Group Dynamics & Team Building Dr. Z. Zayapragassarazan, PhD., Associate Professor of Educational Technology (Medical Education) Department of Medical Education Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER) Puducherry-605006 India. E-mail: Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Objectives At the end of this session the participants shall be able to: - understand the concept of group dynamics and team work -identify the factors facilitating or hindering group dynamics -appreciate the role played by different team members -recognize the stages of development of a team Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Group A group is a collection of people with some common characteristics or purpose and are connected to one another by social relationships. Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Group Dynamics A group of two or more people interacting with each other in a manner that each person influences and is influenced by each other person Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Getting People To W____ T________! The Biggest Challenge? Getting People To W____ T________! Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Getting People To Work Together The Biggest Challenge? Getting People To Work Together Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Exercise-1 Communication Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Communication Exercise - Discussion How does the message change when it is conveyed from one person to another? What were the weaknesses of the message itself hampering correct transfer? What were the weaknesses of the people transferring the message? How can we communicate in a better & more effective way? Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Communication Exercise – Educational Implications One-way communication is ineffective when two-way communication is needed. Listening is just as effective as talking What we say is often not what people hear? It is difficult to describe visual pictures or objects Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Team Building Team Two or more people working together to achieve a shared goal Team Building The process of getting people to work together effectively to achieve a shared goal Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Exercise-2 Lost on the moon Group Dynamics-Team Building Time: 15 min 5min for Individual Ranking 10 min for Group Ranking Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Total Individual Score Scoring Form 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Your Ranking A Error Points │A−B│ NASA’s Ranking B Team Ranking C Error Points │C−B│ Box of matches Food concentrate 50 feet of nylon rope Parachute silk Two 0.45 caliber pistols One case of dehydrated milk Two 100-pound tanks of oxygen Stellar map Self-inflating life raft Magnetic compass 5 gallons of water Signal flares First aid kit containing injection needles Solar powered FM receiver-transmitter Portable heating unit Total Individual Score Total Team Score Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Lost on the Moon Actual NASA Ranking Item NASA’s Ranking NASA’s Reasoning Box of matches 15 Virtually worthless -- there's no oxygen on the moon to sustain combustion. Food concentrate 4 Efficient means of supplying energy requirements. 50 feet of nylon rope 6 Useful in scaling cliffs and tying injured together. Parachute silk 8 Protection from the sun's rays. Two 0.45 caliber pistols 11 Possible means of self-propulsion. One case of dehydrated milk 12 Bulkier duplication of food concentrate. Two 100-pound tanks of oxygen 1 Most pressing survival need (weight is not a factor since gravity is one-sixth of the Earth's -- each tank would weigh only about 17 lbs. on the moon.) Stellar map 3 Primary means of navigation - star patterns appear essentially identical on the moon as on Earth. Self-inflating life raft 9 CO2 bottle in military raft may be used for propulsion. Magnetic compass 14 The magnetic field on the moon is not polarized, so it's worthless for navigation. 5 gallons of water 2 Needed for replacement of tremendous liquid loss on the light side. Signal flares 10 Use as distress signal when the mother ship is sighted. First aid kit containing injection needles 7 Needles connected to vials of vitamins, medicines, etc. will fit special aperture in NASA space suit. Solar powered FM receiver-transmitter 5 For communication with mother ship (but FM requires line-of-sight transmission and can only be used over short ranges.) Portable heating unit 13 Not needed unless on the dark side. Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Scores and inferences 00 – 25 Excellent. You and your crew demonstrate great survival skills! 26 – 32 Good. Above average results. Yes, you made it! 33 – 45 Average. It was a struggle, but you made it in the end! 46 – 55 Fair. At least you’re still alive, but only just! 56 – 70 Poor. Sadly not everyone made it back to the mother ship! 71 + Very poor Oh dear, your bodies lie lifeless on the surface of the moon! Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India What did we learn? How were decisions made? Who influenced the decisions and how? How could better decisions have been made? Did people listen to each other? if not why? What roles did group members adopt? How was conflict managed? What kinds of behavior helped or hindered the group? Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Exercise-3 Broken square game Co-operation and Co-ordination Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Discussion Different behaviors of team members Feelings of people who succeeded/left out/sacrificed for group goal Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Group Two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs. Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Existence of a group If a group exists, the members: Motivate to join. Perceive the group as a unified unit of interacting people. Contribute in various degrees. Have agreements and disagreements, but finally a common outcome. Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Reasons for Joining Groups Security Group reduces insecurity and standing alone syndrome. Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Reasons for Joining Groups Status Recognition and status same as that of group Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Reasons for Joining Groups Self-Esteem Self importance Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Reasons for Joining Groups Affiliation Fulfills need of affection Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Reasons for Joining Groups Power There is power in number Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Reasons for Joining Groups Goal achievement Pool of talent, skills and knowledge Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Five Stage Model of Group Formation (Bruce Tuckman 1965) may disband either after meeting their goals or because members Leave Stage V Adjourning Group members work towards getting their jobs done Stage IV Performing Members Work Together developing close relationships & feelings of cohesiveness Stage III Norming Members come to Resist Control by group Leaders & Show hostility Stage II Storming Stage I Forming Members get to know each other & set ground rules Bruce Tuckman is a professor of Educational Psychology Ohio state University Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Factors Affecting Group Performance COHESIVENESS NORMS SIZE COMPOSITION Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Roles Played by Group Members Relations oriented roles Task oriented roles Relations oriented roles Self oriented roles Initiators: Contributors Recommend new solutions to group problems. Harmonizers: Mediate group conflicts Blockers: Act stubborn and resistant to the group. Information Seekers: Attempt to obtain the necessary facts. Compromisers: Shift own opinions to create group harmony. Recognition seekers: Call attention to their own achievements. Opinion Givers: Share own opinions with others Encouragers: Praise & encourage others Dominators: Assert authority by manipulating the group Energizers: Stimulate the group into action whenever interested Expediters: Suggest ways the group can operate more smoothly. Avoiders: Maintain distance, isolate themselves from fellow group members. Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Educational Implications of Groups Interaction deepens understanding Abstract and complex concepts can be discussed More knowledge in short time Factual knowledge can be subjected to reasoning, problem solving and decision making. Understand one’s own behaviour Helps to understand attitude Fosters active learning through peer interaction Fosters critical thinking and motivation Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Questions ? Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Summary A team is a group whose members work intensely with each other to achieve a specific, common goal or objective. Understanding group dynamics helps to identify personalities and helps in making ability grouping All teams are groups but not all groups are teams. Teams often are difficult to form. It takes time for members to learn how to work together. TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India
Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India Thanks Dr Z Zayapragassrazan JIPMER India