Undulator Commissioning with beam Marco Calvi:: IDs :: Paul Scherrer Institut Undulator Commissioning with beam SwissFEL Commissioning Workshop, 21/22 March 2016 FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch
U15 undulator - Introduction (Please give a concise 1–2-page summary of what you provide for SwissFEL) (Kurze Zusammenfassung des für SwissFEL bereitgestellten Systems) All U15 will come with an ID CARD: Gap versus K Earth field coil current versus K Entrance end exit kicks in both vertical and horizontal plan versus K All U15 are installed with magnetically aligned quadruples (QAL) Corrector based BPMs alignment (Aiba-Böge) Electron beam measurements: Alignment with QALs and BPMs Measurement of earth field coil correction current versus gap with BPMs Measurement of kicks versus gap with BPMs Photon beam measurements: Measurement of K versus gap with spontaneous light (Eph>2.1keV) Measurement of height and pitch with spontaneous light (Eph>2.1keV) Setting of the phase shifter with spontaneous light (or later FEL signal) Spontaneous light pointing direction (per module) Taper optimization
Our most important interfaces to (dependences on) other expert groups (Which other systems are you depending on, which systems depend on you? How are the interfaces organized?) (Welches sind die wichtigsten Abhängigkeiten zu anderen Systemen? Wie sind die Schnittstellen organisiert?) Controls Epics interface with Beckhoff PLC (Arturo) Commissioning and Operation panels (help from Masamitsu, Romain, UniMalta) Electron diagnostic BPMs for magnetic error corrections (accuracy <1micron) Photon diagnostic/Optics Monochromator, always required for spont-light (δλ/λ<10-4) Photo-diode intensity monitor for spont-light (low intensity) Photon Beam Intensity Gas (PBIG), calibrated (μJ) for SASE pulse energy Photon Spontaneous Radiation Monitor (PSRM) for module pointing direction Photon Beam Profile Monitor (PBPM) for SASE profile (divergence) Power Supply Local kicks correctors Earth field coil
Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Hardware installation (Current status; lead or delay with respect to PIC plan; is the time set aside in the PIC plan sufficient?) (Aktueller Stand; Vorsprung oder Verzögerung gegenüber PIC-Plan; sieht der PIC-Plan genügend Zeit dafür vor?) Covered yesterday by Thomas Schmidt
Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning in OSFA before beam (Current status; lead or delay with respect to PIC plan; is the time set aside in the PIC plan sufficient?) (Systeminbetriebnahme ohne Strahl: aktueller Stand; Vorsprung oder Verzögerung gegenüber PIC-Plan; ist genügend Zeit vorgesehen?) Covered yesterday by Thomas Schmidt
Gap drive system, local and via epics Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Handover to operation, pre-beam checks (Modalities, concrete plans, target date?) (Wie wird das System dem Betrieb übergeben? Gibt es Pläne für Prebeam-Checks? Termine?) All U15s will be tested without beam during the installation phase and they are expected to be all verified before the starting of the commissioning (10-2016): Gap drive system, local and via epics 5-axes mover (x,y,pitch,yaw,roll), local and via epics Qal, in and out motion local and via epics Phase shifter gap drive local and via epics Local corrector power supplies via epics Earth field coil corrector power supply via epics
Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning with beam (How much parasitic or dedicated beam time do you need to calibrate or tune your system? Has it been included in the commissioning timeplan? (Wird parasitäre oder dedizierte Strahlzeit für Kalibrationen und Einstellungen benötigt? Ist diese im Commissioning-Plan berücksichtigt?) Corrector based BPMs alignment: 2 Shifts Electron beam measurements: 0.5 Shift / module (6 Shifts) Alignment with QALs and BPMs Measurement of earth field coil correction current versus gap with BPMs Measurement of kicks versus gap with BPMs Photon beam measurements: 1 Shift / module (13 Shifts) Measurement of K versus gap with spontaneous light (Eph>2.1keV) Measurement of height and pitch with spontaneous light (Eph>2.1keV) Setting of the phase shifter with spontaneous light (or later FEL signal) Spontaneous light pointing direction (per module) FEL Characterization: FEL pulse energy (statistic), (10μJ) Divergence, (μrad) Gain length, (4m) Total of about 21 Shifts
What makes us confident and happy (Which aspects of installation/commissioning are working well for your group?) (Wo gibt es Grund für Zuversicht und Zufriedenheit im Zusammenhang mit Installation und Inbetriebnahme?) After a preliminary learning phase the assembling, measuring, pumping and transporting of the U15 modules is now at full regime and we expect to compete this action for October 2016 The starting collaboration with UniMalta will improve the production of the U15 ID CARDs and associated control panels for the commissioning and operation of the SwissFEL, together with Control & BD people
3.0 GeV 2.1 GeV monocromator δλ/λ<10-4 2.1 keV 20.0 keV range 3.0 GeV 2.1 GeV only magnetic measurements info δλ/λ≈10-3
What makes us worry (Where do you see the biggest problems or challenges for your group?) (Welches sind die grössten Sorgen oder Befürchtungen im Zusammenhang mit Installation und Inbetriebnahme?) The FEL I demonstration at 2.1GeV could fail for lack of photon diagnostic at those wavelength, the only info available are the magnetic measurements The experience at SACLA showed that at least their magnetic characterization was not enough to make the FEL lasing, only the implementation of the photon diagnostic made the project a success We are confident that our magnetic measurement system is one of the most advanced but because: the duration of the magnetic measurement campaign (>1year), The non-linearity of the probe which limits the absolute calibration, the presence of two probes (plus repairing actions), we cannot guaranty that all modules have the same K in relative units @10-4
What we also wanted to mention… (Add anything here that you feel should be mentioned but does not fit anywhere else) (Zusätzliche Bemerkungen ausserhalb der explizit aufgelisteten Themen) …
Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen (No summary – this presentation is already a summary…) Acknowledgments Vacuum Controls Diagnostics Photonics Power supply