Solusi dengan Pendekatan Numerik
Metode Beda Hingga Persamaan Diferensial Parsial
Contoh Aplikasi untuk Gelombang Kinematik Persamaan Diferensial Parsial Euler-Backward Difference
2D Kinematic Wave Equations and Discretization Euler-Backward Difference Method
Metode Volume Hingga In a control volume or a cell, the integral of mass change must be equal to the boundary line integral of flux entering and leaving the cell in a time interval.
The Finite Volume Methods Let apply the above equation in a finite volume cell below. Vector n is the inward normal vector along the cell boundary. cell
The nodes are indexed by j for horizontal or x axis and k for vertical or y axis. The finite volume formulation can be approximated as follows. The above simple finite volume formulation ends to a central difference finite difference scheme.
If we account the more outer ring node values for interpolating the q value when integrating the flux the scheme can be in the following form.
This big scheme can be simplified as follows
Metode Elemen Hingga