Human Resource Strategic Model Virus Removal Service Company AbdulRahman Al-Habash (201100378) Instructor: Mr. Kaleem Shadid Section: 101
Outline Introduction. Human Resource Strategy Formulation & Model. Staffing Proposed Strategy. Development Proposed Strategy. Compensation & Benefits Proposed Strategy. Major HR Applications. Conclusion.
Company Profile Name: Virus Removal Service Company (VRSC) Type: Offer Domestic Computer Service in Saudi Arabia Size: Large Branch : One in AlKhobar Year : 2012 Employees : 150 multinational employees
Company Goal & Strategies Company Goal: Preventing problems, removing viruses, and helping customers recover quickly with minimum cost. Purpose: Remove computer viruses and ensure safety. Company Mission: Committed to technologies that protect machines, data, and help customers. Corporate Strategy: Stability strategy which is maintaining the status quo. Business Strategy: Cost leadership strategy.
Setting of Human Resource Management Assign one full time HR manager and a single secretary. Establish one specialized HR Department. Use HR system that related on the human resource function such as the operations function, marketing, finance and other fundamental organizational functions.
Goals of Human Resource Management Facilitating organizational competiveness. Complying with legal and social obligations. Enhancing productivity and quality. Promoting individual growth and development.
Effective HR Strategy Understand the organization's purpose ,mission, the influence of top management team. Focus on employees, company, and societal. Consider that firms exists in a competitive environment. Gain a sustained competitive advantage over its competitors. by hiring right people, train employees, place employees in the right jobs, motivate employees, and retain employees.
Company Form and Structure Strive to maintain the rightsizing 150 employees and retain value employees. Hire new employees in the long term to keep the same manpower level. Use overtime and leased employees in the temporary short term. Identify the reasons for job dissatisfaction. Conduct employee job satisfaction survey annually. by hiring right people, train employees, place employees in the right jobs, motivate employees, and retain employees.
Human Resource Strategy Formulation HR Model Strategy Staffing strategy HR planning Recruiting Selection Placement Development strategy Performance management Training Development Career planning Compensation strategy Salary Benefits Incentives
Proposed Staffing Strategy HR Planning & Ensure Rightsizing. Recruiting & Source of Recruits. Selection Process.
Selection Techniques Applications and background checks. Three employment cognitive skills tests. Personal Interviews. References and Recommendation. Physical examination. Selecting qualified employees for open job and evaluating the selection system.
Proposed Development Strategy Conduct an annual Performance Appraisal program. Use 360 degree appraisals. Provide feedback for employees. Develop individual development career plans for employees. Provide career counseling.
Proposed Compensation Strategy Monthly salary. Pay market rate. Job evaluation methods. Classification system and group sets of jobs together into grades. Company pay for knowledge strategy.
Proposed Benefits Strategy Private pension Plan. Worker’s Compensation plan. Health and dental insurance coverage plan. Wellness programs. Employee assistance Program.
Human Resource Strategy Implementation Understand fundamental individual behavior process such as psychological contract, Personality traits, employee attitudes, motivation, and stress. Understand interpersonal behavior process such as group behavior, Leadership, and Communication.
Managing The Diverse Workforce The company has 150 multicultural and has achieved high level of diversity. Focus on recognizing and accommodating differences among people. Age, Gender, Ethnicity,Disability,and Country of national origin are five dimensions of diversity. HR manger uses understanding, Empathy, Tolerance and communication for dealing with diversity. Managing diversity by training and culture.
Apply Motivation at Work Motivate and support creativity on job. Use reinforcement process theory and goal theory. Train, develop and enroll employees in in-kingdom and out of kingdom training courses and provide short technical assignment. Change employee’s job or redesign jobs for challenging .
Apply Safety Health, Well Being and Security Assign safety inspector. Plan alternative work schedule. Distribute safety awards yearly. Redesign work space offices to ensure right space, using light colors, keep floor clean, no crowded areas, maintain good building temperature, and using comfortable chairs. Allow 15 minutes break for stretching ,walking and laughing. Plan fire drill to secure safety during fires.
Conclusion Establish an effective Human Resource Information System. Improve company internal communication. Select qualified new employees ,develop and compensate fairly. Apply motivation and reward good performance, train people to improve diversity awareness. Prevent diseases and job stress by applying preventive, health educational wellness programs, stop smoking, and using safety measurements such as fire drill.