Welcome to St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to St Vincent’s Catholic Primary School SRE Information and Consultation Evening June 1st 2015

Agenda: We are here tonight to discuss: What SRE means at our school and what is the recommended practice about SRE from our Church and DfE Share our current school policy on SRE Look at sample curriculum materials and activities Consult you about the above and decide on any changes Roisin to introduce the evening and the agenda? 2

[CES, Evaluating the Distinctive Nature of Catholic Schools, p30] Working in partnership We acknowledge that you, as parents/carers are the first educators of your child and the role of the school is to support you ‘ to assist parents, who are the primary educators of their children, in the education and religious formation of their children’ Catechism of the Catholic Church 2206, 2221, 2223 and ‘Gaudem et Spes’ 3 The other key player is our Church ‘The curriculum, in all its aspects, must reflect the fact that Christ is the foundation of the whole educational enterprise at a Catholic School’ [CES, Evaluating the Distinctive Nature of Catholic Schools, p30] Others in the community may wish/be able to support this area e.g. our School Health Adviser Roisin or other staff member, then introduce Kath as one person who supports schools. Kath says a couple of sentences about her work the introduces Steph as next slide is shown 3

School Health The school nurse is closely involved in supporting the school. School health understands the unique nature of our catholic school and its aims and values. Particular support is given in the summer term for Year 5 and Year 6 Information, question and answer sessions are age appropriate and handled with sensitivity so that all children feel respected and comfortable. Steph may wish to elaborate a bit here

Our school vision: “To develop the full potential of all children in our care, through the teachings of Christ, always remembering how precious each child is in the sight of God.” SRE plays a strong part in this vision and helps children to understand that school is: - a place where we encourage everyone to make healthy life choices a place where everyone is valued and respected a place where everyone can feel safe and supported ‘I come that you may have life and live it to the full.’ (John 10:10) School to talk about this - Roisin 5

What do children and young people say? They want to learn about relationships, changes to their bodies , both at home and school Want more than just biological facts Want adults who they trust to answer questions Kath to talk a little about this in terms of local and national surveys at primary and secondary school 6

SRE at our School Is underpinned by the central messages of the Christian faith and also recognises the statutory and non statutory guidance to schools from DfE ‘It is often unhelpful to distinguish between the ‘religious’ curriculum and ‘secular’ curriculum, as every part of it is religious as everything ultimately relates to God.’ CES, Evaluating the Distinctive Nature of Catholic Schools, p30 School - Roisin

Definition of SRE: “SRE is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is the understanding of the importance of marriage for family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about the teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health” (DfE) At our Catholic school, the children also have the opportunity to develop their spiritual life. Kath talks about DfE guidance and statutory elements. School adds any comments about spiritual elements

SRE at Primary School (DfE) 1 Sex and relationship education (SRE) is compulsory from age 11 onwards. It involves teaching children about reproduction, sexuality and sexual health. It doesn’t promote early sexual activity or any particular sexual orientation. Some parts of sex and relationship education are compulsory - these are part of the national curriculum for science. Parents can withdraw their children from all other parts of sex and relationship education if they want. All schools must have a written policy on sex education, which they must make available to parents for free. Kath

Personal, social, health and economic education (DfE -2014) 1 Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice, and this expectation is outlined in the introduction to the new national curriculum. PSHE is a non-statutory subject. To allow teachers the flexibility to deliver high-quality PSHE we consider it unnecessary to provide new standardised frameworks or programmes of study. PSHE can encompass many areas of study. Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and do not need additional central prescription. Kath to talk about PSHCE guidance to schools.

Personal, social, health and economic education (DfE -2014) 2 However, while we believe that it is for schools to tailor their local PSHE programme to reflect the needs of their pupils, we expect schools to use their PSHE education programme to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. Schools should seek to use PSHE education to build, where appropriate, on the statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum, the basic school curriculum and in statutory guidance on: drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.

SCIENCE CURRICULUM (from 2014) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Plants (names and structure of plants)   Animals, including humans (naming animals & body parts) Everyday materials Seasonal Changes Living Things and their habitats (suitable habitats/simple food chains) Plants (conditions for growing) Animals, including humans (health and growth) Uses of every day materials Plants (function of parts and life cycle) Animals including humans (skeletons) Rocks Light Forces and Magnets (friction and magnets) Living things and their habitats (grouping, and simple classifying/changes to habitats can pose dangers) Animals, including humans (teeth, eating and digestion) States of Matter Sound Electricity Living things and their habitats (life cycles) Animals, including humans (changes in humans as they grow) Properties and changes of materials Forces (gravity, friction, air resistance, water resistance, levers, pulleys and gears) Earth and Space Living things and their habitats, (classifying including micro organisms) Animals, including humans (health and circulation) Evolution and Inheritance

RE and relationship education The Way the Truth and the Life scheme All That I Am (specifically for Year 5 and 6 from the Birmingham Diocese)

Nursery Children begin to know and understand that they are part of the wonder of God’s love and creation Include Roisin or Celina

Reception Children know and understand that God has made them unique and that although we are all different we are all special to him

Year 1 Children know and understand that they are growing and developing as members of their own family and God’s family Children understand that they are unique, but belong to groups, grow and change and that there are special people who can help them Roisin or Celiina

Examples of Year One activities Draw a picture of my family How old was I when I learned to crawl, speak etc How can I help at home? We are members of God’s family Roisin or Celina

Year Two Children know and understand that they are growing and developing in a God-given community Roisin or Celina

Examples of Year 2 activities What is community? Explore school as a community How can we contribute to the community As children of God, how should we help each other?

Year 3 Children know and understand the virtues essential to friendship e.g. loyalty, responsibility…and experience the importance of forgiving and being forgiven and of celebrating God’s forgiveness Roisin or Celina

Examples of Year three activities Who cares for me at home, school, parish, community? How do you keep safe? How do you take care of others? How do you feel if a friend is not there for you or you are not there for them? How can I forgive and include others as Jesus did? RM CJB

Year 4 Children know and understand that they are all different and celebrate these differences as they appreciate that God’s love accepts us as we are and as we change RM CJB

Examples of Year 4 activities Recognise all pupils grow and develop at a different rate How do I appreciate my own and others’ talents, gifts and achievements and all that makes us unique St Paul’s teachings on love RM CJB

The programme - All that I Am Year 5 and 6 The programme - All that I Am The origin of this project was born from the experience of practitioners teaching primary and secondary pupils. The need to provide a curriculum in sex and relationship education that is authentic to the Church's teaching and acknowledges pupils' stage of physical and sexual development. Throughout the writing of the script and teacher-support materials, the Department consulted with primary and secondary aged pupils. The programme is split into 5 distinct sessions - All that I am, Key Stage 2 for Year 5 and 6 teachers, Where I am, Key Stage 3 for Year 7, 8 and 9 teachers, How I am, Key Stage 4 for Year 10 and 11 teachers, and finally Who I am, Key Stage 5 for Year 12 and 13 teachers

Year 5 and 6 Our wonderful School Nurse visits to discuss the changes that the children will soon be facing. They are split into groups of boys and girls. Two sessions run concurrently: a group discussion with the school nurse and watch two DVDs about hygiene and the physical changes during puberty and into adulthood.

Year 5 Children know and become aware of the physical and emotional changes that accompany puberty-sensitivity, mood swings, anger, boredom etc and grow further in their understanding of God’s presence in their daily lives. RM CJB

Examples of Year five activities Identify and celebrate the ways I have changed since birth Name male and female body parts Discuss the external and internal changes that happen to girls and boys at puberty Recognize that we also experience emotional changes as we grow up Children share their understanding of change through prayer, art, poetry etc RM CJB

Year 6 Children develop, in a way appropriate to their age, an understanding of sexuality and grow further in their appreciation of their dignity and worth as children of God RM CJB

Example of Year 6 activities Explain how human life is conceived Male and female reproductive organs Intercourse between husband and wife How a baby grows in the mother’s womb Understand that God causes new life to begin through the love that parents have for each other RM CJB

SEAL This whole school approach supports SRE and takes place in class, assemblies and circle time. Particular themes are: “Relationships” and “Changes”. These themes provide an opportunity for teaching the non statutory aspects of SRE and ensure a coherent spiral curriculum RM CJB

Our SRE Policy Aims: To provide a secure, sensitive and caring framework where learning and discussion can take place Information that is easy to understand and relevant to needs, age and maturity Encourages an understanding of language that supports safeguarding Fosters self awareness and self worth and a sense of moral responsibility RM TO SHARE BASIC – OUTLINE POLICY

Policy (cont) Aims: Help children to acquire and practise life skills Ensures SRE available to all in line with equal opportunities policy After this slide, Kath can share some curriculum materials that look at the scientific elements of puberty e.g. DVDs Involve Stephanie – school nurse at this point No need to reiterate RE as will have covered it!  Kath has a parental questionnaire that could be taken away and returned if appropriate