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COMPREHENDING RADIO PROGRAMMING Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman


Radio Congeniality Technology used for delivery of signal by modulation and electromagnetic radiation ( electromagnetic wave

Result of Invention Guglielmo Marconi at 1895, succeeding to send signal radio communications with electromagnetic wave as far as ± 1,5 km Canadian scientist Birth [of] Reginald A. first Fessenden multiply transmission voice human being via radio [of] when [at] 1906 Since then the radio non-stopped to expand to more and more perfection, supported by all sort of finding step by step

Radiowave One forming of the electromagnetic radiation, and formed by when object pay load modulation electrics ( boosted up by frequency ) at frequency which is there are in radio wave frequency ( RF) in a[n electromagnetic spectrum

Follow The Example Of Radio of Epoch First Radio Truetone Radio of Old Bush

History And Radio Growth Theory base from electromagnetic wave propagation is first time explained at 1873 by james clerk maxwell in his paper in Prodigal of Society hit electromagnetic field dynamics theory ( in English: A Dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field), pursuant to result work [his/its] research [among/between] 1861 and 1865

At 1878, David E.Hughes is first person delivering and accepting radio wave of when he/she find that balance induction cause trouble to brand his telephone. He demonstrate [his/its] invention to Prodigal of]Society of 1880 but is only spelled out members by that merely represent induction

Role Marconi World innovate radio note name of Guglielmo Marconi, as radio inventor. He born [in] Bologna, Italian, 25 April 1874. Since minimizing he have been interested with job Maxwell, Hertzian, Righi, until Lodge. In age 21 year, 1895, he make laboratory at home [his/its] father, in Pontecchio. He perform research of radiowave problem - that moment is conceived of " Wave Hertzian - to send signal telegraph

During one decade till 1912, he patent a number of finding to complete radio system which creating of. In the year 1909 he get Nobel area fisika.Pada 1914, Marconi called to by step into Armed Forces Italian. He become Italian diplomat to America at 1917.Setelah shall no longger become part of Italian government, he return to laboratory. Before World War II, year 1935, he demonstrate its[his] newest finding, that is Radar. Two year later;then, 20 July 1937, Marconi die in Roma

Role Amstrong Edwin Howard Amstrong noted [by] as Radio FM inventor. He born [at] date of 18 December 1890 [in] town New York. [At] age 14 year, Amstrong read composition Marconi telegraph book. He/She very marvel by Marconi, [is] just only he wish to complete creation Marconi radio. Hence Amstrong even also intend to make radio which voice clear at the same time make [by] xself the radio station at home

In the year 1912, Amstrong succeed to make circuit of regeneratif and circuit feedback. He also learn vacuous tube made in De Forest, what is so called [of] trioda and audion. Later;Then, Amstrong join [his/its] invention, with vacuous tube made in De Forest. Result from the tube go out voice [of] thousands of clearer times;r

Unhappily, De Forest assume that invention is [his/its] property Unhappily, De Forest assume that invention is [his/its] property. They fight over [his/its] copyrights, during 14 year in justice. Finally, De Forest become [his/its] winner, because all judge do not comprehend science of kelistrikan.Tapi of all man of science remain to assume Amstrong-Lah of inventor of circuit and FM radio. He godsend of Medal of Franklin and nicknamed “ Mr. Circuit”. At date of 1 Februari 1954, Amstrong die in New York. He [is] cought up with by a old inventor, in area of kelistrikan of like Amphere and Bell

But candidate of strength which is as father of radio is david sarnoff, “ the real penghayal” what is in assuming compiler of[is way of especial use from appliance of appliance which is in creating [his/its] predecessor. Sarnoff in proposing because in [his/its] memo is sarnoff propose radio to in public consumption. And year 1919, dream of sarnoff existed with in [his/its] mass production is radio generically. kelistrikan of like Amphere and Bell

History of Radio in Indonesia RRI Or Radio of Republic Of Indonesia is officially founded at date of 11 September 1945, by all active to figure previously operate some Japan radio station in 6 town. Close courier 6 radio at house Adang Kadarusman, Walke Menteng of In, Jakarta

In this time RRI own 52 special broadcasting station and broadcasting station addressed out the Country pickaback by 8500 employees. In this time RRI own 52 special broadcasting station and broadcasting station addressed out the Country pickaback by 8500 employees

Except in Jakarta, RRI in area almost entirely carry out broadcast in 3 program that is Programa of area serving segment of rural wide society until, Programa Town ( Pros II) serving society in urban and Programa III ( Pros III) presenting News and Information ( News Chanel) to wide society

PRSSNI as organizational basin of radio [of] private sector in Indonesia write down that broadcast radio existence in Indonesia, having hand in glove [relation/link] with nation struggle history, good during colonization, a period of/to independence proclamation struggle, and also in nation transportation;journey dynamics fight for democratic society life, fair and berkemakmuran.

Radio Broadcast Broadcast start can be [done/conducted] at 1920-an, popularly it[him] the radio-set, especially in United States and Europe. Besides broadcast, broadcast titik-ke-titik, inclusive of broadcast and telephone repeat radio program, becoming popular at 1920-an and 1930-an

Radio Broadcast Function Submitting information from station of transmitter to entire/all station of receiver with transmission without cable ( wireless )



Modulated Wave Amplitude Band amplitude from other side to duplicate with beam carrier amplitude modulation [of] Band from other side to duplicate with oppressed carrier amplitude modulation [of] Band from other side single with beam carrier amplitude modulation [of] Band from other side single with oppressed carrier

Modulated Wave of Amplitude Frequency Modulation of where frequency of carrier fluctuate as according to change of amplitude of sinyal informasi/suara


Kualifikasi SDM Radio directors announcer Program Director Music Director News Director Producer announcer Script Writer Public Relation Off Air Division Supporter

DIRECTORS In jajaran of board of directors led by a Managing Director, that is owner or one who is showed by owner Below/Under [his/its] there are General Manager ( GM), Manager Produce, Manager of Marketing and Technique Manager

PROGRAM DIRECTOR Responsibility Program Director schedule for broadcast, arranging broadcast format, arranging staff broadcaster as according to made schedule and program, watching broadcast, controlling quality program broadcast

MUSIC DIRECTOR Be in control of may its[his] [do] not a song turned around by broadcaster, promo of album from a company of record and co-ordinate by PD as [his/its] superior


NEWS DIRECTOR Undertake to handle news or information which must be submitted/sent by broadcaster and chosen theme to be conversed by [among/between] broadcaster and hearer


PRODUCER Producer Or director of event is one who special handle a[n broadcast program Producer [is] obliged to dig creative idea to develop broadcast program

ANNOUNCER One who break the news and or a program which is in broadcasting from studio. And he look in screen.

REPORTER A reporter owning duty as a journalist that is look for, mengolah and break the news from place of occurence perkara/TKP

SCRIPT WRITTER Editing copy to be used by broadcaster and prepare supporter copy which is perhaps needed in broadcast

PUBLIC RELATION Undertake to link [among/between] party of radio and outside party, for example there is proposal of cooperation with outside party hence he which coordinated it with Program of Director and Marketing Manager


General Assistan Assisting all that good crew production become crew remain to and or crew of whereas in a pemograman

Capital Become A Broadcaster Knowledge Sense Of Music Sense Of Humor language Say Presenting Best Voice by enjoy Arrange Breath Visualizes Taking Choice Word! Concentration Practice Speak to one people Alter Ego Smile

Capital Become A Broadcaster Broadcaster which less the knowledge, [his/its] broadcast of “crunchy ”, just “ say hello” and only send to send greeting and turn around song. [There] no its contents Knowledge

Knowledge Attend in discussion event Reading book or newspaper “ Associate with” and always like to know that happened Attend in discussion event Reading book or newspaper

Sense Of Music Broadcaster is obliged to for the music hobby, know a lot of about song and singer. Broadcaster have to own high sense of music. Because, duty of broadcaster of Not merely turning around song, but also must understand about music type, castanets, and artist or singer

Broadcaster have to humorist, even have to have talent amuse Broadcaster have to humorist, even have to have talent amuse. This talent in needing because that broadcaster profession in claiming to entertaint of all hearer Sense Of Humor

Language used in broadcast is colloquial, or the backtalk language language Say

Presenting Best Voice by Rileks Especial capital become broadcaster is voice, hence present best voice Presenting Best Voice by Rileks

Before [doing/conducting] broadcast, arrange breath in order to the voice heard panted inaudible

Broadcaster should be able to apply Theater of Mind Broadcaster should be able to apply Theater of Mind. Creating Visualizes of hearer Visualizes

Taking choice word modestly and shorten in order to [is] easy to understood [by] hearer

Concentration and focus to broadcast will water down a broadcaster master circumstance.

Practice Make perfect, only with practice, we will reach better..

Become broadcaster have to speak as if with one people Become broadcaster have to speak as if with one people. Because, broadcaster of non MC which must screaming moment mengahadapi of tens of hearer. Let'S say the hearer only one and special people make you. Talk to one person

For our broadcaster should be able to conceive that if listener is our alter ego. Because if/when we feel talking with chummy friend, hence our talking tone even also will change by itself. And the backtalk even also will release and we will feel is of equal degree with listener Alter Ego

In radio smile equivalent with contact of eye in theory of public speaking. Smile can lift voice and make utterance heard fresh and cockier, besides warmness and chummy. So, just Smile! Because hearer will feel smile on the air, through voice which spread with your smile SMILE

Body language, broadcaster have to be bright use body language to heat broadcast atmosphere Gesture

Interval Broadcaster have to pay attention to interval time at the (time) of [doing/conducting] broadcast

Overcoming Nervous about Domination to items of meminimalisasi broadcaster from feeling nervous about Overcoming Nervous about

Paying attention to accentuation, articulatory, intonation and speed Vowel Technique

To yield voice nicely, broadcaster have to do practice diaphragm Diafragma

Fluctuate its is voice/ vowel of according to sentence Intonation Fluctuate its is voice/ vowel of according to sentence

Broadcaster should be able to eliminate patois. Accentuation Broadcaster should be able to eliminate patois.

Tardy quickly its is rhythm of broadcaster vowel Speed Tardy quickly its is rhythm of broadcaster vowel

clarity of Vowel of broadcaster in sentence uttering. Articulation clarity of Vowel of broadcaster in sentence uttering.

Be Yourself Be yourself. Every broadcaster have to own typical character

Broadcaster must have to fun, may not be brought by a emotion though is have problem.

Creating warm atmosphere, near by and chummy with listener