ROAMING SERVICES Republic of Moldova EaPeReg – Roaming Expert Working Group (REWG) – 2nd meeting Prague, Czech Republic 11-12 May 2017 ANRCETI – National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology Republic of Moldova
Electronic Communications Act No.241-XVI. 15.11.2007 RELEVANT LEGISLATION Electronic Communications Act No.241-XVI. 15.11.2007 Link: Republic of Moldova transposed into the national legislation the provisions of the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, adopted by the European Union: Directive 21/2002/EC (Framework Directive) Directive 19/2002/EC (Access Directive) Directive 20/2002/EC (Authorization Directive) Directive 22/2002/EC (Universal Service Directive) Commission guidelines on market analysis 2002/C165/03 Recommendation 2003/311/EC (relevant products and services) Recommendation 2007/879/EC (relevant products and services)
- + STATISTICS Technologies used by the providers Provider GSM MOLDTELECOM Launch in: 1998 2000 2007 Ownership: foreign foreign local Technologies used by the providers Provider GSM CDMA 1x/EV-DO UMTS/HSPA LTE Orange Moldova - + Moldcell Moldtelecom - Unite
Allocated spectrum and paid license fees SPECTRUM USAGE Allocated spectrum and paid license fees Operator Allocated spectrum Total paid license fees Orange Moldova 800 MHz 900 MHz 1800 MHz 2100 MHz 2600 MHz 57 mln EUR Moldcell 44 mln EUR Moldtelecom - Unite 450 MHz 28 mln EUR
STATISTICS Structure of the electronic communications market, by revenue
STATISTICS Revenues obtained by mobile providers (mln. MDL)
STATISTICS Monthly average revenue per mobile user - ARPU (MDL)
STATISTICS Number of mobile users (thousand) and mobile penetration rates
STATISTICS 3G 3G / 4G population coverage, % 4G / LTE
ROAMING Total revenue, outbound roaming, USD 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 4.542.026 4.343.543 4.365.048 4.858.194 5.045.650 Total revenue, inbound roaming, USD 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 4.767.342 3.557.270 4.296.837 4.347.921 3.553.933 Roaming revenue share out of total mobile services revenue – 4.9%
ROAMING Voice traffic, outgoing calls by outbound roamers, ‘000 minutes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2.552 2.611 3.005 3.319 3.280 Voice traffic, incoming calls for outbound roamers, ‘000 minutes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 3.603 3.600 3.924 4.454 4.346
ROAMING Voice traffic, outgoing calls by inbound roamers, ‘000 minutes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 4.201 4.421 4.051 3.930 2.802 Voice traffic, incoming calls for inbound roamers, ‘000 minutes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 6.712 7.673 6.842 6.420 6.234
Outbound roaming tariffs (USD) – Orange Moldova UKR BY GE AM AZ MK Local calls 0.38 Calls to Moldova 1.02 International calls 0.76 1.42 Incoming calls 0.36 SMS 0.13 Data (per MB) 1.27 6.35
Outbound roaming tariffs (USD) – Moldcell UKR BY GE AM AZ MK Local calls 1.52 0.76 Calls to Moldova 1.02 International calls 2.28 Incoming calls 0.36 0.38 SMS 0.25 0.20 Data (per MB) 2.54 7.61
Outbound roaming tariffs (USD) – Unite UKR BY GE AM AZ MK Local calls 0.36 0.32 0.18 0.43 1.02 Calls to Moldova 0.19 1.90 1.20 2.37 2.27 International calls 4.11 4.49 5.60 3.00 4.92 Incoming calls 0.15 0.40 0.68 SMS 0.07 1.76 0.11 0.28 0.17 0.45 Data (per MB) 0.14 7.13 6.64 14.07 n/a 12.65
Thank You! Alexandru DONI Main specialist, ANRCETI Regulations Development Department E-mail: