Autumn Term Second Half Year 5-6 Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 1 30h- October-4th November PQs: reading and copying answers. Numbers up to 1000. To read and copy the answer for 6 personal questions. To practice counting in tens up to 500 fordward and backwards. To count in hundreds forward up to 1000. PQs. Catch the ball and answer the question. Match each question with the suitable answer. Upside-down bingo. Flashcards games with numbers up to 500. Extend it up to 1000. Listen to a song and join in. Numeracy: counting in tens, in hundreds. Mini cards Flashcards Video song. 2 7th- 11th November ¿Dónde vives? Describe the and parts of your house. (Revision) New voc: luminosa, espaciosa, bonita, acogedora. Places in the town: ayuntamiento, cine, supermercado, escuela, parque, estadio de fútbol, tienda, museo. To recognise 9 Places in the town. To describe our house in a short oral presentation. Parts of a house. Pass the magic bag around and describe the picture’s house took out. Places in the town. En mi ciudad hay … Orchestra conductor. Styles of voices. Beat the teacher Numbers up to 1000 Basho’s song Bingo Literacy: there is/there are “hay”. Connective “y”, “pero”. Magic bag. Video Power point presentation Señorita Eva Toro
3 4 Autumn Term Second Half Year 5-6 PQs ¿De dónde eres? Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 3 14h-18th November PQs ¿De dónde eres? Introduction: nationalities Inglés/a, español/a, irlandés/a, escocés/a, galés/a, francés/a. Places in the town. New voc. Hospital, correos, puerto, catedral, iglesia. To identify 6 nationalities according to the gender. To name 17 places in the town ¿De dónde eres? Styles of voices. Orquestra conductor. Splat. Places in the town. Opposites Song. Memory game Bingo Spot the missing word out Nationality gender: female-male. Fly swatters. Orquestra stick. 4 21th-25th November Reading and writing. 3rd singular person. Places in the town. Maths. To practice the third singular person answering the question where is she/he from. To manipulate hundreds up to 1000 linked to a vocabulary of town. To produce 14 places of town. Upside-down bingo. Slowly reveal. Famous people: splat. Places in the town. Maths - Throw the dice and calculate the total of adding/taking away/ double/ times table 5. - Number bons in hundreds up to 1000. Literacy: - 3rd singular person of verb “ser”: es. - Connective bbut: “pero” Numeracy: adding/taking away/ double/ times table 5. Whiteboards Señorita Eva Toro
28th November-2nd December Autumn Term Second Half Year 5-6 Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 5 28th November-2nd December Places in town: comparision between Liverpool and Madrid. Directions: a la derecha, a la izquierda, al final de la calle, al pasar el… hospital/supermercado, etc. Spanish Crhistmas: charol. To identify differences between an Spanish and Birtish city. To use accurately the countable pronouns “many” and “few” To listen and join in singing a Christmas Carol. Places in town. Watch a video. Disscuss about types of buildings (houses-falts, balconys, garages, front gardens, etc) Parts of towns (parks, streets, ect.) Christmas Carol. Listen to it. Have a look at the lyrics. Karaoke competition. Comparative sentences: “más que”, “menos que”. Fly swatters. Video Big circles and croses. 6 5th-9th December Places in the town worksheet. Spanish Christmas: spots the differences between spanish and british Christmas. Chirtsmas Carol: fill the gaps in. To match places in the town with the suitable word. To spot 9 differences between Spanish and British Christmas. To identify missing words in a Christmas Carol. Spanish Christmas. Having a look at the calendar, identify the Spanish days for celebration and the british ones. Spots the differeces. Christmas Carol song practice. Listen to the song and join in. Say the missing word. Christmas Calendar. Word cards’. Señorita Eva Toro
7 Autumn Term Second Half Year 5-6 Spanish Christmas celebration. Week Topic Learning objectives Activities Literacy and Numeracy Resources 7 12th-16th December Spanish Christmas celebration. Cluedo To create an Spanish Christmas card. Spanish Christmas celebration. - Cluedo - Christmas cards. Spanish greetings ad wishies on a card. Classroom stationary. Colour cards. Señorita Eva Toro