10 Electronic Communications
After studying these topics, you will benefit by: Explaining the professional use of electronic communication tools Constructing and utilizing e-mail messages Using phone etiquette Demonstrating the proper use of portable devices and texting Applying professionalism to social media tools Identifying proper behaviors in video and teleconferences
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AT WORK People are electronically connected Phones E-mail Mobile devices Texting Instant messaging Blogs and wikis Audio and video conferencing
TALK IT OUT Identify the impact technology will have on the workplace in the next five years.
TELECOMMUNICATION BASICS Common communication tools Various forms of computers Software E-mail Internet Mobile (smart) devices
TELECOMMUNICATION BASICS Employers may provide technological tools Use only for company business Technology use policies outline expectations regarding Privacy Liability Potential misconduct issues Use at proper time and place When in doubt, ask
TOPIC SITUATION Kathy and Technology TOPIC RESPONSE: How might Kathy have better handled the situation of using her smartphone during the meeting?
TELECOMMUNICATION BASICS Practice good computer hygiene Routinely scan for viruses, cookies, and other malicious coding Regularly back up documents
BUSINESS E-MAILS Popular for both internal and external communication Include subject in subject line Avoid “Hi,” “Hello,” “Urgent,” “Important,” or “Test” Only tag important e-mails urgent (!) Avoid use of emoticons Update and maintain confidentiality of electronic address book
WRITING E-MAIL MESSAGES Use proper layout, spelling, and grammar Plan and identify the purpose What needs to be communicated What action you want the receiver to take Informational Topic for discussion Decisional Include only those who need to know the information
WRITING E-MAILS Main recipient Copy Blind copy “To” Message directed to Copy “Cc” Named in the message Blind copy “Bcc” Other recipients are not aware of the blind copy recipients
WRITING E-MAIL MESSAGES Begin with a draft Communicate primary message early in the e-mail Include key points Consider the reader’s perspective Be positive Use bullets, numbers, or subheadings Edit
WRITING E-MAIL MESSAGES Positive e-mail habits Only mark important, time-sensitive messages as urgent Check outgoing messages for proper spelling and grammar Don’t use all capital letters or colors No decorative backgrounds or emoticons Create and use a signature Only use “return receipt” when necessary Use an automated response to alert others if you will be out of the office and unable to respond to messages
TALK IT OUT When is it appropriate to use the return receipt feature in an e-mail message?
WRITING AN E-MAIL MESSAGE Do not misuse message forwarding Include individuals with whom the information is relevant Do not forward a message that would embarrass others If it would, do not send Instead, summarize the message for new recipients and send to original parties
TOPIC SITUATION Patrick’s E-mail TOPIC RESPONSE: Did Patrick appropriately handle the co-worker’s negative e-mail? Why or why not?
TALK IT OUT What should you say to someone who is inappropriately using his or her mobile device during a meeting?
PORTABLE DEVICES and TEXTING Common mobile (portable) devices Cell phones Smartphones Personal digital assistants (PDAs) Portable music/entertainment devices Wireless computers
PORTABLE DEVICES and TEXTING Two basic guidelines for using a personal electronic communication device at work: Allowed when you alone, in a private area, and its use is permitted at work When attending a meeting or business activity and it is necessary for communication
PORTABLE DEVICES and TEXTING If use is not relevant to the activity Silence and place device face down or turn off and put away If you are waiting for an important call and it arrives, excuse yourself and answer in private If you forget to turn off sound and it rings, apologize and immediately silence the device
PORTABLE DEVICES and TEXTING If with others, text only if related to the business at hand Use proper spelling and grammar Turn off or silence when in meetings Do not use when dining Do not use text slang
PHONE ETIQUETTE When answering a call Try to answer on the first or second ring Start with a salutation Identify yourself Identify the company Smile and speak clearly and slowly Do not place someone on hold without asking permission
PHONE ETIQUETTE Taking calls when with others Let the call go to voice mail unless you are expecting an important call Explain to those with you that you are expecting a call Ask your guest to excuse you when you take the call
PHONE ETIQUETTE When making a call Identify yourself Make the call brief unless the receiver approves a longer call Do not eat or tend to personal business
PHONE ETIQUETTE Speakerphones Used when on a conference call or a hands free device is needed Use in a private room Ask individuals included in the class for permission to use the speakerphone
PHONE ETIQUETTE Voice mail messages Keep the message brief and professional State your name, purpose of the call, and leave a return number Speak slowly and clearly Leave a short but concise message Keep your voice mail greeting professional
SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS Companies now use social media tools Facebook Video/photo file sharing Blogs Micro-blogs Do not post a negative video or vent on these outlets
SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS Communication with wikis, blogs, and instant messaging Wikis: collaborative website where users edit and contribute to the site Blogs (Web logs): online journals where readers can comment Instant Messaging (IM): online communication in real time
SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS Separate personal sharing from professional sharing Refrain from identifying and/or speaking poorly of the company, employees, vendors, and customers Maintain a positive and professional online image Online identity: image formed when someone is communicating with and/or researching you through electronic means
TOPIC SITUATION Irene’s Social Media Site TOPIC RESPONSE: If you were Irene and you knew your boss saw the social media site open on your computer, how would you respond?
VIDEO AND TELECONFERENCING Video conferencing Two-way communication using video and audio technology Teleconference Two-way communication using audio technology Prepare as if face to face
VIDEO AND TELECONFERENCING Tips for a successful electronic meeting Plan ahead: check equipment Dress professionally for video conferencing Maintain a professional environment: quiet appropriate location Speak to the camera Avoid distracting noises: no music, no eating, no drinking