meant for human habitation/residing in an emergency shelter; persons fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence situations; residing in a transitional housing project that was eliminated in the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition; or residing in transitional housing funded by a Joint TH and PH-RRH component project (see Section III.A.3.h. of this NOFA); or receiving services through a VA-funded homeless assistance program and met one of the above criteria (Sections III.A.3.j.(3)(a), (b), (c), or (d) at initial intake to the VA's homeless assistance system Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects (FY17 NOFA, page 20)
Eligible Reallocation Projects DedicatedPLUS (FY17 NOFA, page 18) Rapid Rehousing projects that will serve homeless individuals and families, including youth up to age 24, who meet the following criteria: residing in a place not meant for human habitation/residing in an emergency shelter; persons fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence situations; residing in a transitional housing project that was eliminated in the FY 2017 CoC Program Competition; or residing in transitional housing funded by a Joint TH and PH-RRH component project (see Section III.A.3.h. of this NOFA); or receiving services through a VA-funded homeless assistance program and met one of the above criteria (Sections III.A.3.j.(3)(a), (b), (c), or (d) at initial intake to the VA's homeless assistance system Joint TH and PH-RRH component projects (FY17 NOFA, page 20) Dedicated HMIS projects SSO projects for Coordinated Entry/Assessment
What is a Dedicated Plus Project? A permanent supportive housing project where 100 percent of the beds are dedicated to serve individuals with disabilities and families in which one adult or child has a disability, including unaccompanied homeless youth, that at intake are: experiencing chronic homelessness as defined in 24 CFR 578.3; residing in a transitional housing project that will be eliminated and meets the definition of chronically homeless in effect at the time in which the individual or family entered the transitional housing project residing and has resided in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or emergency shelter for at least 12 months in the last three years, but has not done so on four separate occasions;
What is Joint TH and PH-RRH ? This project type is intended to provide a new way to meet some of the pressing challenges that communities are facing. They provide a safe place for people to stay – crisis housing – with financial assistance AND wrap around supportive services determined by program participants to help them move to permanent housing as quickly as possible. This project type will include TH and PH-RRH in a single project to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness, including victims of DV. Joint component projects should be Housing First, have low barriers, connect participants to resources, prioritize those with the highest needs. A program participant may choose to receive ONLY TH OR the RRH component, but the recipient must make both available.
Available Technical Assistance CARES staff is available to: Answer any regulation questions Answer any project specific questions include: Subpopulation information Budget Questions Provide hands on e-snaps technical assistance
Link(s) to important hUD Documents FY17 NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) : https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/FY-2017-CoC-Program-Competition-NOFA.pdf JOINT TH AND RRH COMPONENT: http://bit.ly/2uFdrMx DEDICATED PLUS PROJECTS https://www.hudexchange.info/faqs/3249/if-my-project-chooses-to-become-dedicatedplus-what-documentation-will-hud/