Curriculum Night December 14, 2016
Welcome!! Mrs. Alsabrook Mrs. Austin Mrs. Covington Mrs. Jones Mrs. Medlin Mrs. Smith *Please save all questions until the end :)
Here’s a Look at Our Day In math, we utilize the EnVision Math program. This program engages your child as it strengthens their understanding of math. EnVision uses problem based, interactive and visual learning to deepen understanding of concepts. We supplement our math core with learning games, manipulatives, interactive small group lessons and learning stations that are focused on that week’s skill. We also do daily, Number Talks where students share their strategies for mental math. Common Core Essential Standards : Place value, skip counting, adding/subtracting up to 100, identify odd and even numbers, time to the 5 minute interval, identifying coins and their values, comparing two three digit numbers, measurement, shapes, graphing data and creating line plots.
Number Talks Number Talk video A number-talk learning community is a place where meaningful mathematical discussions construct knowledge and support the mathematical learning of all participants” (Hufferd- Ackles et al. 2004). Teachers are not the bearers of knowledge, but instead, they guide and extend students’ thinking as the class listens and learns to accept other students’ ideas (Ball 1993). Students are held responsible for justifying their reasoning, therefore increasing their mathematical knowledge and understanding (Rawding and Wills 2012) Number Talk video
Reading Foundations (Reading Research to Classroom Practice) •Five components of Evidence Based Reading Instruction –Phonological Awareness-is composed of many skills which includes syllable awareness, word awareness, rhyming and phonemic awareness. These skills are taught without words or letters. –Phonics-Systematic and explicit method of teaching the relationship between the 26 symbols that represent 44 sounds in English. –Fluency-Includes accuracy of words, automaticity (reading like we speak) and prosody (meaning). –Vocabulary-understanding the meaning of words –Comprehension-a complex process that involves phonological awareness, phonics, and fluency to derive the meaning of text Talking points for this slide: Last school year all teachers at TES were trained in Reading Foundations ,revised name Reading Research to Classroom Practice. Teachers new to TES will be trained this spring. The five components of evidence based reading instruction include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Each component is discussed in detail and strategies taught that help students to master these components. Teachers could highlight strategies they implement in their daily practice.
In Second grade, we expand on our literacy knowledge from first grade in 2 ways. First, we use the Letterland Reading Program. Letterland is a unique, phonics-based approach to teaching reading, writing and spelling. Second, we incorporate the Daily 5 Program. The Daily 5 Program is a framework for structuring literacy time so students develop lifelong habits of reading, writing and working independently.
How do I help my child become a better reader?
Read 20 minutes EVERY night :-) They read a page; you read a page iStation
Reading - Bookmarks Explanation
Reading - Importance of Informational Text Examples include…. Newspaper articles Magazine articles Recipes Directions - How To’s Advertisements Animal Nonfiction
Comprehension Tool Kit The comprehension toolkit engages students in reading. It helps students understand what they view, hear, and read. Research has conclusively shown that skillful readers employ a repertoire of specific cognitive strategies to unlock meaning and provide understanding. (Pearson and Duke, 2002) We want to teach these strategies to kids as early as possible! As teachers, we can draw on all the curiosity, energy, and comprehending experience that kids bring to school, and we systematically link to the skills and strategies that more experienced learners use. But in The Comprehension Toolkit, we start high and go higher! We use six strategy books with lessons prepared on each strategy to engage the child in comprehending activities to help their understanding.
Six Strategy Books 1 Monitor Comprehension-- study text features and how it helps us understand the books 2 Activate & Connect-- determine how nonfiction authors write about what they are passionate about and make a specialist book about what we are passionate about 3 Ask Questions-- view and read to learn, wonder about new information, use questions as tools for learning, and read with a question in mind 4 Infer & Visualize-- infer meaning, learn to visualize, make sense of new information, and infer and visualize with narrative nonfiction oni
Six Strategies Books……. Continued 5 Determine Importance-- figure out what is important, paraphrase information, and organize your thinking as you read 6 Summarize & Synthesize-- summarize information, read to get the big ideas, explore and investigate, and share your learning
Math LearnZillion Videos- teachers use as a visual model for kids. We explain steps of the process and work through the problems together using the strategy that is being taught that day.
Math At Home Use dice or a deck of cards to play some simple math games or to practice basic math facts (Adding and subtracting now.) Addition and Subtraction- Flash cards and apps - Facts to 20 MobyMax - Works on their level iStation-Math (Works on their level)
Technology Resources The excellent thing about all of our technology resources is……… THEY CAN BE USED AT HOME!!! Student know their usernames & passwords. Students can work on their own independent level. They will work on the skills that they need. It will not give them anything too easy or too hard. Your student’s teacher can see their progress from home and school! It is an excellent way for you as the parent to track your students independent growth and learning :-)
Reading Technology Available for download in the App store Big Universe Available for download on apple products. If you do not have apple products it can be used from any internet browser. (Example: Safari)
Math Technology
Closing Video Tutorial to find teacher’s Website: If you have any questions, our door is always open! Thank you so much for taking the time to be here